Favorite Woods movie?
Favorite Woods movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Family Guy
>Trump winning only made Woods stronger
I always loved him as Hades.
1. Best Seller
2. Cop
3. Videodrome
Is James Woods /ourguy/?
What would Gahndi say about all this?
what did he mean by this?
There's that 180 IQ of his.
He is, dare I say it, Our Guy.
>180 IQ of his.
He's based but thats a meme
Did he really just call a woman "fatty".
That is NOT ok.
Virgin Suicides
Any Given Sunday
He's better as a supporting actor imho
Cop is pretty red pilled
He would despise the niggers.
And then he would look for a 14 yo to fuck.
I still remember that part in the show where that racist rich white lady who does cooking shows told that fat white guy who is just a terrible prison guard that "You're a straight white man, you don't get to be the victim, sweetie."
And I thought that was such a hypocritical thing to say and I questioned if that line was even self-aware, but I don't think it even was.
Posting that pic was a seriously reddit move buddy
All feminist pandering aside, is it a good show?
Was OITNB always so cancerous?
It's just okay. Mediocre, I'd say. I don't hate the show, but it does tend to suck when they do the pandering.
>I believe in science and Christopher Hitchens XD
>they probably don't even realize Christopher Hitchens vehemently hated the Clintons
Only the first season. It becomes a cartoon afterwards.
>trump supporters act like bigots
>gets called out on their bigotry
>tfw no fatty batty gf
I would write Naked Lunch, but I founded yesterday that there was no Woods in this film, it was Robocop.
So it's Videodrome then.
And of course Simpsons.
don't google her
His name is Peter Weller. Say it. SAY IT.
>everything I don't like is bigotry
>why won't people take me seriously?
>called out on their bigotry
>threats of physical violence
Trump supporters did much the same thing throughout the campaign though so I don't really give a fuck. Go ahead and post normalperson.jpg at me.
>Tolerant, progressive Liberals immediately threatening violence on people that disagree with them
Beating up people with a baseball bat is justifiable because opinions??
Robo Cop.
>all those reddit trumpsters replying
They're going to be upset when this site goes the other way
To be fair none of the Trumpsters who threatened people were TV stars. The vast majority were anonymous nobodies. DeLaria is a freakin role model and cultural icon.
>Liberals physically attacking people who vote for a candidate they don't like
Why is this shocking to anyone?
Liberals did this through the ENTIRE election-cycle.
it's never going the other way though
the average person will never vote for a left wing politician ever again
>Trump supporters did much the same thing throughout the campaign
lol, what? When?
It's like communists (except maybe Yugoslavia, that's the place where it actually worked because they mixed it with free market) that promised to destroy elites, but only replaced one elite with another.
James Woods is one of the most based conservatives on twitter.
It's already been proven the violence at rallies were caused by paid protestors
Its already starting on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
There is nothing you can do about it once it starts on Sup Forums and there is a 99% chance even you'll start because you have no real value
>The salty liberal shitposting has already started
4 years of this nonsense, huh? That's a LOT of butthurt.
holy shit simsons predicted one of the hottest meme's of 2016? how do tjey do it?
Mainstream liberal culture will never EVER embrace Trump, and this is what counts. No the person who happens to sit in the White House.
>Its already starting on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
You mean the trolling/shitposting? Yeah, I'm fucking terrified.
>this post
fucking keked. the "i joined Sup Forums in the 2010s" starter pack
>Not a single mention of JCs Vampires
POC's can't commit violence against whites you fucking shitlord.
Hate = Violence + Power
They're just lashing out at their cruel oppressors.
Those hispanic children were oppressing blacks and DESERVED to get pepper-sprayed.
2/10, apply yourself.
>he actually thinks lefties will ever "reclaim" Sup Forums after gamergate and the trump election
i'll bet you're taking a paycheck from George Soros this month
>Mainstream liberal culture will never EVER embrace Trump
And they never accepted Bush
Trump has been actively provoking them though, unlike Bush. This is why he'll always be at least liked on Sup Forums, even if the craze will die down to a degree.
>no mentions of Once Upon a Time in America
What happened Sup Forums
Bush literally supported the liberals this year.
They are one and the same.
Trump was anti bush throughout all the 00s
Melina wants to end cyber bullying
In several months you will be on reddit asking what the fuck happened to Sup Forums
reminds me of someone
>* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities
Bye, bye, mr mexican beaner
You had a good run now say your goodbyes
this will be the day that he flies
this will be the day that he flies...
I'm not the pro-Trump poster, I'm just explaining why he's worshiped throughout the site. It has very little to do with policies, even if he cracks down on freedom of speech and by association on Sup Forums, he'll still loved here since he is a major source of butthurt for the tumblr types.
>implying the republicans will give a shit about "cyberbullying"
the only people concerned about that are cyptocommunists who hate freedom
if anything trump will enact legislation ensuring freedom of speech on publicly accessible platforms, while also preventing libel
True believer which is ironic becuase he pl;ayed a bleedeing heart liberal hippie.
They haven't gotten the chance to do anything while all the anti-Trumpers have been burning the streets from day 1. Take this fucking (You), I hope (You) choke on it.
Won't Trumps schemes be undone in 4 years anyways?
Midwestern soccer moms too. And they're a pretty significant demographic unfortunately.
The Hard Way (1991)
Do you really think the Trump presidency will be so weak as to bow to some whiny, low IQ cunts?
laugh my bum off faggot
No matter what you say, Trump won :)
Best Seller
also pic related
>low IQ
amazing meme
What are some movies where the villain loses twice?
>waa waa dont be mean to soccer moms
I don't know if he'll be going for it in 2020, but his faction won big time now.
hillary only beat trump in women by 6% ya dumb dead horse beatin fag
>implying I was defending them
learn2read senpaitachi
>reddit: boring health cereal
>Sup Forums: the cereal people actually want to eat
>James Woods
>Steven Seagal
>Mel Gibson
>Craig Ferguson
>Van Damme
Anymore of the list of Sup Forums's BigGuys4U?
>bringing his anime weeb retardation into the discussion
im sorry for your mother