Thoughts on the design?
Thoughts on the design?
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A lot better than just an overgrown silverback like jackson. It looks like the original
I like that it's a nod to the original, it's kind of funny how not only did Shin Godzilla go back to the original concept but now so has Kong
Looks like Cristian Benteke.
Good to see Leslie Jones is getting work in Hollywood after Ghostbusters flopped.
'Jackson's is still good and still has little things like all his scars from fighting off the dinos on the island, nothing wrong with it in my book
looks like a nigger fucking lol
Don't lie it reminds you of this game instead of King Kong
So has America.
But that guy's based on King Kong like everything else in that game is based on a classic movie monster
>So has America.
I don't see Buffalo hunting trending..
I know. That's what's so funny. Most of us know King Kong as Jackson's version. The movie reminds me of some vidya than a movie classic.
Bearzilla vs. Kong when
Admit it Sup Forums
You want to see this
The age of Viet Kong is upon us
I really don't. The humans already look insufferable. They should've made it Full Metal Jacket with giant monsters and island niggers.
thou wast kangs and excrement
same posts as the other thread
Warner shills are the shittiest, just like their cape "films"
He really does
There is something about that lanky faggot Tom Hiddleston or whatever that twink's name is I just can't stand.
Get outta here pal.
What did they mean by this shot?
It has Sam Jackson AND John Goodman in it, so they've already sold it to me.
Not to hijack this thread but does anyone have some Shin Godzilla webms?
Also promises giant crabs
>petite armed asian woman
>effeminate black man with glasses cowering behind her
I guess no one is safe
This movie might be good if it were directed by Kino God
It's just a fucking giant gorilla, no thought went into its design unlike other kaiju like Godzilla and Gamera.
Man it's great to see Cheadle getting work outside of marvel.
Hey i saw that guy on the bus today
I like what I see. The eyes ruin it though.
Nah the eyes make it unsettling as fuck in my opinion
looks like the "who?" dude who was also in Blood Diamond
Do we really need another Kong? They can't top Jackson's
Goodman + family went to that island on a previous expedition. They found evidence of natives, and the natives captured his wife and son. Goodman escaped with his life, and it's suggested that his wife was sacrificed to Kong, but Goodman isn't sure.
Goodman dupes a production company into funding this newest expedition, but really all Goodman wants is his wife and son. The viewer is led to believe that he's the villain, and that he's manipulating people just so he can make a documentary, but eventually his backstory is revealed.
The soldiers are ambushed by the tribe, the soldiers gun down everyone, but the shooting stops when they find a white skinned teenager/young adult in the tribe. Goodman is certain it's his son, but the son is fully integrated into the tribe and only remembers a few words of english. "Momma" is one of the words. Goodman asks where Momma is, and his son leads the men to the alter where women are sacrificed/given to Kong.
His son escapes and isn't seen again until the end of the movie where a wounded Goodman baits Kong into a trap. Kong is destroyed and Goodman is killed. Goodman is buried on the island, to "be with his family" and his son examines the grave after the soldiers leave.
>They can't top Jackson's
that wont be hard at all
Who wore it better?
new kong, actually looks like his own species as opposed to just an overgrown silver back
>There is something about that lanky faggot Tom Hiddleston or whatever that twink's name is I just can't stand.
nigga its supposed to look like the 50's design not the ultra realistic what if designs japs dont need to get confused and start a panic
Not just a nod to the original it takes cues from marine life like the moray eel, maybe some goblin shark too.
it's nature gone big and gone wrong
Hey guys I worked as a sculptor on this movie In Hawaii for roughly 4 months late last year.
You guys can ask me stuff about it if you're interested
>Hey guys I worked as a sculptor on this movie In Hawaii for roughly 4 months late last year.
what other creatures do we see? who does kong fight?
Do you know about any of the other creatures that will be in the film? Other than Kong and the Spider
Unfortunately my primary responsibility was the graveyard set so I spend basically the entirety of of my time there sculpting those giant bones and skulls etc etc so I can't tell you too much about the other creatures in it.. :{
You can see it a bit more at 1:08 in the trailer too
Any cool info about the bones?
I enjoyed Jacksons, but yes I think it can be topped.
Especially since Jackson's took place before jumbo jets and modern weaponry. There's a lot more pieces they can add to the story.
the movie was shot entirely in Queensland, Australia. Specifically The Gold Coast hinterlands
>the Jackson design was held back by it looking like a giant gorilla
What the fuck is wrong with your stupid brain
Design? It's just a fucking gorilla, not a robot, you stupid fuck.
This is what a lot of people who don't watch Godzilla much say, but that's a big part of what makes the design appealing.
the bones are from a dead big guy
Left looks more savage and primal, so new one.
uncut dick masterrace reporting in
>What the fuck is wrong with your stupid brain
The original Kong design was more than just a regular ape, it was meant to look more human like in proportion. Compared to Mighty Joe Young, by the same filmmakers, you can see the differences.