What's the point of the transporter room if they can beam people directly to sickbay/bridge?
What's the point of the transporter room if they can beam people directly to sickbay/bridge?
They've stated that beaming to areas inside the ship is a risk, because they might screw up their aim and beam someone half inside a wall/floor/ceiling. The pad is a pre-cleared area with zero aim effort.
Also the beam is more amplified in the transporter area I guess. Remember the portable amplifiers - or whatever they were called - they used in some of the episodes.
Pattern enhancers. I assume they draw some kind of grid-lines that the transporters can see.
the motherfucking disco lights are fly as fuck son
>literally pushes a button
Reminder that the transporter beam kills the original and what comes through on the other side is just a newly formed clone with the memories of the original's life
You need a place to blog about transporters.
It has no point and that fact is killing Miles inside.
True. Then again what it even matters?
>O'Brien technologically owns a giant space station built by aliens
>all he did before was push a button
Yeah, don't be so weepy.
Do you complain about "dying" everytime you fall asleep?
weird is part of the job
Watch more closelier. No button involved. You take the three lines, and push them to the top.
That's awfully specist for races with only two fingers or a tentacle or something.
>You are now aware that every time one of the crew was beemed using the transporter they died
The crew has died a thousand times...
The Federation probably has special ships for the more interestingly shaped aliens to serve on.
Serves em right for not being human enough.
They maintain continuity of consciousness during the process.
They never stop existing
They even use the transporters to facilitate child births.
doppelganger pls
they all die and a clone takes place on the way out right?
This is actually pretty disturbing. They're all biological robots, walking around thinking they're their original self. Is there some branch of philosophy and/or science in the canon that attempts to address this man-made nightmare? Christ, the mysteries of natural physics are bad enough.
Trump, pls go
Why don't they just double the crew each time? Why aren't they all clones? Seems far faster than biological reproduction.
That's Fleet Admiral Trump to you, ensign.
Water, 35 liters. Carbon, 20 kilograms. Ammonia, 4 liters. Lime, 1.5 kilograms. Phosphorous, 800 grams. Salt, 250 grams. Saltpeter, 100 grams. Sulfur, 80 grams. Fluorine, 7.5, iron, 5, silicon, 3 grams, and trace amounts of 15 other elements. That's all it takes, user.
The replies have been guaranteed a thousand times...
Probably more energy efficient to materialize right where the equipment is
Therefore site-to-site transport is only for emergencies
This after the Riker incident why didn't they research how to reproduce this all the time? They could replicate dead crewman, or duplicate especially skilled ones, better than whiny emergency holograms..
Why do you think they started putting counselors on ships?
The inventor of it does show up in enterprise, and makes some offhanded comment about having to listen to people cry about existential paradox for years before it was accepted. In the 23rd and 24th century there are still plenty of people who don't like transporters, and they're treated as mild eccentrics, not unlike someone who refuses to fly in an airplane. Or they just don't join starfleet.
you could say that about a bunch of random things. like that warp 10 voyager drive.
True, considering how easy it was to turn them back from lizards by the end of the episode
a few minutes as a lizard would be a small price to pay for getting home
>considering how easy it was to turn them back from lizards by the end of the episode
Trek needs an easy reset button for the last 5 minutes of the episode. They do that shit all the time. Remember when the entire crew of the enterprise got devolved to protoform mutants? They all reverted back, no problem, by the end of the episode after a fucking hypospray. And this is after serious morphological changes. Or the time Geordi turns into the invisible ayy lmao and tries to return home? One hypospray and blind nigger is doing fine... except for still being blind. He had working eyes as the ayy.
Star Trek beamed the actual molecules down (hence the beam) and reassembled them there, to get around this problem.
If some later writer changed it, they're doing it wrong.
heisenberg compensators dont work on souls.
Thats what the pattern buffers are for laddie.
It's attached to one of the molecules.
Either that, or every time someone is beamed,
God realizes his mistake in taking the soul, and sends it down to the reassembled body hisself.
Its not changing it, its a site to site transport. Think of it as beaming them to the transporter room, but instead of materializing them, they just re-beam them to the end destination. Probably more energy intensive, and prone to errors, so its only used in emergency situations.
If you had confidence your clone would be a perfect copy of yourself, why object to the destruction of original you? Its a painless death.
Notice how the two Rikers didn't get along with each other.
If other people don't like you, why would you get along with yourself?
Site to site is just chaining two transporter transfers together. So its double the power because you're moving the same amount of mass twice.
It probably thins the carpet on the starship.
>>all he did before was push a button
Before that he was gutting spoonheads and calling in orbital air strikes on civilians
Spoonheads must be exterminated.
Extra jobs.
how does transporting without the aid of the pad work at all? I understand it being able to deconstruct the space within the pad to be reconstructed in another pad but how do they "beam" from a random outside location into a pad?
Remember that time they accidently turned the transporter into the fountain of youth but didnt find it interesting enough to try and replicate?
All the pad does is give you a comfy little space where you can beam in and be sure it's clear. I don't think it "does" anything. I can't remember a single time they were having trouble with the teleporters and they bothered fucking with the place people stand. It was always the computer interfaces back where the chief stands.
> why would you get along with yourself?
you could assign them to different ships
once or twice i think they mention using the pads boosts their signal with the other ships pads but eh.
although I can't phond photographic evidence, I am certain I've seen Chief O'Brien open up the floor panels on the pad when he was doing repairs on the transporters. This diagram says the biofilter and pattern buffers are located down there.
If that one admiral had lives past the episode in the first season, he would have been all over that shit
haha nice is this OC you just made?
over 9000 hours in ms paint
This is why I'm wondering why anyone even gives a shit about crew casualties. Can't they just construct a copy of anyone who dies?
Site to Site transporting (aka transporting without a transporter pad) is said to be highly power intensive and can be a huge drain on the ships power systems if used constantly.
In addition to using less power, the pads in the transporter room are also said to be far safer in canon.
wtf, I hate transporters now
>Can't they just construct a copy of anyone who dies?
No, they don't have enough space to permanently store the information. There is the episode of DS9 where there is a transporter malfunction and in order to save everyone they purged all of the stations memory and dumped their patterns in there, but it still wasn't enough so the computer just dumped their bodies into the holosuite. And even then it was a race against time to put it all back together before it degraded.
So, in most of star trek it is shown that you can move when being transported, its just harder to get a lock.
But in Darmok we clearly see Picard being "frozen" while he is in the transporter beam. Why?
Don't they say near the start of the episode that something on the planet from preventing the transporters from acting normally? That to even get a solid lock on Picard, they had to modify and jury rig the system heavily?
he had a weapon obrien feared for his safety.
I wish I would