Which one opens it?

Which one opens it?

Any of them...

Except 4 or 5 because I doubt you could get that bar out after those locks are off. Theoretically yes but it looks like a tight fit

Just turn the bar to the left or right?!

the bar turns

sauce pls (pic related)


1 or 2

1. Remove it and then remove number 2, slide that mini bar out and the big bar with all the rest of the locks falls down.

1 ya dingus




Any of them. Look again. Look harder. Look even harder. Now fap then look again.


1,2 3 or 6

It's not locked, 3-4 5-6 are just attached to bars resting on there.
Bottom rod slides right out


3 4 5 6 aren't actually doing anything so it's not actually locked at all..pull those off and lift out without opening any locks...WIN bitches.

For those curious this is used on construction sites a lot. Multiple companies need access so they put their own locks on. Any lock opens it.


took me 5 secs to add pic...I was first lol

you're both retarded, the bars are going through slits in the rod.


Couple of Sup Forumsrainiacs in this thread.
Honestly though, when I read his explanation, I was a bit fooled.

Obviously no construction workers in this thread. Locks like this are common on job sites with multiple contractors, so that they can switch locks out when contractors enter or leave the project without having to always collect and reissue the keys.

Any padlock will open the lock.
