What happned to her?
What happned to her?
tell me?
Feminism is the word you are searching for
I know, she isn't cute anymore. Fucking feminism
>Chick changes her hair but has been the same for years and years in every single other conceivable way
She can't spell and is retarded.
Her acting career never really took off after Harry Potter so now she's clinging onto whatever she can in order to remain relevant.
she got triggered
Feminazis got her. Simple as that.
She became disgusting the moment she kept on and fucking on and on whining about how girls deserve special treatment. 0/10
she got sufficiently old that her pedo fanbase were no longer able to fap to her pantsu.
>She can't spell
ironic, isn't it?
Feminism happened.
Is that a real tattoo?
Holy shit I couldn't believe this is real. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY WITHERING DYING PENIS???
Harry Potter ended. She continued to age.
Nothing friend, that's just your sudden realisation that you even had one in the first place. Congratulations! Now be a good man and try not to decide you want to be some manner of girl.
Went from a young smokeshow to a slightly less young smokeshow. She took a percentage off of Beauty and the Beast so shes even wealthier now. She has sucked dicks that will never be yours.
When #metoo came out, she started hating herself for letting Weinstein fuck her. So she went full feminist to cover her previous deeds.
queen and goddess :3
10/10 would still bang
She grew up. Women hit there peak at 12-14 then it’s all down hill after that
Virtue signaling in an effort to stay relevant. My guess is because she doesn’t want to be remembered as a child actor from a children’s book series. Shame, she was cute at one point.
She embraced feminism.
Next stop Haggrid armpits and crows feet
Guyz, This is just a hairstyle. She can change her hair 5 times a day.
And no, they don't you disgusting pedophile.
also this
I’ll admit I’m terrible at my there and their but there is literally nothing wrong with being a hebophile
>Femenism. Not even once.
She looks like pic.
Harvey finished
Actually they do. It's just these past few centuries of pseudo-christian moralizing making people think otherwise. Jesus's mother was a teenaged girl for Christ's sake, and God thought she was old enough for fucking.
Can not believe how badly she is aging. She is fucking hideous now. Used to be a giddess. Just like that Johanson chick. So sad.
So very very ugly. Feminism is cancer to beauty.
Well done user. I keked.
feels good man
that pic was taken like a week ago. same with this. she's still gorgeous. she's just in a weird phase.
This is a photoshot, so there is makeup, hair extensions, weird lighting, photoshop in post. The one OP posted is 100% natural, with some makeup.
Oh and reminder to all of you, her heavenly little pink pussy was fingered by that fat guy over there. The world really is cruel.
What can we do to raise her awareness of how shit she now is? She needs to be humiliated and punished for making something once so beautiful, something now so rancid. Feminism ruins lives
You forgot the bags under her eyes.
Grammatically incorrect tattoo
Worthless Degree
I could rape her. I wont, but i could.
found the Rusty Limpah fanboi
Ok, she's ageing for a start. Not a big fucking deal. She got a dodgy chopped up fringe, shit haircuts happen. She looks a bit tired there and seems to be carrying some water weight in her face and arms, could be pms her period, jetlag or any number of things. Fact is, we'd be lucky if we managed to smell her farts one day so there is literally no point bitching about her appearance. Her face is still statuesque and her body petite. Chill out homies.
She's literal garbage now.
Damn, she is average from a close-up.
shes always been average
LOL, fucking this. Don't be surprised if this thot ends up releasing 'sextape' which she will claim was 'stolen' in a few years once everyone stops giving a fuck about feminism. Let's face it cluster b's always have to do something to be centre of attention and her talent certainly isn't getting her that anymore.
Gotta be honest, would fuck.
You've got to remember she's from the UK. Most of her fans are from there and Ireland. Her face has better structure than the vast majority of women there and she doesn't cake herself in makeup. Also many grew up watching her in Potter, she was one of thier celeb crushes. She mightn't have the curves or ultra feminine beauty that elevates her above average in a lot of countries but there at least she's considered to be good looking. There's something about her cheekbones, cat like eyes and small nose that is appealing.
>one of the most privileged people on the planet
>mah patriarchy
i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?
She got old and ugly.