MO! straight?


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dass rayciss

Thanks OP!

bump, This is lovely

Dumbass nigger

is that cop even white?
looks kinda mud, can't really tell

can anyone webm that? for scientific purposes.

He is black.


You're doing god's work, user. Thank you

Do you literally not know how to use a computer are you fucking stupid. You should be body slammed too

that last frame
thank you user

Shut up

>Recording vertical video


MO! you straight?

Worldstar is land of the vertical. A small price to pay for their tremendous service.

Haha because you know it's true. Are you unable to use a computer as well?

Why do whites always use body slams? Is it the only way they can "fight"?

nigger should be shot for socks and sandals

>That cop

Get your eyes checked


>black cop uses body slam
> "why do whites use it"

Fuckin destroyed!!!

Bet the nigger won't resist arrest next time.

Tall skinny pale-skinned blond-haired braid-wearing cop?

Dang I think that might have been a black woman that pulled the old inside-scoop-and-dump on the guy.

Either way assuming that there wasn't something crazy happening before the film started and the cop was in the right, good job for once, cop did the right thing instead of just letting him go then shooting him in the back at least.

>no context for why the cop was there
Am I supposed to be on the cop's side

>When am done you mf going to no not to fuck with my kids will b at my lawyer office in the morning

What did the mother mean by this

Quads tho.

Also, nigger was resisting arrest, don't matter what lead up to this.

You fight with a cop, you're lucky to live, little nigger should heve been shot like the worthless ape it is.

Nice numberinos burgerbro

I've watched this now 10 times and still have to laugh at every "Mo! you straight ?"

It's extremely effective? Whenever I've fought. And I've fought two different niggers. I've always used my knees, which can be very dangerous when it comes to kneeing someone in the face but it 100% of the time completely puts them down and out of the fight. There's absolutely nothing wrong which taking down your opponent as fast and efficiently as possible. We are white people anyway. It's good to think logically. You however can remain thinking that your wide obvious nigger swings would hold up against anyone who knows how to handle themselves


>wears socks and flipflops
>resists arrest
deserved to be shot.

Wow, I had no idea that the whole "go to sleep" or "heem sleepy" for knocking someone out thing was apt. You can here him snoring and everything.

Really fascinating stuff

you have to go in deep to grab someone. How is risking a punch to the face logical?

I get what you're saying, and if i was fighting someone who totally knew what they were doing I would totally be in the open. But Tbh I'm not really even a fighter. And the people I've fought and practically every nigger on earth just acts like tough shit, as long as they don't have people with them. Knee to the face is the way to go, i mean obviously don't take your time with it. Do it fast. I think that goes without saying

I would say don't start off a fight with it.. but I have. And it worked

He was wearing socks with flip flops.

>Niggers will unironically defend that monkey when there is 0 doubt that he was in the wrong

Oh shit what's up FW bro?

Im not even like muscular. Ive only lost to a white guy. And it made me look like a complete pussy. He dodged every punch and hit me in the ear so hard I completely lost my guard and put both hands on my ear lol

luck. Is it just white instinct to throw people?

When I am done, you motherfuckers are going to know not to fuck with my kids. (My kids and I?) will be at my lawyer's office on the morning.

It's a legitimate technique? And i wouldn't say luck. Tell me. Have you ever fought a black person who acted ghetto. Like the kind of nigger with absolutely no fighting knowledge.

Yeah. Every time I've won a fight I was lucky... >_>

>this scene

How does it make you feel that we will never see humor like this again in mainstream media?

What third world shithole did this happen in?

Feels fucking bad man

I hate political correctness

you swallowed the bait, the sinker , the line, the reel and the fisherman

Oh have i? It was good, tasty bait I couldn't resist my bad.

Norway is so fucking retarded. End yourself.

Wrong, citizens have the right to resist unlawful assaults, regardless of the identity of the perpetrator, that's black letter law you dumbass, look it up.

>resisting false arrest
true but add a police officer who has been sworn to his duties to protect and serve the community, then you get
>Resisting a Police Officer
which is a very high midemeanor in some area, then when you shove and punch an officer, you get
>Assaulting a police officer
which is a Class D felony

so the letter of the law you just pointed out does not follow for Peace Officers

You're a fucking moron.

First of all, it depends on what state you're in, as some states explicitly say that you can, and some states explicitly say that you can never legally resist.

Secondly, even if the cop is completely wrong but has a valid reason to suspect of you of wrong-doing, this right of defense does not apply, as he is not unlawfully arresting you.

You can be lawfully arrested for something you didn't do if the policeman has reason to believe you did it. You won't be convicted of any crime, but you can be legally detained while the issue is being settled.

you're norwegian you fucking faggot

ayyy yo he din do nufin muh man ay dis be raysis rai up in her

Malekelek that was some decent bullshit for a quick Sup Forums post, gotta give you props.

This, on the other hand, is pathetic. We all know that the US Supreme Court precedent cited applies in all states, and that the bar for detainment is reasonable cause, that was a WEAK ass LAME excuse just to call me a moron. Moron.


Nigs on damage control right now

>sovereign citizen bitch boy didn't like getting told he's a fucking moron
boo hoo bitch boy

you are being detained

You are a moron.

I'll take it back if you'll show me how many people got off with no charges after resisting arrest.

In fact, just recently there was a case about this very subject. The person tried to sue the police department, but because they punched a policeman, the charges stuck.

>The Broward State Attorney’s office dismissed the charges [against the police], ruling that a person “cannot resist with violence an unlawful arrest”

Even if this is a valid precedent, if no one follows or enforces it, your point is moot.



How do you get your knee up to head level?

DAS RAYCIS... oh wait..... (malfunction)

Jesus for a fucking moron you sure like to fling the word around a lot.

>>The Broward State Attorney’s office dismissed the charges [against the police], ruling that a person “cannot resist with violence an unlawful arrest”
>Even if this is a valid precedent, if no one follows or enforces it, your point is moot.

State Attorney's office doesn't make legal rulings and does not set precedents. That is done exclusively by courts. What you are showing here is that the State Attorney's office declined to prosecute a criminal act by a policeman (an unfortunately common occurence) so not only is it not a legal ruling that could set precedent it was a decision made on an entirely different issue (prosecution of the criminal officer, NOT prosecution of the civilian who defended himself.)


Typically you don't, you bring their head down to your knee level instead.


Holy shit.

Was that some kind of judo flip?

>Getting into 'fights'
>Not using 'one-and-done' prison tactics.

You still haven't shown me any amount of cases where someone used force to defend themselves against police and was not charged with a crime.

Until you provide this information, you have no evidence to back up the idea that a citizen can violently resist arrest in a legal way.

>not chocking guilotine style non whites


>t-the cop is white guy's i swear! RAAAYYCISSS!!!!!

It's begun.

yo flag ain't showan

As soon as nog got the cop in a semi head lock it was over.


Effective use of CQC.

Pol will tell you that there's no difference between a nigger and a black man. Literally explain this then.

Daily reminder to learn basic grappling and body weight control.
For whatever reason most niggers can not even comprehend the idea of using anything but their fists to knock someone right the fuck out.

Watch any fight with a nog getting decimated and it's always the same. Basic bodyweight control to toss thme around like ragdolls while they try to flail their arms and say shit like "IMA KEEL U NIGGA"

Kind of.
I think in judo he would have swept the legs with his left leg and laid his right shoulder into him instead.
I'm not sure if what he did was better or worse the flip flop nigger.


>Doesn't actually know judo but probably saw it once or twice on tv or in a demonstration.

Sukui-Nage = classic judo.

>the man in white just stands there and lets you do this

view the video again sadiq

And check the video out. A practical demonstration.
Or if you don't want to hit liveleak (can't blame you there) then just hit this webm here: He doesn't stand there and let you do it. You wait until he commits force in a direction that permits you to do it. At that point, he's doing it as much as you are.

>grabs huim from behind

well he was wriggling all over like a little monkey and the cop still managed to slam him

lol black cops are so unprofessional.

When he was wrestling around with the guy the suspect had his arm around his neck in a headlock. If the suspect sunk it in he could've choked the cop out.

Black cop: wrestle around with a suspect and then slam him on his head on concrete.

I'm suuuure that's what he was taught to do as proper procedure. [/sarcasm]

If I'm ever stopped by a black cop I'll request a white one to the scene. Why would I argue with someone who probably thinks that the word "constitution" means a person can't take a shit?

>hurr i have the right to resist you!

idiots will believe this, and this is why idiots get shot and killed by cops. natural selection at work.

Just a simple wrestling takedown often works.
heelpick or a one leg shot.
grab leg and twist to the inside while having control of the foot and ankle.
when subject falls face down to the ground, place all weight on back of neck and get wrist control.
twist wrist as to place the arm behind the subjects back.
then either beat the shit out of them or tear their arm out of socket.

that is if 8 din du's dont rush you with knives while your executing a classic takedown.

so might as well just get distance and take the shot

why even bother discussing "martial arts" when its all about weight and height. you think the cop would have been able to do that if the guy in the white shirt wasn't half his size? if martial arts let small people beat bigger people how come no clubs hire skinny midgets as bouncers? you only see 2m tall 200 kg guys doing those type of jobs.

Doesn't matter when you resist arrest.

>the man in white just stands there and lets you do this

How do you think people practice martial arts? You think they just fight the air and hope to get better?


>what is a martial _art_

>socks and sandals

Negro fashion, ladies and gentlemen.

Fucking rekt.

Mo is straight, alright.
He's going straight to jail.

Just download the webm and step through it if you really dont know how this works.

@eg 5 seconds in you can see the cop showing him he knows how to wrestle. His hands are inside and no matter how the punk struggles he cant change that - his clue to give up. He doubles down instead.

Between 6 and 7 seconds white shirt goes wildly to the right of your view, his left, and blue shirt almost throws him there but he recovers his balance for a moment. Right at 8 seconds just before the camera cuts away he's again throwing himself to our right and the cop is bringing his right hand back to catch behind his knee. The camera man almost loses the scene for just a moment there so you have to look carefully but white shirts head is still in the frame, he once again recovers by throwing his weight back the opposite direction - in this case he's trying to bring it to bear on the taller man through his headlock. He's overbalanced to our right and now he throws that upper body strength back to our left - and blue-shirt simply goes along with it but adds a little motion in the other direction at the back of the knee, converting it from a backwards lurch into a head-over-heels circle.

He won't be straight for long

Wew lad, why do niggers think they can give black cops more shit? In the end the black cops are just gonna fucking pulp them

>Was the cop right?
>No, I like men

Liveleak a best

Charged with a crime? You probably meant CONVICTED of a crime.

There was the guy who fought back in Ruby Ridge, the guy who was a family friend of the Weavers. Not only did he beat the charges but he received money from the government.

About 90% of fights end up in grappling/wresteling position. If you've ever been in a fight youd understand