I'm so glad that Joss is back on twitter.
He's WOKE AF and spouting some savage truths
I'm so glad that Joss is back on twitter
I'm glad Marvel kicked this idiot to the curb, bitch about the Russos and their shitty airport fight and TV style cinematography but they ain't this retarded.
And Joss you stupid fuck the Vision lifting Thor's hammer means jackshit since he's a synthezoid, Ultron could have lifted it too!
>but they ain't this retarded.
Donald Trump raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
Hillary Clinton murdered 4 Americans in Benghazi
Man how the fuck did we let this weak chump be our president? Hillary had a way higher kill count.
Can't find anything on social media on them talking about the election but who knows
tobey maguire?
Isn't it kind of late to criticize Bill Clinton, though?
>he hasn't seen chris evans twitter
>or mark ruffalos
>or that youtube video that every avenger was in a few months ago telling the stupid proles to vote hillary
He has some fire in him, but not so much that'll ruin us. This is needed for a leader.
Would you rather be potus or get hot cunny on the reg?
I'm specifically talking about the Russo Bros though, thought that was clear. And there were other Marvel actors that didn't get involved with this political mudslinging.
Potus. Than you could make cunny legal man. And it seems you can import hotdogs and pizza at the tax payers expense
Is Whedon trying to imply that Trump's thinking raped a 13 year old?
if he had named him, he would get sued so hard. like that guy that tweeted james woods.
*drinks numale tears*
Bill Clinton raped at least 10 times that amount, senpai.
trump is finished
how will he ever recover from this?
Hillary wasn't such a great candidate.
Do they forget that the blacks came out in droves to vote against Bernie, only to turn around & vote Trump?
>just like bob saget
I thought he liked Bill Clinton is he a republican now
Pussy. Hillary stopped counting around that time.
>ywn be an Asian cunny who gets the BBBC
>lawsuit withdrawn due to lack of evidence
>incredibly suspicious backers
Totally real guys
Holy shit it sure is easy to believe in the 13 year old kid lie but hard to follow that up with reading about the kid who dropped their case because their parents lied.
Is their a republican candidate they wouldn't have flipped out about? Trump was the most socially liberal candidate out of the republican field. Maybe Rand was a little bit more socially liberal, but thats debatable
Is he even relevant anymore?
Was he ever?
>Trump was the most socially liberal candidate out of the republican field.
>Consericucks actually believe this
White nationalism is coming baybay
God I hate that stupid chipmunk face of hers
Isn't that libellous?
Isn't that libel? Lawsuit when?
Fetal alcohol syndrome
i think you kids need to stay in school and learn what this stuff means
Did he really reactivate his twitter just to bitch about Trump being President?
That's some top tier butthurt
he is talking about polanski, right?
He didn't refer to anyone by name, so there's absolutely no grounds for it.
Making false claims about someone that could defame their character?
I think making one of the biggest money makers in movie history kind of makes him relevant. Even if it's shit, it made a ton of money and producers will keep that in mind about him.
Well he is pretty liberal outside of his immigration stance
famous libs in tears is now my fetish
It is confirmed by several coroners and witnesses that Donal Trump raped and murdered a girl.
Did Joss Whedon just post a rape joke on twitter?
I hope he's ready for 4 to 8 years of "we don't have to give a shit about what you and the rest of you cucks say any longer Joss"
Is he referring to Bill Clinton?
>how dare these people be happy that a candidate they supported won, they should be miserable like me because I thought this election was literally about the survival of the female gender
why do liberal girls have to be cute
Not that's it's really a surprise these days, but wow, the Left is all about the fear mongering these days. SAD!
f u
Source pls.
Probably because they don't have two teeth and aren't meth heads like most republicans.
It might be
Trump's not gonna stop the production of fembots so long as they're American made
>the only people crying are the white people
>white people are the grand majority that are scared
White liberals lay in bed every night praying they could be cool minorities that gained their character through struggle. What a bunch of fags.
because they're naive and don't let things like reality put lines on their face and bags under their eyes
Really makes me think
Bob Saget did that, but nice try.
Tom Hanks actually did the exact same thing in 1981.
It has been confirmed by coroners and witnesses.
Toughen up, bitch.
God I know Martin is probably one of the biggest assholes on the planet, but fuck he is funny at times
Well of course he's not.
But it's not like women and degenerates and beaners/niggers/chinks are going to be put in death camps.
>Borders don't make any sense
Excuse me, what?
I'd like to see the statements made. Why is it only being investigated now?
Donald Trump has worked hard to keep the word from getting out.
Sad because you know Republicans are primarily ugly and dumb.
Other than nationalism (which isn't left or right wing), he's socially liberal
He's just consistent about it
Feed me
What idiots don't realize is he isn't pro-LGBTACDEFKALKSJELKM+ he just isn't anti-whatever. Business is the ultimate redpill.
>tfw all Jeremy Renner tweets about is his cute daughter and inspirational shit and his house.
If borders don't make any goddamn sense and Mexico is this amazing land full of hardworking earnest people why don't these white liberals stream across the border to Mexico?
I'm not even American you dumbass. I'm just stating the facts. Even when Fox shows the Republicans voting, it's all these inbred looking hicks. Not sure why so many dirt poor people vote for a party that's in it to make sure the rich stay rich and the poor get fucked.
>mfw someone tells me they voted drumpf
>fuck everyone but Hillary. She dindu nuffin
back to canada
He's right about the salty Sanderfags. It should be illegal to not vote, and the voting age should rise to 21 again (with the draft rising as well).
since when do celebrities opinions on politics matter
do i care about my cashiers opinion on movies?
What is this expression meant to convey?
Probably hunger.
Diabetic coma