Hey Sup Forums ive had these on my toes for ages, any doctorfags know what it is?

Hey Sup Forums ive had these on my toes for ages, any doctorfags know what it is?

More on my other toes

looks like your spawn are hatching. good job OP, you're a dad now

>what it is


Can't find anything about it online, am I really being used to hatch eggs? They dont hurt and theyve never been filled with anything

I know its skin asshat but why are there little circles?

Could be the beginnings of athlete's foot, or that your feet are kept too moist.
Do you sweat a lot or wear socks all day?

Yeah my feet sweat alot because I cycle loads to uni and work. But I can't help how much I sweat?

You shouldn't take those pics with such a high defition, OP. Fucking disgusting.

Try using flip flops or sandals when cycling, you can change shoes after

Sorry I can afford a phone with a good camera I guess?


you cycle loads
>of course you do

Probably vit A deficiency. Eat more carrots

looks like the begining of some warts. get some coolpaste and freeze that shit off OR take a tweezer and pull the skin off

warts you kike

I’m an RN and this is 100% it. Sweaty feet and wearing socks all the time cause this. You can use baby powder to help absorb moisture between your toes, if you are very sweaty, reapply it a couple times during the day. Let your feet air out whenever possible. Hope this helps.

Looks like mild Pitted Keratolysis to me

It's 100% a fungus disease, go discuss with a dermatologist

I get those. I wear boots for at least 12 hours a day, sometimes 18.
Airing out the feet and good hygine prevents it, I've noticed.
Yeah you're fine. They're harmless.


I have that shit too. It's just dead skin that flakes away. It happens differently for everyone. Yours does circles, mine usually does ovals.

Do you wear shoes for extended periods of time, like 14+ hours a day? Do your feet get sweaty often?

Kek that’s a new one for me, thanks, user

>Thinks stating credentials = being taken seriously on Sup Forums

historian here. factually speaking, stating your profession prior tothe body of your post does in fact equate to being serious

its called skin..........

Im worried if I wear sandals the chads will laugh at my double toes pic related



Ohh fuckkkk

Kind of a minor thing tho, I don't think anyone would be especially put off by that.


Oh jesus fuck, wear socks with your sandals to up that shit

Just sweat blisters, from your toes rubbing together while moist. Don't worry too much about it. Try to spend more time airing out your feet if you really want to get rid of them


from your toes rubbing together dumbass

It's just your feet are too moist. Use medicated powder in the morning and at night. It'll go away.