This triggers the feminists

Apparently it's not acceptable for a fictional male villain to be depicted choking a fictional female in promo ads. Sadly I'm not surprised.


would rape

>: I hey they spoiled the plot for me, they can't do that!!!

What is wrong with these people?

You know how fucking lame and boring they are just by referring to a scene of a fictional movie as 'battery'


When will they stop apologizing for this shit.

Why do these companies always apologize? It's the biggest mistake you can make. Just fucking ignore.

You got the hat on the wrong dude


>the weak must fear the strong

Funny enough people would say she's asking for it if she had the hat on.

Id be offended if i saw an ugly ho like jlaw in the billboard as well

I wonder how the SJWs will react when they see the movie and Jlaw is actually strangled for an entire scene.

Oh wait, SJWs don't even see the shit the complain about.

I wonder why people still use social media.....
I bet even normies don't want to hear this kinda pure crap

If the billboard is wrong and bad, doesn't that mean that they think we're supposed to be on the side of the villains?

I mean, you can show something and not condone it, and have it still be obvious a "bad thing" without having to immediately hit the viewer in the face with a direct THIS IS BAD DON'T DO THIS BAD THING message

Tipping into puritan morals

>woman as strong ,smart etc. as men
>hate it when they show them in a same situation that could happen to a men
I'm not even mad. I'm just tired.

>Be Fox
>go out of your way to make strong wymyn heros
>Put arguably the biggest star and the biggest baddie on the ad
>ad conveys drama and action
>SJW's complain about ad


It's almost like they're a demographic not worth listening to.
I wonder with all of these entertainment companies will catch on. It should have already been obvious with what happened in video games.

-scene 35, Mystique V Apocalypse-
(Cairo in egyot, ruins all about, last fight, Mystique enters with several other female mutants)
>Your time has come to end end, with my [POWER OF FEMINISM] we, the only women team and absolutelly no men because we don't need them to save us will fight you and your [evil PATRIARCHY]. CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!
(Apocalypse looks in fear, looses all this powers and falls to his knees)
>Damn! Foiled again! I yield! I will not fight you strong and independent women, for i am privileged and therefor cannot hurt women.
>For as long as us X-Women stand, there shall always be a safe space. Now, use your powers for good and restore this peaceful muslim city.
(Apocalypse restores the city with his powers somehow, all is restored with muslim merchants in the markets, muslim kids in the streets and muslims rapists in the alleyways)
(Professor X enters)
>Well done, I see that I as a feeble male cannot comprehend what happened here, but its good too see such a strong and independent team who needs no man guarding over this world.
>Yes, wouldn't let this world be protected by a unisex team where as the potential outcome could be one woman getting hurt, now would we?
>Noo, of course not
(Everyone laughs, apocalypse laughs, freeze frame, roll credits)

And people wonder why we prefer men in movies - because men don't get offended at this petty shit


this is like people thinking Slayer were nazis...



they have a point though. When is the last time you ever saw a movie that contained violence against MEN? It's sexist and unfair that Hollywood thinks it's acceptable to be ever be violent against women.

#Equality #ThisIsWhyINeedFeminism

Holy fucking shit that is sad

Was thinking in that too, like the last videogame blockbusters, Overwatch and Uncharted 4.
Overwatch make snowflakes cry about a pose where you can see the back of a female character.
Uncharted 4 makes the female villian untouchable, she literally manhanded two guys at the same time in one combat.

You're absolutely right.

To be fair, it is kind of a weird promotional poster, regardless of who's choking who.