It's Hong Kong, the capitalist paradise

It's Hong Kong, the capitalist paradise.

Capitalism, not even once.

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah capitalism in hong kong is SO bad that people risk their lives to get in illegally from china!
that's why you'll go to prison for 14 years for trying to get into the city illegally! that's why it's nearly impossible to get into the city legally as a Chinese!

your stupid.

I've been to HK you're a retard

hong kong =/ china you fucking retard

is Zika affecting grown up too now?

It's Hong Kong, how you explain this?

>reading comprehension



There is thousand of people in HK living literally in a cage, worse than animals in the zoo and retards claiming ITT it's good because ''capitalism''.

This is Brazil, the shithole paradise.

Shitholism, not even once.

Brazil is capitalist.

amefitaf BTFO.

>Old man
>Fat guy
Nothing of particular concern in the photo my dudes, capitalism truly is great.

So is literally every country since the beginning of time ever

You should live in a cage too.

Was a capitalist paradise, until the UK gave it back to China.

Now it's a third world shithole, like everything socialism takes over.


That's the reason every country sucks actually.

And capitalism was invented recently(XIX century) by US.

It's an autonomous capitalist region.

Any country in the world is better than Brazil.

cough* Has universal healthcare.

Most Chinese rather cram into capitalist HK cages than become unofficial 2nd class citizens due to ""affirmative action"" all over the world.

p disgraceful desu

>being poor
>blame on capitalism

Brazil is not the subject of this thread, you donkey.

Capitalism organically came into being far before the 19th century, cunt. It wasn't in America either: if anything, we are more entitled to be called the founders of Capitalism.

Mercantilism =/= Capitalism

This thread is now about the shithole Brazil, flip flop monkey.

Brazil is capitalist.
Are you blind?

Or maybe a shithole UK, ahmed tea.

Hong Kong is ranked #1 on the economic freedom index, a capitalist paradise (unless you're a poorfag lmao)

Brazil is ranked #122.

Yeah until China takes over. Then quicksand.

Posting in epic Shithole Brazil thread

I was talking about Capitalism. We were the first ones to industrialize, and you're shaping up to be one of the last.

Modern capitalism is an american invention, just accept it.

>just accept it
>no proofs

This is what command economies does to people's minds

How can you type?

Live leak is full of Brazilian flip flop lifestyle, you should check it out.

wtf? I don't even


Stop embarrassing us in front of the gringos pls.

god damn. chinese women do all age all at once

Looks comfy

Are those bigger or smaller than the ones you hue monkeys live in?

Are they eating a person?

based Yeltsin..

"look at all these varieties of Jell-O desserts!"

Capitalism, ho!

He sucked on that pudding pop and shed a single tear for his people.

backstory for this pic?

Its a movie set.

>The dude has smokes