Ask a nigga anything
Ask a nigga anything
why can't you orient your picture correctly?
How long has your dad been gone?
Why are the women of your race so fucking loud
is your name brian?
Why do nigs always have to nig?
Sup Forums disorientates a lot of portrait-style mobile images
Mom and dad been divorced for as long as I remember; left Cali in '01 with my mom and he stayed
Hey man you're alright. What you smokin?
What do you think of the NRA?
black people in general are natural social; we rarely have the opportunity to reach NEET status with all those family reunions and public schooling and such
it is not
Because democrats are big on not taking responsibility for one's own actions
are you rolling one fatty or a couple skinnies?
Why do you smoke mids
Rolling some good times, thats whats up. Where you from OP?
Are you happy? As a Niggler in America I would be unhappy. Being a Niggler in the UK is much better.
just some reggie; i smoke a lot on my days off and it's quantity over quality for the smokage i split with my mom
I'm considering getting a membership, considering how much misinfo there is with the organization
>glitched. prices!!!! nons
I think you are right about the NRA. They appear, whilst pro-gun, to actually promote gun safety and responsibility. UK fag here am pretty sad we got cucked of our guns.
Based nog
What do you do for money? Going to school?
Just curious, how do you look at all the diversity and racism bullshit?
duh fatti, mydude
it's cheaper
Being black and self-aware is a trip and a half;
most things you do poor when you're poor and wayward are morally reprehensive, but you're just supposed to be fine with it
clearly a neckbeard basement dweller
niggers can't use computers
How does it feel knowing that history repeats itself?
Are those seeds? Havent seen weed like that for 15 yearsz. Fucking depressing. But the cartels appeeciate your business.
Do you think blacks perpetuate their own problems in the communities in which they live
Why did you make this post?
>Do you think blacks perpetuate their own problems in the communities in which they live
Bruh, it's called "the trap" for a reason.
U run thru the streets, go to dark alley, hurry hurry, look left, see a door, run thru it smashing the door out of the way. Suddenly you understand you stepped up into some kind of elevator. Wondering a while you put your pistol with 1 bullet into your pocket. Press the button "Greetings, niggler." "I can take you to any point in time, to any place and you can have 5 minutes there to change the course of history. After that you be teleported back"
Has anyone ever been racist towards you?
What did you do about it?
Two trains are driving toward one another. The first train leaves Town A at 5am traveling at 60 miles per hour. The second train leaves Town B at 7am traveling at 70 miles per hour. the distance between Town A and Town B is 455 miles. What is the EXACT time that the collision will occur?
it's incredibly common for bitch niggas to say big organizations aim to control the thoughts and actions of the zeitgeist with influence, but wih the James Demoore shit at google, controlling the masses is clearly a lefty thing
I am a security guard; my cousin is hooking me up with a network installing gig though
it's all bullshit to make victims/pawn/voters of the uninformed urban lower class and yuppie college goers with no majors
i live upstairs my guy
you will never hang a black man.
Why do you think dogs hate black people?
nice fucking shirt, have the exact same one...
how do you feel about the alt-right reddit snowflake infestation plaguing this board for 2 years now
Same guy who asked where youre from. Id definitely suggest joining the NRA. I bought my first handgun last year and with it came a free year of membership. I now have $2500 coverage on my firearms, free of charge.
>using mph in a physical conext
Do you think the black community is waking up to the fact that the Democrats are using them as pawns simply for votes to get into power?
cuz i can lol
never carry a pistol with one round, for starters
I've been profiled by a couple cops and called a nigger on the job once or twice, but that's just water off a duck's back for me
never, they're on different tracks.
i don't
dope, i'm in a local /k/ik group and some members have had their arms suddenly vaporized round these parts
It's called "outdoor" you dumb newfag. Your nonmedicalstate is showing.
Do you have BBC op? Or just avg white? Or possible small Asian?
why you look like my dad
You just went full retard. Never go full retard son
have you accepted Jesus Christ as thy Lord and Saviour?
Why do most black folks drive like retarded toddlers?
What's the race you're most racist against and why is it Asians?
Opinion on LGBT and that gender shit?
do you really be a basic bitch nigga?
>Alice In Chains shirt
Probably a pretty cool guy tbh, not nigger.
Why u smokin reggie that shits gross. Also would you suck a log of shit out of Andy sixx's ass
my muhfugga nigga, AiC best 90s alt band
I have STP on right now, not gonna lie
i'd say the dems lost a lot of left center support this past elections cycle. Democrats are dying on all the wrong hills
>"trans rights"
>gun control
and they just triple down on the rhetoric whenever they get their teeth kicked in
What do you think is the reason for the discrimination of black people?
i just did a dna test and discovered I'm 4% black, what can i expect now that I'm a black man?
if all blacks were like OP, id personally have no problem with them. still think we need ethnostates(?) to preserve each unique race tho
9:35 am
weak ass algebra
Any nigga in an Alice in Chains shirt is fine in my book.
That’s fantastic
yep yep
because a lot of black men have this same goatee
i actually have, as a youth
i'm currently agnostic, to keep it simple
>i live in a big city; EVERYONE drives like shit
>most prejudice? blacks; you can't trust niggas
>transgenderism is a lie; a dagger wielded by the radical left to stab the common man for not submitting to their moral superiority
dead ass b
the only band worth a band tee, tbh
>half o for 30 boi
>i have considered the proposition and respectfully decline
rephrase that question
"chiggin n' wafflez" is really fucking good, despite your melanin content
fuck a ethnostate, i actually prefer my women lighter
friends don't let friends cut friends hair
what are some policies you would put in place to help your local black community?