What went wrong with that season 2?

What went wrong with that season 2?

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It was less about Elliot and more about cunts no one cares about


>It's an Angela episode

Too many "tweests"
Like the director cares less about a good coherent plot and more about mindfucking his audiences.

With that said, the shanking scene was kino.

it was way too much about Elliot and his "muh unreliable mind, muh mental battles with Mr. Robot". Like there was so much time spent on it, we got it. Meanwhile the main plot went at a snail's pace for the first half of the season.

>With that said, the shanking scene was kino.
what scene?

Not enough Tyrell

really loved how he felt like patrick bateman

I agree but they could've focused on him more while also pushing the story forward faster. I feel like they stretched it out to make it last longer

these were the official kinoscenes of the season



I think the sudden order for 12 eps as opposed to 10 really fucked with emails pre-written script

It didn't really feel like there was enough for another 80 minutes of content.

Nothing, it's better than the first one.
I can understand the complaints though. First season was a perfectly paced great mix of a well-known stories and aesthetics while second one drifts slowly into it's own direction

at least he was confirmed to be alive

waifu or garbage?

Nothing. It's the best tv this year had to offer.

Lots of things:

1) Compared to Season 1, not much happened this season. Like, seriously, in the grand scheme of things, this could have been compressed to no more than 4 episodes with Season 1's pace.

2) Because not much happened overall, lots of time was spent with secondary characters. Not necessarily a bad thing in theory -- except it's clear as day that Esmail (and arguably, the actors themselves) barely knew how to develop any characters not named Elliot. Angela was boring and repetitive; Darlene was laughable as a "leader," through and through; the plotline with Joanna Wellick went basically nowhere.

3) I was ambivalent about the "twists" this season, mostly because they didn't contribute much and only served to alienate the audience.

I won't be watching next season

a waifu

You should check out Quarry

Darlene > Joanna > Angela > shit >>>>>> Dom

Was the prison twist the only Kino moment on the season?

>Darlene > Joanna

no because if you were on Sup Forums or reddit you expected it from ep 1


it's actually the least kino thing in the series

Literal perfection

>not liking season 2 more than season 1

Are you mad that your silly wish-fulfillment turned into a real show with stakes and consequences? Are you perhaps perturbed that it didn't end with him hacking the world and turning into godking?

mr. robot has a lot of odd looking women that are very attractive

Well they're not odd, just not standard Hollywood-hot.

i wilL HACK anyone who insults FBIfu. I'll HAKC you SO HARD


the problem is that there is 2 seasons.

this is exactly how the show is lmao.

Predicable and way too many twists.
Lost syndrome, creating a lot of mysteries and not solving any.
Focusing on boring characters that no one gives a shit about.
Became pretentious with those stupid camera angles.

I'm mad at Joanna taking Tyrell space

when will they reveal it?


she was only created to draw more betas to the show, she's a shut-in's dream.
Acts like a macho cunt at work and has that "women are strong too!" feel to her
Garbage tier

I'm a shut in and Joanna and Shayla were /mygirls/

what was the point of the tats? of the stupid glasses? of fapping?

it stopped being at all realistic

in the first season he is like a normal person. Has friends, people he avoids, a job, a drug dealer, etc etc. The show has some semblance of structure towards a goal

second season goes way too far in the 2deep4u schizo shit, half the time i just wanted them to progress the plot. Too much focus on side characters, became closer to capeshit with the whole chinese hacker stuff, instead of a somewhat relatable and realistic show

she lost weight since newsroom and extant and she looks much better but her head still reminds me of an angry bird

>meth addict kat dennings

no thanks bruh

>it stopped being at all realistic

It was never realistic. In the very first episode he's on Sup Forums but never leaves the homepage. No one does that.

>stakes and consequences
>main character spends the first half of the season isolated in filler while the secondary characters circlejerk around

Nothing wrong with it until the last three episodes. That part with Angela and Whiterose was a little too surreal, and the final two parter felt a little less satisfying than it should have. I have hope for season three.

After the first season was a success, USA probably gave Email too much creative control and he decided to drag it out as long as possible. They didn't need to spend seven episodes on the prison twist, especially when it was obvious from the first episode. The sitcom joke was funny for about two minutes but it went on for nineteen. Way too many "artsy" shots of Angela staring blankly at people. Doubling down on the Fight Club homage by having Mr. Robot secretly plan to blow up a building without telling Elliot didn't help, either.

All that time they spent with Elliot early on with him arguing and fighting with Mr Robot. You could easily skip all that shit and not miss a fucking thing.

The same for the FBI chick. Her dialogue was the most cringe inducing shit all year. I appreciate what they were trying to do with her talking to her Alexaâ„¢ but it came our horribly and could have been better spent else where, while the corresponding scenes with Angela would have stood better on their own.

All in all it was wasted time in what was an otherwise good season that did a lot of interesting stuff. They could have used that time to actually further the plot along and make it not feel so vapid in the end.


I liked it
It wasn't as good as Season 1 but still pretty good in my opinion.

I think they may have taken way too long with buildup this time around. The first 5 episodes were very long and mostly full of nothing, except involving FBI lady and White Rose, and I suppose what little conflict there was shown between Mr Ribbit and Mr Robot.


His voice is literally identical, how is this possible