Sup Forumsros I need your help

I'm not the guy who said separately. We would go together with my family, one of them my brother and his wife who have two children.

gotcha, that is what I expected. was getting confused.

>a two day hike
you want to shock them, not kill them

Another option with the nudity would be to invite them all to my sauna. I know you have them in the U.S as well, kind of, but here it is mandatory nudity. You are seen as weird if you wear clothes inside. So it would be kind of familiar to them, but with a twist!

americans don't go to sauna at all. They are mostly gay hook up / sex clubs.

can i go with you?

Perfect. Sitting tightly together, naked, should give them some memories of the trip. It can only really fit 4 people, but we'll be 6 so if we squeeze...

nudity will usually fuck with some jimmies. Most will be very embarrassed at first.

honestly just meeting "online friends" is weird enough. I guarantee there will be enough social awkwardness just from that.

There are legit culture differences that might rustle your jimmies too: eg:

-always running late
-very emotional
-small talk
-intrusive questions

They might legit take typical swedish behavior to mean they aren't welcome, and they might not get when you are joking about stuff.

I've met them already when I were in the U.S last year. Only one I really have a "problem" with is that you love to small talk, since I'm slightly autistic, but honestly you guys aren't that difficult to get along with.