Being a marvel fan in 2016

>being a marvel fan in 2016

He's right in the objective, non-meme sense obviously.

>going against Captain America

Is Trump confirmed for Hydra?

How can one man be so based?

No, Cap is

Captain america going against America

Cuck Evans.


marvel is literally beta cuck central

im pro-trump but you'd have to be fucking retarded not to admit that he can be a total cunt.

>Hillary is corrupt as fuck

Cap would've voted Trump. Evans confirmed "I'M LITERALLY SHAKING" cuck.

>Implying that Ben Affleck didn't verbally barf this hard after the election too

>we've let a bully set our course


>Half the country votes Trump
>MSM pushes the meme that "everyone" is horrified by the results

Literally how can anyone still trust popular media

Pence is the true american iro

you think typing that makes you what? you sound like a child when you type weak meme shit like that, you know that right? Like an oily fuck up.

Wow, those xenoestrogens are really cucking up America worse than I thought

half the country didn't even vote.

you don't think Trump is corrupt? He never even released his fucking tax returns. Wonder what he's hiding.

Politics are all spite and meme's to polchan. Don't worry, it'll burn bright for a while but sooner or later people will shoehorn over to liberals because most people here just want to hate on authority.

>Leave Mcu to me

Sorry I meant sweaty, oily, shivering fuck up. I wasn't clear.

calm down you whiny bitch

FUCK PENCE. He's even worse than Trump. Everyone wants Trump to be assassinated, but if he dies then we will be left with someone worse.

Half the people who voted.

Marvel movies are trash, but he's a top, top lad t b h

how can a man be such a cuck?

fuck off and suck a cock of someone who doesnt give a shit about you, even better, wants to get rid of you

Pence will actually make america great again unlike meme man thats easily swayed

>Trump was elected
>Tony pls help


I don't even live in america, man.

Ben is an even bigger liberal shill than Chris

This is actually the first time I've seen Cap make a political statement

The full hundreds of pages of financial statements were released. They are more important.

Trump's old interviews show that he holds A LOT of liberal views like wanting healthcare for everyone, believes in pro choice, and doesn't think people who are already in the country should be deported. I am pretty sure he just lied out of his ass for the election. I really hope he still feels the same as he did back then. I can only afford healthcare because of Obamacare and if they take that away I am FUCKED. I was born with a pretty rare heart condition and my healthcare covers all of my heart tests. Before I had obamacare I had to pay thousands for them. That's when I lived in florida. FUCK FLORIDA by the way.

based Mike "guys who like cocks get shocks" Pence

>being a fan of The Office

He's actually a centrist pretending to be republican

but if he turns out to be actually against the (((globalists))) it's all good

abortion and gay marriage are red herring issues while the economy is being blasted to the 3rd world....

I guess christian sharia is what made america great

See this? If based Pence was in this retards info (name, government id, si number, and all) would be right next to his name.

its a fucking shame he didn't become president and some cryptolibcuck did

>being a Muslim in AH 1438

>Oh no he don't like thing I do like

>better hate him

Why are Americans so dumb?

There's only one based actor in the MCU, and it's Chris Pratt

Yeah his campaign was obviously just saying whatever it took to get anyone to vote for him, thing is though, if he doesn't deliver on anything he's "promised" his voters will turn on him too. Alot of his supporters actually believed that he'd build an actual physical wall, and that will never happen.

Wtf I love hydra now

It would. You wouldn't be some low IQ redditor posting meme frogs on here then(assuming you're form north america that is).

You're fuckin captain america.

Do something about it!