Hey Sup Forums! Bend over and smile.
Hey Sup Forums! Bend over and smile
>hating Trump
What's it like to be a media sheeple?
Racists enjoy the lies of Trump. They believe Trump and his lies the same way they believe they are somehow superior to people who are not white.
Is this Trump or one of his Russian loving slaves? I can not tell.
There are more types of media than the mainstream media. You know the one that fact checks, and doesn't blatantly fearmonger and fabricate stories to push an agenda. You're a dupe for the other type. Congrats. Kill yourself.
>t. Young Turks listener
Daily reminder to Americans everywhere that Trump IS your president, whether you voted for him or not.
Ah yes, with such brilliant news sources like _________ or _________, he's given many good alternatives
Trump never got the vote and is Putins little bitch.
Doesn't mean I have to respect him.
Rob this country blind? Is he gonna break into the national reserve and steal all those sacks with the money symbol on them or something? How the fuck exactly is he robbing the country you fucking retard?
The factory in Indiana for starters. The factory he promised he was going to make sure that factory was going to stay. Welp, a shit ton of people are no without jobs.
You're doing God's work, son.
I get my news from various sources, but mostly objective sources like BBC and NPR. Occasionally I'll use Fox or Forbes or Financial Times for a conservative slant. Nice false accusation though alt-right faggo. Keep chugging that Alex Jones cock.
Fucking tax give away for he and his rich buddies by fucking over the lower and middle classes.
OH, I hope you love your 1.50 extra a week.
>NPR and BBC
>government funded
>mostly objective
I'd like to see NPR try and compete in actual radio like conservatives need to. Instead you'll have every limousine liberal crying when they get defunded.
>$1.50 a week
How little do you make? If you're unable to see benefits from this tax cut you're either underaged unemployed or typical illiterate anti-Trumpkin
The choice was between Trump and Hillary.
That's like choosing whether you want soup or salad with your shit sandwich.
Since when is God the anti-Christ?
Truth QUADS. Shills BTFO.
Looks to me that you love the shit sandwich that is Trump.
Here is your dinner plate you asshole Russian.
>spending this much thought and effort on him
It's like you're one of those people who tattooed Trump's name on yourself
>muh Russia
>shitty meme
Are you even trying? Thanks for the (You) I guess.
CLINTON and her "kids" already robbed the country blind and we are trying to recover u fuckstain.
No, dumbass, I'm saying the alternative wasn't any better.
BBC not an objective news source... Not by a long mile
Because wondershozen was serious?
You idiot
Hillary was always a shit candidate.
And Trump was always a narcissistic lying blowhard born with a silver spoon up his ass.
If you rejoice in having either of them as president then you should kys.
You are literally correct but not figuratively.
>was always a narcissistic lying blowhard born with a silver spoon up his ass.
And everone who opposes Trump are the same vile, two-faced assholes like you who are fine and dandy until someone doesn't agree with you.
Odd, I read a story today that said he has lost over 400 million in value since he became president. Doesn't sound like he is profiteering off of the American public to me.
>Hillary was always a shit candidate.
Are you advocating for Hillary?
Different fag here but she was clearly the only not-retarded choice between the two.
>Different fag here
>When the jew outs itself
Nice dubs.
That's pretty much how I see it.
>Let's list a bunch of fake "facts" about Clinton and then claim there's totally a bunch of sources that we won't list
>Obama was a good president who did no wrong
>Hmm? Oh no I only got in to politics because I hate Drumpf
Should have went for Bernie. Cutting him off for Hillary cost them the millennium votes.
They all just stayed home and bitched about how Trunp won after.
That would require their party to be legitimate and not an arm of the Clinton's. Bernie was only allowed to run so that he could try and get those millenial votes for Hillary
They wouldn't have poured millions of dollars into a the woman's rights movement and feminist attention grabbing for two years building up to the election if they planned to put Bernie in office.
Didn’t people only like him for his promise to get rid of studen loans or something?
>Conservatives: Obama is going to ruin our country!
>Liberals: No he won't
He didn't
>Liberals: Trump is going to ruin our country!
>Conservatives: No he won't
He won't
Free healthcare and free student loans which didn't mix well with his "bring everybody" immigration strategy
>He won't
Tell me the next winning powerball numbers while you're at it.
--------------------------------------------> THE POINT
Every president is the anitchrist to the opposite party and they never are.
>But this time it will be different.
Baby's first election
The point is you're full of shit and pretending you know how the future will turn out? Because if its how both conservatives and liberals do the same shit then you kind of need both results for that to be a valid comparison.
Because no president in history has ever fucked up? Hoovervilles didn't exist. Nope. Maybe learn basic history.
So you can predict that Hillary for sure would have been better than Trump? Can you provide me those powerball numbers while you're at it