What would you do in his position?

What would you do in his position?

Date a blind chick, and remain silent everytime she tries to introduce me to someone.

This. Also ride crowded elevators all day and cut loud juicy farts.

Wear a white sheet and pretend I'm a ghost.

Sit around and wait for the scientists to reverse it.
I might jerk off while they're in the room. but that's about it.

Rape my ex

Hunt xenomorphs in antarctica

try to get it fixed, being invisible would be awful unless you can turn it on and off

I mean, unless you want to freeze your invisible nuts off, you're gonna need to wear clothes, which defeats the purpose of being invisible...

i'll be blind because the light can't hit my retina

fuck you and your logic son, I'm going for a xenomorph hunt you think I give a fuck about freezing my invisible nuts off, ywn be this based as invisible me

Grab multiple women by the pussy

I'd go steal a bunch of bodies then run around weekend at Bernie's style. Do pranks like jumping out at people or chasing them. Make sure lots of people see the dead bodies moving about as if they weren't dead. Like take one riding on a scooter then let it crash somewhere. After I was tired from carrying them and laughing I'd just drop them off in random places. Proceed to watch the news having a laugh at the eye witnesses and experts trying to explain bodies rising outta the morgue for one more wild night on the town.

I'm already invisible.

Ooo or convince some hobo or crazy person they have powers but they must speak their will.

You can do that visible user

Make fly-like buzzing sounds with my mouth. People will go nuts looking for the invisible fly.

Don't need to play hypothetical when me and all my brothers and sisters are already invisible to the government. Now if only the police wouldn't be able to see us as well.


Sneak past mom and get all the tendies I want

...then how did you write that post?

Go straight to the government and become the ultimate secret agent.

Who wouldn't want to sneak around the Kremlin completely ass naked?

Jerk off in public, leaving cum stains everywhere.
Also free taxi rides and sneaking hotdogs off of street vendors.

Turn myself over to the Vatican to be used as they see fit.

waltz into people's homes an just watch them, let loose some nasty farts occasionally


Would the cum be invisible though?


It wouldn't matter because cum turns to water after a couple minutes anyway

Walk into a five star restaurant and steal people's orders right before they get ran out. Piss in the soup.

His blood was invisible so I guess cum would be too.

>mirrors are real

Really? Is that true?

>cum turns to water after a few minutes

Where do you think the oceans came from, and why they're salty.

If you're invisible, how would you know it was soup?

Can Candlejack kidnap someone he cant s

I had this girlfriend a little over 10 years ago who I really, really want to see naked again.

>start stalking her
>try to figure out logistics of keeping phone invisible as well
>get pics
>maybe steal a pair of her panties
>masturbate to pics endlessly
>print some out and send them to her father

I'd sit in churches on sunday and whisper into people's ears. I'd tell half of them trump was jesus and the other half he was satan.

Probably just go about my life except invisible. Driving down the road invisible, taking notes in class invisible. I'm way too nosy not to spy on people, go hangout on my neighbors house from time to time, and I'd get into places I shouldn't be constantly because I'm weak and that's way too much power.

Eat every thicc toot in a 5 mile radius

I'd use my superhuman abilities to be invisible in conjunction with my newfound ability to look through my own body/side of my head/etc to go around fighting crime.

Once I grew too old to fight crime and I was forgotten I'd go around with my last stash of money finding poor looking kids and making them think that a 5$ or 10$ bill just got mysteriously dropped and blown by the wind to land near them so they could buy candy and stuff...

I probably wouldn't start molesting one of the two women who know I'm an invisible man and would obviously realise what was happening.
I don't understand what the point of him doing that was, other than showing some titty to the audience.

Sit on a park bench and watch kids play without being fucking arrested and called a pervert anymore.

i would hound my friends day and night for shits and giggles

>sitting naked on a park bench to watch children
>not a pervert
Did you get some pizza and pasta from your neighborhood comet pizza?

thats pretty fucking good


I don't watch a lot of movies, is that a reference to something?

You. I like you.



Make fake 9/11 calls from payphones detailing a crime regarding an abduction of a homeless man, and leave the scenes with a 'token', so that the police are lead to believe that they are chasing a serial killer.

>not just raping her


You can't have sex with dirty lesbos

farreal. this guy bakes his own bread.

I'd probably get hit by a car when crossing the street

Where the hell do you live? I thought they got rid of all those



go to the white house and find the area 51 papers

others would be able to see the food being chewed

Yeah, didn't you hear? It's legal now!

I would look for interracial couples (BBC on white women ofc) and silently watch them have sex at their homes.

shitpost on Sup Forums

>get a bunch of food coloring
>sneak into local pool
>dump tons of the stuff into the water
>slip in and become a logic-bending ghost
I'd also find a way to stand in front of smoke and steam as much as possible

Kill/harass people I don't like
I'd say rape women but honestly I don't think I could even get hard while doing that, so just fap while they're masturbating will do
Travel around the world for free
Steal anything I want/need

so would the invisible sperm eat the invisible egg and make an invisible baby?

pushing a lot of nigger/sandnigger in the stair, spy girl in bathroom and rape them, steal money

Damn....this is really making me think.

thanks for the (you)

I'd honestly do subtle things to piss my friends off to make myself giggle. Just little things constantly like moving things and breaking stuff.

A standard size lanes pool is 25m X 1.80m X 20m or so.
That's 900 cubic meters, or 900,000 liters, or 237,754 gallons.

Good luck getting enough food coloring for that much water, buddy.

did you just want to show off your nerd math or what?
he can just get some fucking paint

I didn't mean color the entire pool, you mongrel. Just enough for a decent sized cloud of swirling color around me. It's all theatrics.

Fucking LOL

>calls others nerds
>while posting in a thread about what you would do if you had superpowers
>with most answers being creepy shit like raping women
Wew lad

Sniff a lot of busy ladies' rooms.

slightly cruel but nice

t b h f a m I'd probably break out in laughter at some point

haunt your house

Is no one replying to this tripfag?

How embarrassing!

>invisible me
coming this spring from Sony Animation

Go to the local playground and lay at the bottom of the slide

You as assholes do realize that you would be visible under infrared vision right?

yep, exactly a reddit like response

You better shut the fuck up you god damn crossboarding newfag from Sup Forums reddit is the best and loved by official oldfags from Sup Forums I'll bash your god damn skull in if you post such inane garbage here in front of my fellow oldfag friends again fuck I'm so fucking sick of you newfags not knowing about respect I own this joint bitch you better respect me or I will ensure you never post here again GOT IT PUNK?!

You just fucking put mud on yourself you idiot

>tfw do this
>get caught because no longer invisible

go to the mall and drink people's sodas

what a beta


>Track down George Soros
>Push him down a flight of stairs
>World peace occurs a week later

I would spend a year, or as many years as I need, to sneak in the houses of celebrities and take videos of them in very embarrassing situations. Not even just plain nudity, but whatever freaky shit they do. Maybe some lick their shit before flushing, maybe some get their dogs to fuck them, some others molest their children and the possibilities are endless. For almost every "relevant" celebrity, I'd document it all, then release the most memorable, historical "Fappening" (or Ghostening) ever.

Or just kill some of them in ridiculous ways for the lulz, like how one hollow man killed Anton Yelchin.

Then I'd do the same to politicians.

Pretend to be random peoples' inner voice

Here's George Soros' address, BTW:
136 Cantitoe St. Katonah, NY 10536-3804

>unmonitored and unrestricted access to every single place on earth where you are largely free to do as you please

Christ what wouldn't you do

Poop in crowded rooms.

Shitpost on Sup Forums

Made me chuckle, thanks you fucking idiot

post cunny on Sup Forums in utter peace

>what are locks

What if the power suddenly disappears in the middle of one of your schemes?