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well they're Space Nazis so that shouldn't be surprising.
doesn't change the fact that Vader is a white guy with a black voice though.
>empire is white supremacist
this is why we lost the goddamn election.
>well they're Space Nazis
did the original trilogy imply that? I think this is the completelly new narrative they try to inject in. Empire probably had some aliens in their ranks and they weren't guys who shout "White power, death to all aliens".
speak for yourself cuck
And most of the dumbasses didn't learn a damn thing from it.
p.s Hillary deserves the firing squad
I can't remember any Imperials from the original trilogy who weren't white guys.
they resembled the nazis and brits. the natural enemies americans could relate to.
now its: WHITE PEOPLE!!!
Actually they treated them the same way America and UK did at the time.
Unlike the diverse and multicultural Rebel Alliance?
>Empire is Space Nazis
wait, then why the Emperor himself looked like an alien? i'm so confused. When Palpatin took the power did he just wiped out every race other than humans because he was a real nazi and wanted HUMANS ONLY Empire?
and i thought the previous star wars was the final nail in the coffin of that series. its like they took each and every single thing that was bad about that other one, and they just doubled down.
>“How do you turn over democracy to a tyrant with applause? Not with a coup, but with applause?” Lucas recalls, “That is the story of Caesar, Napoleon, and Hitler.”
>The fact that fascism inspired the look and feel of the Empire is no secret. In fact, Star Wars creator George Lucas even refers to the Imperial officers in The Empire Strikes Back as “Nazis” while giving his commentary of the film. He specifically mentions their militaristic dress, noting, “The Nazis are basically the same costume as we used in the first film and they are designed to be very authoritarian, very empire-like.”
>George wanted the Imperial people to look efficient, totalitarian, fascist; and the rebels, the goodies, to look like something out of a Western or the U.S. Marines.
I just don't get why famous people speak out about politics. Do they want to lose money?
It's hilarious that in a world where every month there's an Islamic terror-attack in a NATO nation killing between 10 and 30 people, the go-to thing to demonize is "white suppremacsists".
fascism has nothing to do with views on race and the color of the skin. fascism is about the power of the state and it does not mean something about whites being the superior. Italy was fucking fascist and they are not white.
WTf I love the Empire now.
I'm not saying it's gonna flop
But I feel like TFA will be the most successful Disney Star Wars and revenue is all downhill from here
With Trump elect, I coulnd give a fuck.
>Anakin killed Windu not to save his wife, but because he was Black
>Sheev isn't a Sith Lord, hes just a regular old Nazi, Darth Maul is also a White male now
The Empire was quite clearly a fascist regime.
However it wasn't a fucking white supremacist regime, fucking hell. That makes no sense and was never ever mentioned or implied, unless black people are aliens in this universe.
>Napoleon gaining power after the turbulent French Revolution was fascism
I'm an Anglo yet this still fucking triggers me.
better for the most part
fascist = right wing neo-nazis
>Italy was fucking fascist and they are not white
>they are not white
Nazis were motivated by a racial and ethnic purity that was rooted in Nordic genes. They thought white people were the only ones who deserved to exist and declared everyone else Lebensunwertes Leben (unworthy of life).
They didnt exterminate non-whites en masse because there weren't many in Europe.
>Anakin killed windu because he knew the BBC was the real threat to white women
In the OT almost everyone was white. The only notable outlier was Lando and nobody mentioned it.
But now the Rebellion is becoming the proper diverse rainbow coalition it was meant to be
but heck, they still didn't consider jews as pure white either. so there you go.
Nazis hated:
- jews
- slavs
- america (capital of the world of degeneracy)
hitler even went so far as to praise indians and he hated himmler for his MUH VIKINGS rubbish
Oh, it's feeling like 10 years ago already.
>Lucas only used nazism iconography for the empire
That just reflects the change in our world and media though. Blacks were still treated as 2nd class citizens in England in the 70s, hence no black extras on Star Wars. Lando was basically a diversity hire too, Sup Forumstards would've flipped out about a nigger in muh sci fi.
I wonder where that SJW that trolls these threads went to. He usually spams shit like ''OMG THERE ISN'T A ANTI-WHITE CONSPIRACY YOU TINFOIL FREAK''.
He seemed to really be quiet since Clinton lost as well.
did you just completely forgot about the japs being called honorary aryans by hitler himself?
Muslims are brown therefore good boys who are misunderstood and peaceful, they only act the way they do because big bad whitey made them! It really is that black and white and there's absolutely no grey issues or complexities to the matter, now hush up White Male and back to the grovelling pits with you.
kek. but like how else do you arrange crowds, fám.
Where would racial tensions in Star Wars even come from? "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" - no one should have any concept whatsoever of Africa, Europe, Asia, etc.
opportunist platitudes used to shore up support until he could take over entirely.
His manifesto was pretty clear but yes, mightily contradictory and hypocritical.
You'd think after Brexit and Trump, the libs would reevaluate the passive-aggressive twat routine.
Everyone was almost white because most of the fucking country and actor/extra pool was white.
This would be like making a movie in China and wonder why the fuck are there so many chinks in a Chinese movie.
>Empire is a white supremacist organization
then why did they have a black stormtrooper?
Fucking hell, not even JJ was this bad, he had the Empire quite diverse in the new one at least
Yes, let us humanise and understand white supremacists. They should be executed just like Islamists and the KKK.
and why were the original clone troopers Maoris?
that was addressed in another tweet. something like: "he left, didn't he"
How is that anti-white or a conspiracy? The only SJWs on this site are Sup Forums tards. You deserve to be lit on fire.
>if you are against Diversity you are a evil fucking racist.
Only a sith deals in absolutes....
Yes, let us not enter into dialogue and debate with them, let's draw more lines in the sand and demonize the group because we don't like them and that scares us.
This is why you lost the election.
They're going to triple down
Samantha Bee opened her post election episode with "White people ruined America"
But I thought white women voted Trump :^)
The new one had First Order. And this shit is about the original Empire and it is still bulsshit. They try to insert this agenda even in the original trilogy.
funny that the only people who things like that want to marginalise minorities and automatically declare anyone who disagrees with them "SJWs"
Aside from being self-evident in their uniforms and being a military-run authoritarian government and calling their infantry "storm troopers" it's been explicitly stated in the EU and cartoons and comics.
What the fuck ethnicity is she?
Only whites are dumb enough to join the draft and have a sense of ""duty"", the other races/aliens are the smart ones, they live off the white mans death and tax. top kek, whites are dumb as hell
The fuck is wrong with these people?
The idea of Empire being biased towards humans was an EU only concept that was erased by the new Disney canon, as confirmed by Star Wars Rebels.
It was also a sexist organization, but again that's been erased from continuity.
Any suggestions of the Empire hating black people however is pure made up.
He looks like an alien because he's an evil space wizard who abuses space dark magic. He likes to oppress no humans because he's an evil space wizard who likes evil space shit.
"White supremacists" basically don't exist in a tangible capacity any more. They're a fringe group dwarfed even by groups like Pedophiles or Scientologists.
Being paranoid about the KKK is like being paranoid over the Whig Party.
Meanwhile we have BLM burning down buildings and looting blocks while screaming "BLACK POWUUUUUUUUUUUR".
So which is a bigger threat to society? Them or "white supremacists"?
> spends endless hours supporting Trump
> disparages movie goers for supporting Jews
>white supremacists and the KKK
>having anywhere near the power of Islamic radicals
Is this b8?
Ur wrong. They will do last minute reshooting and make a bad guy look like drumpf and make bank
Nazi-ism then. Jesus could you be more pedantic?
I dont think it was an intentional plot point in the originals but it was pretty obvious they were from a visual standpoint trying to make them resemble nazis, and the fact they named stormtroopers after a part of the german army in ww1
but we won
>>“How do you turn over democracy to a tyrant with applause? Not with a coup, but with applause?” Lucas recalls, “That is the story of Caesar, Napoleon, and Hitler.”
Uh, what?
Caesar gained power via a massive civil war that lasted 5 years and was fought across 3 continents.
Napoleon seized power through a coup now known by its date on the Republican calendar, 18 Brumaire.
they are, yes but now they are just shoving it in our faces now
I think the tweet implies that it's like a white supremacy organization but with humans in place of whites. It's a human-supremist organization.
>liberals completely dropping all pretenses and admitting their movie is just diversity anti-white anti-male propaganda
Thanks for the second term Trump presidency suckers.
How retarded are these cucks?
The Prequels and the Expanded Universe are FULL OF Sith Lords and Empire Generals that aren't human and are instead alien races.
Have these niggers forgotten who Admiral Thrawn is?
Why are Liberals so fucking stupid?
>half the country votes for Donald
>want to have a successful movie
>attack Donald
wow amazing business sense
>Fighting against white supremacists
>Being led by a white woman
Good to know the Empire wipes these fucks from the face of the galaxy
Then why was Finn a Stormtrooper?
The momentum is too great, they went full-steam-ahead implementing "progressive" policies and agendas.
I'll be the first to admit if they did it over the course of decades/a century, by the next generation they'd accept transgender toilets and microaggressions (or some other BS) as if it were a normal way of life.
But we won. Bigly.
I want her to keep it up, keep ossifying whites
This is not even our galaxy, those people can't be nordic, they never were christian, they cannot be buddhist or islamic or communist or nazi because there is no connection to our Earth in THIS galaxy of Milky way.
The writers are really really really bad or lack foresight of any kind.
Again, you seem to not realize you're making sweeping generalizations about a very large group of individuals. And you also fail to realize that's mass generalization and demonization that creates negatives attitudes like that in the first place as a reaction, and that goes both way and feeds each party. Like, you think the big bad whites are just waiting there in the dark to hate you, but life is a two way system, treating people like shit and shutting out any argument otherwise just breeds resentment because guess what, people don't like being insulted and generalized. The quicker the left, who have a MAJOR media bias in their favour, realizes this, the better off everyone can be because dialogue can happen and we're not huddled in our corners spewing invective from across the room.
But nah, it's the big bad whites, isn't it?
This is SNOT okay.
So Sup Forums was right.
>which puled my dick
my sides
why are Jews so evil?
>Leaders of the Empire worship the dark side
>White supremacists
The blackest nigga in the galaxy was one of the top dudes in the Empire. Fuck outta my face with that bullshit.
It seems obvious to me that "humans" in Star Wars are just a group of aliens that resemble homo sapiens closely enough that they can be depicted without makeup or prosthetics, that these humanoids evolved convergently on many different planets throughout the Star Wars galaxy, and on every one of those worlds the dark skinned inhabitants of equatorial continents were enslaved and exploited by the white skinned inhabitants of northern continents.
Did they forget that Disney made Palpatine's successor an alien?
Like that hack could design a better uniform than Hugo Boss.
Nazi's looked like total bosses in that uniform regardless of what they blieved in or for what they stood.
>Being a space nazi is bad unless when we are selling merchandising
You lost the election, liberal
That was retconned. They explained he is a white guy but his face was severely burnt, making him look "dark-skinned".
Keep up with the tweets, faggot
this is just hologram. Behind it hides some yellow faced baffoon with short hands and ridiculous hair
Vader was suppose to be Black, he was retconned to being White in ESB
Empire wasn't White supremacist or even Human supremacist, the lack of non whites was due to it being filmed in London in the 70's & lack of aliens was due to budget
except the white vote is responsible for electing Donald Trump, who ended up losing the popular vote. That's where the anger stems from. Not some nebulous idea of what white people did, the actual voter data.
italian fascists had better uniforms and the Eastern European communists had better architecture. dems the facts.
>be a white supremacist group
>decide to raise and train an army from birth
>you can use whoever you want to form your army
>you choose black people
The funny thing is, is that all this massive demonisation of whites by the media has galvanised whites into voting en masse for the only side that doesn't seem to despise them and call them racist for existing.
t. Former Democrat in a swing state that voted Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016