Have you ever noticed that liberals only want you to think...

Have you ever noticed that liberals only want you to think, act and live exactly like they do and if you don’t then you’re automatically either a victim of American capitalism (third world countries) or a hillbilly fucktard?

I guess diversity and inclusion only goes so far

Whatever snowflake...

I’m not the one who’s a snowflake, lol. You just proved my entire point

If your point was that you are a whining little abortion, then yes I did!

What is it that you're implying that all liberals believe? And what is it that you believe that it goes against?

You need to cut back on the milk, princess. You've become a very, very delicate boy.

So you want more abortions but less mass shootings? That doesn’t make any sense, sunshine.

I’m against both but you seem to be okay with murdering innocent little babies

All libcucks just want to be blacked and let all the brown people in my country. I just want to live in a white ethnostate.

Don't compare the whole group with a few.

All liberals have the same talking points and the same beliefs. If someone up top says that islam is good and christianity is bad, that’s what liberals have to believe from now on

I have to because they all act and talk the same, everything is for diversity except opinions that don’t agree with theirs

Well, that makes perfect sense. You're living proof the a woman can get pregnant through anal sex.

they are mostly just retards

I'm liberal and protestant. I've voted democrat and third party. I love the white race, but instead of calling for extermination of non whites, I'm just knocking my wife up as much as possible to do my job to propagate what I think is beautiful.

Your talking point is weak because you are generalizing an entire group based off of what you see on the internet.

>So you want more abortions but less mass shootings? That doesn’t make any sense, sunshine.
>comparing abortion with mass shootings
>being this retard

Only an actual fucktard thinks all liberals are like this. This some opinionated BS

See? Lol

What a tolerant liberal you are. You deserve a cookie


Thanks, your mom always likes a little snack after a good plowing.....

This is why liberals and “progressives” are bound to fail. Someday they’ll “progress” into pedophilia and get a couple hundred thousand pissed off dads with ARs at their doors

After that no more liberals

:) happy ending. Did you like the cookie? Time for nighty-nite

Wow, what a giant intellect. You're not a liberal, but you can't stop thinking about guns, abortion, and fucking kids. Save those cookies for your therapist....

Lol. Is that the best you got fuckwad?