Why was there a samurai in Star Wars?

Why was there a samurai in Star Wars?

Because you touch yourself at night

Isn't he a former Jedi?

Because the Asian market is huge and not particular fond of blacks

Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell

No that we know.

China has nobody except low budget Bruce Lee?

Why is he wearing a Nintendo Power Glove with a NES controller strapped to his chest?

nope. only force sensitive


Sith fear the samurai

>Yes, how big it has to be?

>Asian character is a blind monk who knows martial arts
What the fuck? Is it now just important to have a "diverse" cast if even your diversity is through laughable stereotypes?

Asians are only known in because of martial arts and... creating paper and powder I think.

the jedi were already kinda samurai tbqh (to be quite honest)

especially since george basically ripped off hidden fortress

Did they really do the whole blind warrior shtick?


Name one blind warrior other than Zatoichi.

>and not particular fond of blacks
Why even bother mentioning this part? It has nothing to do with what OP asked.

Why do you ask pointless questions?

Because he is not particular fond of blacks.

>ing. Galen, I'm empire


>(to be quite honest)

more like to be queer homo lmao

How often do you think Donnie Yen has to repeat to himself.

>It's exposure
>It's a paycheck
>It's exposure
>It's a paycheck

He honestly deserves better.

Yes. Poor samurai who had to buy armour at Walmart.

because stormtroops can't compete with grorious nippon staff folded 1,000,000,000 times

and the numeral system the world uses.

that would be the arabs and persians, idiot

Tell that to Kanji club.

>Hindu-Arabic Numeral System
Dumb tripfag. What a waste of quints.

Yeah, and Hindus aren't East Asian, dumbass.

>he doesn't know the difference between a tripfag and a namefag

nigger detected

Why did they need to kill Donnie Yen in this movie?

>Name one blind warrior other than Zatoichi.

The poster I replied to said asians and you still thought the numeral system was invented by arabs and persians who merely adopted it.

My bad for not knowing the difference but you're still a fag. :^)

>character based on Zatoichi

Well done.

No retard I'm not black but i'm getting tired of stupid crap like this.

There's no point in mentioning things that have nothing to do with the OP.

keep dodging the point you chocolate devil

nigger faggot detected

if I call you a nigger, does that mean I fit in? :3

I just told you i'm not a fucking nigger.

star wars is fucking gay and retarded

you have to go back.

no seriously, go back

Anyone else had a thing for Donnie in his Blade 2 days? He looked great in makeup.

so you identify as white denying your black heritage? You are racist on so many levels it shouldn't be possible you fucking nig

Why were there so many accents? I'm not murican and all those British accents were distracting.

Unfortunately he can't. He already went black.

Asians are gonna take over cinema. Eventually, white pussy as well.

Two years ago, I would've argued that it isn't. Now I just don't care anymore because it's true.

>Anyone else had a thing for Donnie in his Blade 2 days?

Jesus Christ I was so buttmad when he wandered down a dark tunnel and got killed off screen without even getting a fight in that movie

yeah, same. after TFA I have zero interest

That dude from Mortal Kombat


Ip man is gonna fight vader. This is the unofficial sequel to ip man 3

>he's fighting another black man

not hype for this really

isn't op the creepy asianmasculinity guy?


He is chinese and its done so the jews can get the shekels from the chinks

yes, he also posted cucked porn to annoy "racist" lmao



Fuck off reddit nigger faggot