Is he washed up?

Is he washed up?

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no hes still gaining speed

Since mellon collie

with normies

he peaked before he got married. he's so cucked now that he let a woman open her door into his prius and didn't have the balls to confront her.

After his comments of not demonizing Trump, he's basically done.

Dude, he's still rising. Name one stand up comedian that can outcompete him.

If not best standup right now at the very least best dude to sit around and talk shit with.

By far.

You think Bill Burr's audience cares?

He doesn't share Amy Schumer's audience, there is no overlap.

He will be drowned by the media and slowly but surely fade into obscurity. Mark my words.

his show got another season

>ywn be in his circle and throw the football around over the pool while drinking miller high life's

Stand up is shit. Improv is where its at.


I stopped listening when he refused to endorse trump. Fucking cuck race traitor pretends to be for the working class and can't do us this solid. It's good that trump won but this cosmopolitan marxist showed his true colors.

go away sam hyde

He said he hated both major party candidates. Which is the reasonable position.

t. ryan stiles

He's great at improv too, see that Doug Stanhope video during the election. That was all improv and then he used those jokes afterwards.

He's way faster than other modern comedians.

>Dude i'm such a nihilist, you never met a fence sitter like me
Fuck off faggot

He didn't like Hillary either and a significant amount of people who voted for Trump would admit he's a fucking retard.


Way to be stuck in your buzzword head. It has nothing to do with nihilism, it's simply looking at the choices offered and rightly concluding "wow these are both shit".

Quickly scrolling the first page I legitimately thought that was a pic of Billy Corgan.

Sure, man. You have a good one.

>bill gets lambasted because he attempts to see why both sides think and vote the way they do and takes a measured approach, determining that both candidates are complete shit, but he's annoyed that no one seems to give a shit about straight up criminal behavior

Holy crap, Bill Burr is literally me.

He is one of the funniest people you'll find. He isn't really a political shill like some comics. He'll take comedic risks and maybe have different opinions but he is always trying to be funny.

Bend the knee or fuck off. No inbetween.

Just admit you find thinking for yourself too difficult already.


Just admit you hate America you apathetic limp wristed faggot.

Come make me. Just so you know I'm 6'5" and 245 pounds. I eat punks like you for breakfast.

I'll come looking for you when Trump deploys the RWDS. Osama was 6'4 and he went down like a bitch with one bullet. Expect the same.

>it's a bill is too afraid to state his real opinion so he ends it with "i don't fuckin' know" episode


There's something literally retarded about Boston accents. I feel bad for laughing at it.

>I'm 6'5" and 245 pounds.

Sure you are, faggot. My dad is 6'7" and 270 pounds and has also sparred with Steven Seagal, so fuck off.

That black and white special was just a rehash of his other two and his podcast is ruined by his retarded wife.

His animated show is watchable I guess.

His show fucking blows.

is he autistic?

But Adore is their best album

Is James autistic?

He's pussy whipped.


thank you.

Not an argument

but that's not funny and recognizable

>having a dick measuring contest on the Internet

I'm a black guy I already have many guns with which to shoot you with b4 I fuk ur guurrrlll with my left foot o wait that's my big penis

>he still hates nia

He's a good balance to him. And when he does get bitchy, it just makes Bill even funnier as he goes off on her.

i dont know why I said he instead of she in this post, pls ignore

>refuses to endorse Trump

>Calls Trump supporters gullible for believing Trump will change things

In the trash he goes

my dick is 6'8" and im like 14 inches. ill literally fuck you faggots up.

he definitely voted for Trump kek

>"Good balance"

No, he's just watered down now. He watches his words to avoid his chimpette flinging shit. He only debates what he considers safe and avoids other topics.

He more or less endorsed Hillary less then a week ago

God no. Fuck off.

He said that he voted for neither of them.

>After his comments of not demonizing Trump, he's basically done.

What? He called Trump a buffoon and a joke non-stop during his election night special

It breaks my fucking heart to see Billy housebroken.

>haha you can't cry when trump is elected but if you're PEOPLE of COLOR you can though
>wow not tryna be sexist here
>wow tryna be a good boy

Fucking cuck.

He was always politically correct. Always opting for a "N word" instead of nigger.

Louis, despite being more "cucky" had an entire joke dedicated to shitting on people who use the "N word" and told them to just say nigger.

Why does Bill make threads about himself every night on Sup Forums?

He turned shit once he shunned O and A


It's amazing that I haven't gotten tired of his podcast yet.

5+ years of listening to this freckled fuck ramble for an hour+ a week.

>Oh look, it's the lovely NIGGER Nia

Dude how they haven't gotten a divorce yet is beyond me. She sure puts up with a lot.

She probably fucks like an animal.

Joe rogan


read between the lines

realy makes you think


>for the working class


Bill Burr barely has any mainstream media presence. 'F is for Family' is dogshit, everyone prefers his podcast and his stand-up anyways.

>After his comments of not demonizing Trump.

That will make him MORE popular. Remember that 50 million people are not cucked hillary voters.

Its like the 5th most watched thing on Netflix right now

Burr is pretty funny and a good guy. It's too bad seeing the Trump shills in this thread eating one of their own just like the right always does.

Watch him on Conan. Made fun of commiefornians right to their face and to Conan. He did everything he could to fuck up hillary supporters and defend the working class without saying he wants trump. He said he liked trump way early in the primaries also on conan as show. The day after the trump nomination was secured he got on his podcast distressed because he didn't think trump could beat hillary.

His head would be on a spike and career slowly ended if he did anything more.

He's also so much quicker, funnier, and real than any of those other fucks. Especially Rogan.

Maybe, his interview with Conan was awkward as fuck, you could feel the tension.

But that's probably because you're not allowed to say anything about Trump unless you're calling him a racist or sexist etc.