Did you like The Fly (1986)?
Did you like The Fly (1986)?
No, I only watch films.
The Fly is kino, scared the shit out of me as a kid too
Fuck yeah, it was terrifying. I remember liking the second one a bit too, but probably because I was like 7.
>Top tier Cronenberg bodyhorrorkino
>High science bullshit without trying to make it seem realistic
>Jeff Goldblum Prime
>Breaking a man's arm off armwrestling
Of course I loved it.
It's easily Cronenberg's most accessible movie while still being Cronenberg as fuck. Scanners is more iconic, Videodrome is better, and Slivers has that one ayy lmao with those tits, but The Fly is my favorite.
I really wanted to like Videodrome but the ending bugs me a lot, mostly because there is no sequel
It's a great flick. Don;t bother watching The Fly 2
how is the brood compared to cronenbergs other work?
>Scanners is more iconic
I disagree with that. Love Scanners but most people only know of the head explosion scene and even then just from the famous gif of it not even from what movie it was from. Almost everyone I know on the other hand has at least seen or heard of The Fly.
>Dont bother watching The Fly 2
Don't listen The Fly 2 is great.
Same user. That's true actually. I saw the head explosion gif for years before I ever knew where it was from.
He didn't fly so good
Best movie about AIDS ever made.
Damn you and your puns.
He's a big fly
Pretty fly for a white guy
It's pretty good.
Legitimately great B-movie. I get choked up every time watching the ending, Geena Davis absolutely sells that performance.
>tfw you will never have someone care about you so much they are hesitant to shoot you even while you lay dying in agony after melting a man's limbs and trying to drag her into a pod to meld with your DNA
just fly in my sleep already
>this movie is 30 years now
goat t b h
better than dead ringers
why would there need to be a sequel
When I was a kid the maggot birth scene fucked me up so badly it wasn't even funny. 15 years later I'm an alcoholic who can pretty much see anything and it doesn't bother me that much.
I was really sensitive as a kid.
I watch The Fly, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and JC's The Thing every Halloween. Good body horror/gross out "Trilogy" to get into.
Also, rate my tastes from the Cronenberg films I've seen:
Videodrome>eXistenz>The Fly>A History of Violence>Crash
It's a solid B-movie body horror. The subtext is really heavy handed though.
Watch Scanners
saw it as a kid so i dont remember any subtext. what is it, gays? stds?
its about puberty, a time of great change.
eXistenz is absolute garbage.
Subtext schmubtext. I've heard people say "oh, it's OBVIOUSLY about AIDS," but whatever. It's about a horrible thing happening to and changing the person you love. You could make analogies to lots of things. Drug abuse, cancer, whatever.
fly is miles better than existenz
watch the brood and dead ringers tho pleb
It's about abusive relationships. Geena Davis has a troubled relationship with her ex who won't leave her alone, Jeff Goldblum becomes increasingly possessive, physical and pressures her into doing things she doesn't want to and he gradually literally turns into a monster.
not convincing, your reading of it is too vague, not even a subtext, because its literally whats happening on screen.
Yeah, I was expecting a horror movie but it was actually really sad.
>it's OBVIOUSLY about AIDS,"
It's not though and that's a very blatant case of projecting.
I think you misunderstood my post. The point is that there is no subtext and the kind of situation and emotions shown can be applied to a ton of things.
i thought you were "the subtext was very heavy handed" guy.
where is he? i want to beat the shit out of him.
the eyes are truly the window to the soul
Bring it on m80
The stuff with the dog was incredibly fucked up
Him putting the gun to his head fucking tears me up every time. Obviously the effects are the show stopper but Geena Davis brought her A game. All that and the music makes it so powerful.
Looks more like "The Kike".
But it's not a B-movie. There's nothing cheesy or low budget about it.
>dead ringers
Massively underrated. That scene where he's using his patented rib spreader instead of a speculum... the hooker twins... the use of colour. Salute to my fellow patrician.
well, it has the creature run amok in a building killing a bunch of people, which is nice, but it's not very good
>American can't handle ambigious endings
why am I not surprised?
Yes, I like The Fly(1986).
It is the 7th best film of the year 1986.
what's better than it?
Disgustingly good.
some people just can't into unreliable narrators and black and grey morality. he was having a psychotic break from reality ever since he first watched videodrome and the ending is great, fuck your sequel
Stand By Me (1986)
Aliens (1986)
The Mission (1986)
Platoon (1986)
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986)
Salvador (1986)
The first time I watched it I felt physically sick, although it may have been due to the several days old meat pie I was eating at the time. Good movie.
loved this movie. im watching all cronenberg's shit now.
I need some other God tier body horror films/scenes. Like this, The Thing, The Blob, so on.
>increase in acne
>hairs in places not expected
>mood swings
This made a little more sense thinking about it.
I know its more of a psychological horror film but In The Mouth of Madness has some pretty good body horror scenes, plus it has based Sam Neill
I remember i watched the old version and everyone laughed when the spider is about to eat the guy, i was absolutely terrified, such a primal fear.
I wouldn't say it's godtier or even in the vein you're looking for but re-animator had some pretty good body horror scenes.
It's also hilarious
it's a genuine 10/10 movie.
I prefer The Fly (2018)
Probably should have become an alcoholic sooner m8. You sound like you were a moany little kid
Yeah I mean I was a total fuck as a kid for sure.
Things are better now even if they appear worse.