Jojo is probably the most boring anime out there. I mean its literally the same story 7 times

Jojo is probably the most boring anime out there. I mean its literally the same story 7 times.

And what the fuck is up with stands? Did they just run out of ways to make fighting interesting? Whats this fucking digimon ripoff bullshit?

yeah jojo is derivative and gay as fuck glad you agree.

Any Anime with "Breathe and gain Retard Strength" is gonna end up being shitty anyway

Stands? Even hamon is a shitty concept. If it's really supposed to be the same power as the sun, how does it not fucking melt everything in a 50 mile radius including the user?

It's actually a pretty good show you just kind of need a Powerhouse through some of the boring Parts in the beginning then you can really learn to appreciate it. It's so will praise because of its huge influence on anime.

>missing the point this hard
Yare yare daze...

Even though I like JoJo, I can tell ya anything that asks you to power through a chunk of it gives bad signs to newcomers. It's got a weak beginning and does get better sure, but I can see why a lot of people don't bother with it.

This. It's hard to give the show a chance when you have people that constantly tell you "Trust me, you'll like the NEXT part for sure!"

early stuff sucks
sometimes i consider just skipping straight to part 4
should i?

The reasons for stands is because the editor said hamon would be too boring so he told Araki to do something else

I have the controversial opinion that parts 2 and 3 are worth watching, but yeah. If you don't have time to waste part 4 is arguably the best to watch, user.

No don't even bother watching it's not really worth the effort. Go with something actually good like Gurren Lagann or Devil May Crybaby

Its anime. Of course it sucks.

Just watch the videos are 1.5x or 2.0x speed if you don't want to waste too much time. You'll need to watch the previous parts if you want to understand whats going on.

Yea, all you need to know is that Dio is an asshole.

Yeah anime is for fucking fags

I dio brando aprove this thread how can you possibly save this thread now jojo!

I mean debatably one of the most successful anime at least internationally is Dragon Ball Z I believe you really need to power through some parts like most of the episodes in the Frieza fight were absolutely humongous waste of time but overall by the end of it there were so many epic moments did it completely made up for those stale ones making experience worth it I would say JoJo is very much like this but for me at least on a much greater scale

For those that want to know the truth, Jojo was one of the first huge mangas. It was made back in the 80s and actually a lot of the "over the top" styles and themes you see in anime, and even in things like Street Fighter.

Clearly youve never watched IBO

Really cool manga
Really shitty anime

>so many epic moments did it completely made up for those stale ones making experience worth it I would say JoJo

Do you even english?

Which is probably why it hasn't aged too well.

True it was influential but honestly I'm tired of fucking Jojo fans saying everything in anime is a God damned Jojo reference

Depends if you feel like watching strictly action or slice of life josuke being a cuck half the time

It’s a meme you idiot.

The funny thing is that JoJo makes so many references to long forgotten pop culture elements, that whenever another show makes the same reference, Jojo fans act as if it was a Jojo reference all along. Pretty much all banchou steriopyed characters turn into jotaro references because of that. And that's only one example.

How is something being a meme supposed to make it ANY better?

>Watch S1 & 2
>Love it
>watch S3
>drop as soon as first 5 fights are all "MY STAND IS UNBEATABLE"

I feel like there's a name for that kind of misinterpretation of a reference but I forget what it's called

Fucking right though? Stands just took away from the real danger of the fights

you're gay

daisan no bakudan sage za dusto

Dubs don't lie

Every shit anime has fans that say "it's good after you see ten episodes."

>feeling the need to defend something you enjoy to get some autist who hasn't even seen it, but hates it to watch it

Why do faggots still do this