Hey libtards, triggered yet? Nothing can him down
Hey libtards, triggered yet? Nothing can him down
gb2themotherland faggot
ITT russian can't even a english
If this isn't his 2nd term election poster, I've lost my faith in America.
can't wait to see that pee tape
Can him down what? Down too much Russian pee pee gurl pee pee?
Like this?
Nadia likes it when I piss in her ass
There is no pee tape. More fake news and witch hunts
Obviously fake.
He's wearing a gimp suit in the legit one.
David Dennison...Trump LOL!
What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?
I never heard of any garbanzo bean on Donald Trump's face!
In this post-Freudian age the institution of marriage, as a by-product of religiously-fuelled monogamy, has deteriorated to the point that amorphous sexual identity, as opposed to rigid religiosity, has become the primary self-defining feature of the individual.But has anything changed? Has the entrapment of woman via marriage which Blake called a "gilded cage" merely deteriorated to the "rusty prison" of the Bang Bus, representative of the anonymous male-centric sex and continued subjugation?
Ayy yo bitch, its ya boi Brandon. Tanisha said want you to pic her up a box of fruit loops from the store while you out. Id do it but im pretty crunk right now bruh.
>shitposting bad political memes
Back to facebook, all of you
>believing in anything correct the record lied about
must suck having autism
Oh shite the Lolita Express with slick Willy!
can someone help me find this video
Russian spy guy English much?
Is that a trump pee pee gurl?
What if he accidentally a Coke bottle
this is her, currently in jail in Thailand and so afraid she's going to be killed, she's gone to the press.
what an impeccable response that was coming from the greatest liberal mind of our generation
I wait with anticipation, mean while the rest of the world watches the greatest sitcom of them all.
>Nothing can him down
>More fake news and witch hunts
I have alternative facts that say this it's totally 100% legit
Go focus on your corrupt election process ya Ruskie.
What's wrong with you user, can't you understand southern Trump speak.
Announcing sage is against the rules.
That nasty how looks like a poop eater
Russia accidentally the English language.
Deep state fake news
Someone say poop eater?
Oh fuck the polacks are in
Pro trump or anti American. Love it it leave it faggot
Op is a fucking faggot
Give me all the fucks u cunts
Go back to your containment board.
Toвapищ, этoт пocт нe имeeт пpeдпoлaгaeмoгo пoлитичecкoгo эффeктa. Haчнитe нoвый!