ITT: reasons why russia sucks

ITT: reasons why russia sucks

1. they drink themselves to death
2. their men are some of the weakest men on the planet, second only to cuckolding japanese men
3. their president cucks them with every election and he's lubing up as we speak
4. they produce nothing of value except videos with which the world laughs at them for
5. their women have bigger penises than they do
6. they're afraid of a little gay

ok Sup Forums your turn

Have you seen Russian women?

I'm not sure, they look so alike to the men

Don't forget they smoke themselves to death.

All of their women look for husbands in other countries since the men are all drunks.
But the women are fucking HOT - best are in Ukraine.

Ukraine isn't russia dumbass
Russia can't even annex a country previously in the SU fucking properly

the best Russian women are Ukrainian. that about says it all. plus all the smart people split 20 years ago

Would you willingly fly a helicopter into a column of hard radiation to help put out a reactor meltdown? The 1st responders at Chernobyl were about as balls-on hardcore as you can get.

jews push the hate on the Russians now because the jew run KGB is no longer the primary power in Russia. Don't fall for their divide and conquer propaganda

Fuck Off CNN

the fucking old faggots in japan helped contain fukishima so....
your fucking turn
bbc com/news/world-asia-pacific-13598607

look a russian lol

AGAIN Ukraine. Chernobyl is in UKRAINE

youre a filthy ruski

They are half the problem in the middle east.
They influence elections around the world to push for nationalism.
They kill their opposition in politics to maintain a One Party system.
Still masters of propaganda
The Tankies didn't lose the USSR, they just hid it better. Don't get it twisted, it's still a dictatorship.

And worst of all, they love Trump and Rex Tillerson... almost like they owe them money or something.

aww, a little insecure? lul

reasons why usa sucks

they think they are the owner of peace when they only are mercenarys who are by far worse than terrorism

not a russian btw

They can't make cars that anyone outside of their country would own.

90% of their country is desolate shithole that only houses pit mines.

nobody can own peace dipshit. peace is a state of harmony between people, not a state of false unity forced on a population--you're thinking of putin's "democracy" again.

I like how bent out of shape people in US get over Russia trying to influence politics. Ukraine elects pro-Russian leader, US helps get him ousted for pro-NATO leader, but how dare Russia mettle in our election. Ignoring fact that China, Israel & George Soros do more to manipulate US politics than Russia

They wear track suits to weddings funerals.

They squat for photos and are poster children for fetal alcohol syndrome.

I think it's fun to troll russians who are cucked into working a job trying to convince AMERICANS of one thing or another.

Think about that. Russia has so little power its most effective program in years was .... trolling on the internet.

I'll grant that dumbass Americans played into it, but those dumbass americans make more money playing Candy Crush than Russians do farming potato and sucking on vlad's balls

someone real thank you for not being retarded

look a russian circlejerk lul.

in all seriousness yeah, the U.S. fucks with shit. everywhere. that's what we do. we're OVERT about it, because we can be. We have the power to do so.

and Russia trolls on leddit.

world superpowers, folks
