Tell me the degenerate things you do/have done Sup Forums. Green text preferred but whatever's fine
Tell me the degenerate things you do/have done Sup Forums. Green text preferred but whatever's fine
>be me, 10 y/o
>seeing a movie with family
>have to shit really bad throughout the 2nd half
>don't want to use public bathroom because I was too much of a beta at the time to do the CHAD DUMP
>fucking dying the entire car ride home, trying to hold in in the best I can
>pull up on drive way
>jump out of the car, run to my door
>parents are taking fucking forever getting out
>can't wait
>run into backyard to shit
>squat and shit by my trampoline
>feels so good
>realize after the fact that I had nothing to wipe with
>have to wipe my ass with both of my socks
>without thinking I throw both of my shitty socks over the fence into my neighbors yard
>3 days later I'm riding my bike outside
>hear my other neighbor talking to some guy in front of his house
>says the other neighbor came to his house and started bitching at him
>he says he didn't know what the hell they were talking about
>they thought the shitty socks came from his house
>mfw started a feud with my shitty socks
I guess that makes you a shitty neighbour :p .
>be me
>11, in 5th grade
>at my school for 5th graders there was this optional class we could go to one day where a doctor explained puberty and what to expect soon
>my parents let me go to the class
>segregated by gender, so only boys in the boy class
>giggling every time the word "penis" or "testicles" were mentioned
>at the end of the class we got a little pamphlet with diagrams of the male sexual organs and so on along with a little stick of deodorant
>after the class I throw the pamphlet with all the penis diagrams into the girls bathroom
>now they will all be exposed to muh penises
>friends laugh
>worth it
They had no idea how shitty I was
I have a blanket that's COVERED in semen that I REFUSE to wash
Had to call in for work yesterday because I was too drunk.
I have a designated sharpie in the drawer of my nightstand that I only use for shoving up my ass when I fap
> my girlfriend is a really politically active SJW
> goes to rallies, protests, etc
> cried on election night
> later that night I posted her nudes on Sup Forums and Sup Forums as "tribute" to the right
> regularly expose her private pictures to neo Nazis and Trump supporters I meet online
No fucking way I could date even a liberal, let alone a fully gaslit SJW.
I don't know how you can take it, man