Looking for pics of some slut who had "ruben" written on her
Pic unrelated
Looking for pics of some slut who had "ruben" written on her
bumping own thread
fuck me no ones on at this time
Athena Westerman
i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?
yea thats the one
dont have it, same girl?
Fuck off Ruben, NYPA GO TO /r/ to request shit you fucking retard
asking a bot a question....
nah /r is shit plus all the original leaks were on B
bots can upload pics now?
Jesus you goddamn newfag
GET TO /r/ and stay there you fucking retard. It’s a whole board who’s sole existence is to deal with your thread
calm down cuck il post where i want
you must be 18 to be on this site
Says the guy looking for a girl with a dudes name on her chest, in some vain hope seeing it will make it be relevant to you like she’s a long lost love.
Fuck outta here newfag
>she wasn't a slut, she was being blackmailed and threatened
>she was 15-16 in the pictures and videos
>soliciting child pornography is against the board rules and united states law
>reported to interpol
newfag calling newfag a newfag, newfagception
Lol wut
Gtfo newfag
>being this new
What did you just call me, you godamn new fag
Newest of fags newfags. Newnewfag
dont take it too seriously user, they just want to do the cyberbullying thing
>Samefagging this hard to save a thread that should have been deleted
>ignoring perfectly good ways to get the Shitty nudes on another board
Ingest bleach
Do something for the greater good
This post is proof that you're a moron
don't try to fit this hard user, you just have to lurk a bit more
Just done with retards taking the longest route to do easy shit because they are fucking weak as fuck at simple tasks
we need to learn from the greatest
You n00bs will argue over anything
prove it