Can someone Red Pill me on Ben Shapiro? He seems alright but comes off as preachy, arrogant and untrustworthy

Can someone Red Pill me on Ben Shapiro? He seems alright but comes off as preachy, arrogant and untrustworthy.

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he's a good bro. confronts the unconfrontable, so we don't have to.

Psuedo-intellectual douchebag Jew.

He's a subversive Jew rat. Don't trust him.

>factually supports his claims
okay kid

He strawmans like the autist he is.
It's easy to "factually support" counter points to topics that you inserted into the debate.

Good message, bad delivery.
He's an intelligent guy but isn't very open to hearing views that aren't his own.
Jordan Peterson in my opinion is a much more even tempered.
He can be a little bit of a "fence sitter" for smaller topics but sticks to his guns for heavier topics.

Why does he always have that same edgy facial expression all the time?

Yeah look I think he is well studied and debates well quite a few of his points. I disagree with some of them though. For instance, absolute refusal to utilise preferred pronouns, anti abortion stance, etc.

Wouldn't a point of a debate you host be to bring up the points you want to discuss? As well would you rather he insert his points into the debate and not know the facts or which he's speaking?

Anyone who's anti abortion is an automatic retard tbh.

this guy debates

I hate that Louis CK was the one to put it so bluntly but...
You can't live in the states, and believe that you have the right to kill someone who is on your property without permission, and also believe that you cannot kill someone who is living inside your own body without permission.

He represents the other side of the political/societal spectrum. Basically, if you're not a piece of shit or racist homophobe you'll agree with him.

Agree with his economics, disagree with his religion
Sure but the other side of a debate is the part where your ideas (in this case, Shapiro's) get questioned and scrutinized, but often times that doesn't happen.

>Being pro-abortion makes you a piece of shit

Why should you have to facilitate someone's desire to be called xim, hen, xer?
In that case I will be referred to as Khan, anyone who actively does not refer to me as Khan (My new gender which allows gender fluidity but also has an every other day gender bend) should be publicly scolded for hurting my feelings, of that hurts their feelings too bad of course.
If they want to refer to themselves as these things within their circles all the power in the world to them, but don't sit here getting offended because I can't guess what kind of Pansexual Lizardkin you are today.
These are titles with no backing, true terms and expressions find their own way into culture, jamming it down someone's throat just builds animosity.

Mostly your description is accurate.

There's only one thing you got wrong: he's NOT "alright."

Shilled for the "Assad murdered kids, you must invade goy" bullshit with no evidence and never retracted even though Mattis himself admitted there's no evidence. Called Ron Paul a "crazy person" when he suspected the April 2017 sarin incident was a false flag, but offered no argument. Paid by Ted Cruz benefactors to shill for Cruz. Lied about Corey Lewandowski "assaulting" Michelle Fields even though the video proved the account false ("he threw me to the ground wahhh")

Wants "covert aid" or some shit to be given to the poor protestors in Iran. Denies there's any ethnic component to Judaism in order to keep up the charade that it's not an ethno-state.

Typical neo-conservative Jew.

only the sith deal in absolutes.

>living inside you without permission
But having sex and getting pregnant is a conscious choice, no matter how bad you regret it later (unless rape).

Nurse student here, he looks autistic

> posts shilling website

>fuck bareback and take load
>the fundamental purpose of doing that happens (pregnancy)
>oh no I did not want this kill it

If you're talking about rape, you're right. If not, you're wrong.

>thinks they are qualified to make a medical ruling


>Implying there is a design to our functionalities
>Implying we shouldn't avoid reproducing in the vast numbers we are

>>Implying we shouldn't avoid reproducing in the vast numbers we are

If you're not white, you're right. If you are, you're wrong.

He is arrogant. But he is fucking brilliant.

Based Shapiro is the hero we need.

Exactly. Another lib with talking points who can't actually attack the facts so they try to attack his character.

Lets say that you are some scrawny little emo boy.
And some dickhead keeps calling you a girl.
You're probably pretty pissed right? because the gendered pronoun they keep using for you doesn't correlate with the gender you identify with.

I don't care about the PC movement or the gender spectrum, I think it is bullshit and I don't think any law should specify what you call other people. However, i believe that Ben's absolute refusal to use anything but a person's 'genetic' pronouns is ridiculous and inflamatory.

If your name was Jacob, but you've spent your whole life being called Jake, and then some asshole keeps calling you Jacob and you hate that name, and you ask them to call you Jake, but they tell you, 'Uhh well Jacob is your birthname, so I refuse to use anything else,'
Well you would probably tell that dude that he is being a dick for no reason and punch his stupid face in if he kept it up.

That is how I feel about the whole pronoun thing.
Sure, you're absolutely right, but you're being an asshole and literally helping nothing by being so strict about such a non issue.

Expecting people to know your pronouns = stupid.
Asking people to call you something that is more comfortable for you and them refusing based on some matter of moral = stupid asshole

more like ben sha-queer-o, am I right ladies?

That line of thinking is like saying we shouldn't stop eating meat because the animals are going to take over. Not everything is a battle between the white race and the rest of the world wanting to ruin our "pure white genes"

Highly educated conservative jew. Not “street smart” about what is really going on out there. “Insulated” in that regard. Relatively young to have these self-important opinions about how society should be. Respect the fact that he fights back against the whiny pc/sjw/libcucks. Oh, and his sister is very fuckable.

I wouldn't call him brilliant when most of his strategy relies in triggering whomever he is debating so they trip up.

agree totally. watched him for the first time the other day. its like he has no soul or something, definitely classify him as 'shifty'.

That’s probably just the jew in him.

>Not everything is a battle between the white race and the rest of the world wanting to ruin our "pure white genes"

It's a battle between people who want the 3rd world to overwhelm the 1st and render the entire thing a shithole which will be easily ruled. The 1st world, and the race that created and sustains it, must be preserved. There is no magic dirt.

Found the vegan

yeah he cant help his jew tendencies, dont fault him for it

Using religion as the foundation of policy-making is inherently wrong. That's why we have the separation of church and state in the US.
I shouldn't have to adhere to Christian and Jewish values if I am not one of them. Interpreters of the Constitution understand this, why can't Christian citizens? Nobody wants to hear outdated passages from a book written literally by uneducated peasants 2000 years ago

jake / jacob vs lying about your biology or making up new terms for imagination, that's not even a proper comparison you faggy little emo boy.

>The 1st world, and the race that created and sustains it, must be preserved
You mean the world that was taken by religious freaks that wanted nothing but power to rule over the common folk should be preserved? Cause last I saw there wasn't much left of what this "1st world" to save, unless you mean the workers that support their power hungry warlords and live under religious opression.

He's a Jew.
No one should take him seriously.

I'm a liberal. But far leftists need to keep their emotions in check and avoid getting triggered all the fucking time.
Shapiro knows what he's doing when he does that kind of stuff. Honestly the amount of whining and bitching from people in my own party annoys the shit out of me.

The internet was better before peasants like you got access to it

But these aren't nicknames, they're genders that don't exist. Acknowledging them would inadvertently acknowledge the existence if their made up gender. Nickname sure, if I call you a boy and you're a girl that's my mistake and I should be corrected of you are one and just don't feel like it that day.
Catering to everyone is not reality. Call me an stupid asshole, I'll be calling you sir or ma'am.

Many many trolls in this thread I see

I can't disagree with that, however it's a bit like trying to convert religious people by acting like Christopher Hitchens or richard dawkins. Doesn't really work, even though it may be entertaining the first couple of times you see it.

As a matter of fact it actually does, people shouldn't be ignorant of the fact that sex creates children and that contraception methods are no more than semi-effective stop-gaps or bandaids. Being pro-abortion means you are against personal responsibility and accountability, to suggest that death is more appropriate than abstinence, is not only foolhardy but disgustingly immoral considering murder is one of humanity's most taboo crimes by law. A plan "B" pill should be the only option for run of the mill cases, for pregnancies that are already beyond the aide of the pill, abortion shouldn't be allowed unless the mother's life is in danger. End of story.

>Inb4 "my body, my choice"
You also made the choice to open your twat to cock and so assume the consequences of it, except in the case of rape.

>Inb4 there will be more rape accusations
Good. Less people fucking is a good thing either way, especially with all the STDs in the world, if they're scared of getting vanned, maybe they'll pick their battles better.

Not bad for a religion fag.. Jews aren't typical religion anyways. It's like a club with a bunch of fun traditions. Not like preachy Christfags. I mean I don't agree with half the shit he says but at least he's on point with his reasoning and makes you think.

I just don't like his face or his voice. I know that's super shallow. I don't care. I sort of support what he says about gun control although that's honestly a hard subject to know the right answer on. Haven't watched to many of his videos, but every time I hear him speak he sounds like a bit of an asshole.

It seems to me that liberals too often fall for the traps and snares that conservatives set up for them in debate. It's sadly predictable, actually. They consistently go the emotional route, in my experience, disregarding logic for what makes them feel good.

It's much simpler than trying to convert a religious Christian nutjob. Libs need to be more cognizant of triggering attempts and need to use logic and reason more than emotional appeals. Those don't work much anymore.

Abortion should only be for rape victims not fucking morons

As an old school liberal, I think he's pretty intelligent and we'll spoken for a conservative, knows how to remain calm and respectful during debates. He sure as hell loves to strawman and generalize tho, and he can't help but come off as arrogant when making some Jewish based moralistic pedestal for himself. Worth a listen, form your own opinions about him. Love him or hate him, you'll at least feel like listening to him debate was productive.

>the wamen have to be held responsible since they are the ones that ultimately are responsible for my boner and have to take responsibility because I can't reproduce without a wamens

What then of a guy that fucks a girl and she wants to keep the baby. Should the guy just have no say and pay child support the rest of his life? Should we then also ban say substances that lower our inhibitions like alcohol? Since that essentially leads to situations where we do things without thinking of the after effects(like hooking up with that uggo in the corner of the bar since you've struck out with every other woman there)?

I cna't decide if he got too many wedgies in high school or not enough

You should be able to decide whether or not you want to give fucking birth dumbass. It's not like we are running out of people. I'm assuming you're a man. I wouldn't want to force anyone through the pain of giving birth unless they wanted to. Just seems fucked up. You are basically torturing that person. If they didn't want the child in the first place something tells me they won't want the child after you forced it out of her vagina. You are dooming a kid to a sub-par life. Fuck you.


I like your bait but today I identify as a dog so no go

He's a rat, they all are. Not Jews, just the heavily anti-left intellectuals. They're all subversive and full of strawman tactics. Debating and arguing is about looking like you won, not actually being always correct.

The red pill is that any extreme, or in this weird case, anti-extreme exteme, is fucking moronic and causes more harm than good.

>You mean the world that was taken by religious freaks that wanted nothing but power to rule over the common folk should be preserved?

The world of high technology, relatively high average IQ, and Western (i.e White) values like not fuckin goats or bashing in bald dudes heads looking for gold like Arabs and Africans.

>Cause last I saw there wasn't much left of what this "1st world" to save,

he posted, at nearly the speed of light, in his comfy chair, surrounded by cum socks

>unless you mean the workers that support their power hungry warlords

The State is full of sociopaths, to be sure.

>and live under religious opression.

If you think the U.S, or the Western hemisphere in general, is too religious even now then you need to back to your Rick and Morty marathon and pretend that your nihilism is the deep and meaningful sort and not just a half assed pass you give yourself for being a fucking lazy faggot.

Well yeah I agree, however isn't it a bit striking how many of these "liberals" he ends up "debating" with are a bit too obviously retarded? I'm not trying to say there's some conspiracy theory, it's just apparent to me that he goes for the lowest hanging fruit for a debate. Like a lion choosing to run after that sickly young part of the herd, as opposed to the adult stronger parts of it.

I believe in infetecide let alone abortion. It's not like the baby can think yet. It's just a program that cries for food. It's not a human till its about 4 years old. If you can't think you're a plant and can be picked from existence if the thinkers think it's better. Stop pretending kids matter or life for that matter. Each kid is a million times the pollution and destruction than stupid things people are up in arms about. Also mass shooters should be given awards. Fuck these sanctimonious faggets that want to push their near sited views on us.

So in other words, you can't be responsible for yourself or refuse to.

Guess you didn't read my post, since I said the morning-after pill should be the only option readily available.

>when you aren't even baiting in the slightest

I don't understand the hypocrisy of Christian Conservatives.

> the government doesn't get to tell me how to live my life HURRR
> I'm going to willingly let the government decide what I can and can't do with my sex organs and my body

Christian logic makes me laugh in pity. Nowadays the Christian church should be viewed in the same light as the Church of Scientology.

Not even a Christfag user. I just think people are lazy cunts with zero discipline.

>>Implying there is a design to our functionalities

There is. Evolution=/=no design. Evolution itself can be a designer. There is no conflict between these.

Your body is your most fundamental property. If you willingly do something with your body, which you know leads to the creation of another human body inside you, that body is legitimate and has rights as well. If that body is the result of an involuntary coupling, i.e a result of rape, then the case can be made that abortion would be ok.

Nailed it.

Just like that faggot Milo. Zionist kikes using accurate information (which available if you political types actually bothered to read) to 'destroy' feminists and all that shit. But still political agitators with only the supreme rule of Israel as their life goal.

Do not buy into their shit. They are just puppets from one the dishonest battling sides of American universities that have created this new wave feminist communist bullshit cancer.

well no, asians are more developed when it comes to technology. Or are you just saying whites and some of the asians can come too?
IQ has been widely disregarded on par with the meyer briggs personality test
>Western/white values
You mean like stripping a country of resources and blaming the broken remains for not being able to survive on their own because they are a lesser culture to our own? Our "western" values are largely based on the values instilled from the crusades/roman invasion/inquisition.
>peed of light, in his comfy chair, surrounded by cum socks
okay that hit a bit close to home, but you don't think a lot of these "3rd world" countries are catching up to us, at least in the comfy chair and Internet access part?
>The State is full of sociopaths, to be sure.
Yes, the people in power are ultimately corrupted by said power, so why do you listen to them when they say that you need them for protection from the sub-human tribes around the globes that want nothing more than to hunt down and destroy the white race?
>If you think the U.S, or the Western hemisphere in general, is too religious even now then you need to back to your Rick and Morty marathon and pretend that your nihilism is the deep and meaningful sort and not just a half assed pass you give yourself for being a fucking lazy faggot.
That was a long statement with zero substance. We are living in a post-crusades culture where most of the older cultures were wiped out and replaced with christian values right, you see that right?

I don't understand -- so it's Shapiro's fault that the other members of the debate aren't as fully prepared or knowledgeable about the subjects they're slated to debate?
That's their own fault. They should be better prepared and know when they're being baited. They should come on Sup Forums more tbh

As long as women have the "right" to an abortion, it's only fair that men have the right to abdicate parental responsibility. At least it would be something to hold cunts accountable for what they do to some extent. Women in the West just can't fucking fail, the entire State and society are arrayed to bail them out of almost anything.

My, you're an agry little user.

Did some sorority girl turn you down when she saw your MAGA hat?

No, what I am saying is that it's not up to you to decide what people do to their bodies. Life is not sacred just because you think it is. Life is merely life, and using technology to avoid suffering is kinda where we have to go eventually.

The debate comes down to when do fetuses have rights? I don't think you become a person with rights until you are out of the womb.
Beforehand, you're not born. It's a matter of semantics, but it's where I stand on the issue. And I don't let an outdated book convince me otherwise

>Just like that faggot Milo. Zionist kikes using accurate information (which available if you political types actually bothered to read)

You don't need to read Alex Jones.

That body is a parasite on the host and should be terminated like the parasite it is. As it grows it will cost the planet hundreds of chickens, many cows, mountains of feces, oxygen, mountains of trash, endless amounts of toxic carbons, and for what? Because sanctimonious fags like you can feel better about yourself. How about mind your own business and pull the white knight dick out of your ass.

Okay, fair enough let's say that our biology has evolved to where it has been useful to reproduce. However with the advance in technology and our exponentially increasing lifespan, do you not see how we can take evolution into our own hands to prevent overpopulation/suffering of the individual due to shitty, ill-prepared parents?

Then go shoot someone in cold blood and prove me right, nice strawman.

Hebe detected. Gys faggit

No doubt a zionist shill according to most on here. But he's alright, bit arrogant but he knows what he's on about

Well that's true user, but that's been true for all of time and will continue to be true.
We're lustful creatures designed entirely to reproduce! People are going to fuck, people are going to get pregnant. You don't get to decide how a person should proceed from there, they do.
Because it doesn't affect you at all.

His sister has massive khazar milkers

Yea she's pretty cool. Would watch more of her but her contentis limited.

Hey I'm not arguing that men shouldn't have some right in deciding if they become a parent and have parental obligations. What I am arguing against is the removal of the choice to avoid the whole situation all together.
Right now men have basically no choice in the matter, how would you argue that it's fair to both remove the choice to avoid the pregnancy all together while at the same time saying it's fine if the man wants to ditch, it's not his responsibility?

You know people ask him questions too? its not like he decides the questions and memorized a bunch of answers so he cant win everytime. He does Q and A's

Nope, I refuse to use made up pronouns like 'zim' or those other retarded ones.

And I'd damn right refuse to call some gross pink haired stubble chin faggot 'her'. If you wanna be a women or a man tranny then make the effort, maybe then I'll be decent and conform . Untill then you and your Reddit fag friends can insert cacti in your asses.

How is shooting someone in cold blood the same as having an abortion? Are you saying that conscience exists at the moment the sperm drills into the egg?

He's done multiple debates/forums and doesnt shy away from people asking him questions at his college appearances. How is he not open to hearing opposing views?

Yea it was fun watching Sam Harris beat him casually because of his religious views. Same with Patterson. Their foundation is religious and that breaks down to cultural stupidity in the end.

Not the same user you replied to but technology and increased lifespan is part of why we have "shitty, ill-prepared parents". With the increased ease comes stagnation and lax attitude, the instant gratification associated with those things partly led to the surrender and outsource of personal responsibility.

I can't stand the guy. He makes some decent points about how sjws go to far but that's like shooting fish in a barrel at this point, and he doesn't dare talk about the problems caused by the equivalent retards on the right.

Basically he's one of those "I believe in reganomics because my daddy makes a lot of money" millennial conservatives.

This, everything with Ben Shapiro is strawman.

Yes. Unless rape. And with those two words the entire anit-abortion argument crumbles to dust.

Exactly. My dog is more conscious than a baby but my dogs rights are limited as fuck. As should the babies be. Potentially being conscious is a meaningless fallacy.

The christian far right generally wants to ban abortion outright even for rape. So, in general yes that is what we are talking about.


Nail on the head from what I've seen too

Whites and East Asians are the 2 most intelligent races outside the sneaky Ashkenazi Jews, some of whom I love and most just seem like they go out of their way to piss people off and kick them out/shoah them.

IQ is affirmed as scientifically valid and is a great, albeit not perfect, predictor of success in life. If you'd rather live in IQ 68 Somalia than IQ 106 Japan or 103 Italy, be my fuckin guest.

>You mean like stripping a country of resources and blaming the broken remains for not being able to survive on their own because they are a lesser culture to our own?

They didn't even know the fucking resources were there. This is the Wakanda argument: if only we had Vibranium (or any valuable natural resource) we would be KANGZ! Guess fuckin what, Africa is resource rich and they didn't do shit with it. Venezuela has fucktons of oil, they still suck because they're fucking stupid with an IQ of 84 and loved Socialism.

Africa was left some good fuckin infrastructure and couldn't maintain it. That's how fucked they are. Even when you give them some 1st world, they still fuck it up. Watch Empire of Dust. Chinese guy fuckin roasts an African dude over how much they suck.

Your most important resource is human ingenuity and intelligence, and some races have more of it in aggregate, on average, than others. Japan doesn't have shit in natural resources, but they have highly intelligent people and so they succeed.

>Our "western" values are largely based on the values instilled from the crusades/roman invasion/inquisition.

More like the Enlightenment and shit.

>why do you listen to them when they say that you need them for protection from the sub-human tribes around the globes that want nothing more than to hunt down and destroy the white race?

I see no State in Europe or North America saying that, I see them actively working to help 3rd world trash come here in droves.

If he was more legitimate he would argue with people in the middle. His whole strategy revolves around finding the people who are going to make the left look bad. Hack work, my friend.

It affects the world I have to live in, the one my children will live in, so yes it does. Holding people responsible for their sexual bits isn't even asking much.

Can you tell me with no doubts that once a woman is confirmed to be pregnant, that it will not become a person if left alone?