Have you ever fucked a friends ex? are you still friends?

Have you ever fucked a friends ex? are you still friends?



yes, we kept it secret for like 3 months then came public to them about it and they started crying, me and the ex became bf gf, we've split up now.
yes, still friends, if maybe some silent tension.

We are not still friends, sadly, as I was fucking her for almost 2 years behind his back and even after he proposed to her.

btw the friend was a lesbian and i turned her gf straight, no jokes. i'm not even a chad.

my current GF was my ex-bestfriends gf, they were together for 10 years but we had been fucking for 5, constantly told i had the bigger dick
my gf has a kid and whilst it seems to share facial similarities to me, my ex-bestfriend is paying child support, i dont have much to do with it, after all, i'm not the "dad"

No, but I fucked my best friend's sister.

fucked my friend's sister and his ex. good times.

Did he find out?


fucking your best friends girl while they're in relationships is classic sleazy shit. if you were actual good friends, you'd at least fuck them after they broke up.

if you're not confident enough sexually to know when to reject pussy, best learn to overcome your petty desires.

Yes, threesome with said ex after they broke up.
Best buds

Virgin detected

Yes and yes. Still fucking her these days

yeah, actually dated and lost my virginity to one of my best friend's exes. She was hot and it was about half a year after they broke up and she was constantly giving me signs that she was digging me, so I asked him if he'd be mad about me dating his ex. He had never really talked much about their relationship when they were dating, so I found out that she was actually a pretty emotionally unstable person. After we broke up, I asked my friend why he didn't warn me and he was like "you wouldn't have taken me seriously, besides, you tried to date my ex hahahaha" We're still good friends and I'll be his best man this August.

I am currently fucking a friends ex on a near daily basis.

He stopped being my friend years ago, he got all holier-than-thou and judged me for being a pothead and decided that I wasn't good enough to be his friend.

Now he's a fat loser who hasn't done shit with his life and I'm shoving my dick down the back of his first love's throat.

Bragging about having your friends sloppy seconds....

What was his reaction? Did you continue to fuck her?

>What was his reaction?
We walked into each other when i came out of her room in the morning after the first time and he tried to punch me, but he's cooled off quickly.
>Did you continue to fuck her?
Together 7 years, married 3. We're trying for a kid right now so we fuck every day.

I got caught with my best friends wife twice, then i fucked my other friends mom, then my high school biology teacher 2 years after grad, then the first guys new girlfriend. People stopped bringing girls around me after that

Fucked a friends ex, he was fine with it. but they had been ex for a good while and he was with someone else so
Also one of my best friends is now married to a girl that I fucked before they were together

Nice. I'm happy for you, user. I hope you have a long, happy, and sexy af marriage.

Dirty is that you?

>Fucking your best friends girl behind his back
10/10 bro detected.
You don't deserve friends

Thanks. We have a fair few issues but I couldn't ask for a better life right now, especially with how high her sex drive is right now.

Fucked friend too. Anyone who comes into our group gets fucked by all of us eventually.

I'm a grill by the way.

Before i was great friends with my buddy i fucked his girl like alot and one night after we became really good friends i told him that i had something to tell him and when im done before her even says anything i wanted him to punch me in the face one time the best he could and so o proceded to fill him in on me baging his girl numerous times and what all we did and where he got all teary eyed and hugged me and said im a true friend for telling him. FUCKER WASNT EVEN MAD! It blew my mind... i even asked him again to hit me and he wouldnt lmfao!

And yes we are still bros

Yes. And yes.

Patty was her name. Taking dicks was her game....Well a game I didn't know she was playing....
So yes I have. Amazing sex for 2 years. Havnt talked to either in years.

Yes and yes. Still did afterwards but the bitch caught feelings and that got very annoying.

how to get into your group?

Sure thing Gandalf the Gay.

and you did achieve something with your life? fucking pathetic.

yeah, I got a rise out of you, faaaaag

No i have something called respect and honor and dont fuck over and betray friends, plus that's cuck shit and I'm no cuck

is your best friend still your best friend?

Oh and they were still together. They even had a kid. Our group joked after that about how i was the real day. Even he got in on the joking hahaha

gotteem, retard.

Yeah. He thought I was taking advantage of his sister at first since she has a disability but he came round to us dating when he saw how happy she was.

hiss hiss hisssss
the bitterness, it consumes you

Yes and yes. Ain't no fun unless the homies can get sum

Probably your best bet is to be not you

Yes. Her. He doesn’t know.

My friend fucked my ex
Yes we are still friends,>bros before hoes

Cool man. A big thumbs up to you. I hope you two have a happy marriage together for decades to come!

You got more?


I agree

Yes, her. He doesn’t know. I think it helps that she’s my neighbor.

A friend of mine did fuck my ex. Not only fucked her, they were together for over 2 years. We're no longer friends. When I was with her, he even said: 'dude, shes not even pretty'. Stupid frenchfuck

my "friend" fucked my ex (or maybe she fucked him), he was a real dick about it in spite of knowing my feelings and intent regarding the situation and its timing, plus I'm fairly confident they were fucking around behind my back well before we broke up, and the guy just hadn't been treating me like a friend at all for a while

no longer friends, needless to fucking say

Thanks, me too.
Cerebral palsy, stutter, serious anxiety about speaking in front of people.


yes. yes.

It was a delight when she couldn't handle my size and literally said I was a lot bigger so I needed to go slower. Her ex was a super popular guy with a body of a Greek god and I'm a pretty skinny and quiet guy. So it was a dope moment.

Best fuck buddy ever, mostly because we both know we shouldn’t be doing it.


Yes and yes

I dated this one chick Kayla for like 2 months. Didn't have sex or anything. Wasn't serious. I moved away and my old best friend started dating her right after. They had a kid together but broke up after that.

The kicker is his ex was trying to hit me up before I moved but I didn't follow through because I don't go for bros ex's. It's a bro code for a reason. If I would of known he would date my ex years later I would fucked his ex anally for hours. Fuck I wish I fucked her. She was big into anal and all my gfs hate anal and I love it. Sad day.

Yes. It wasn't a secret. I told him I wanted to fuck her and he said go for it.

It’s sad that he’s been lied to so much that he cried and hugged you after that. Wouldn’t want to be in that unstable state mate.

How’d it go down?

>guys, i found... a bugged online store

and u're eating all of his left overs



Add me on face book
Julie Delores


Fuck no.

Do you have to be friends first?
Yes i have, but i was friends with him during and after fucking her- still friends now, she's fucking long gone

Yes and yes, although he was a bit pissed for a while.

Yes, and yes?

I don't need Sex because Life fucks me everyday


Fucking kill me.

you could say that about literally any woman who isnt a virgin

n thats y its gross to fuk grils over 19

Yes and no
1st guy
>gf broke up with him for me
>I took her virginity
>we never spoke again after he tried to get back with her and found out we fucked

2nd guy
>tittyfucked/got a bj from his ex
>he never spoke to me again after finding out

3rd guy
>guy and girl were broken up, but hooking up
>girl and I fucked drunkenly in a hotel bathroom when he was passed out in the next room
>he didn't speak to me for 3 years, but now we're friendly in social settings

I have no sympathy for the first or third guy. Second guy, yeah I was a bastard. He was really heartbroken over that girl. She had these huge, heavy, firm tits that I couldn't resist.

I always want his shades to say 'fuckboy'

I have no friends...

But I've fucked lots of chicks in relationships.

Make it happen, stop taking the back seat in life

>friends ex
why that would interfere in your friendship? Are you and your friends children?

Yes, we both joke about it that every time she kisses me to remember that his sperms were inside her mouse. Unless my friend specifically tells me to not fuck with an ex I see all pussy fair game.


I fucked many times my best {girl} friend. She was in a relationship with a good friend. No contact to both

Yes and yes

what's wrong, user

Three way with a friend's sister and his ex last night . He don't know .so yeah we're friends .

Wonder how long it will be before she cheats on you.That kid may not be either one of yours. What goes around comes around.

>Cerebral palsy, stutter, serious anxiety about speaking in front of people.
why the fuck did you marry a mess like that?

He does now.

>That kid may not be either one of yours
well that just proves there is a god after all

First, she's not a mess you asshole. Second, I honestly married her because I couldn't say no to her. She asked me out on a first date that I went on out of pity, and I didn't have the heart to say no to her smile when she asked me out again, and then I grew to like her a lot.

>not being a cunt to your (best) friend is being a virgin

You must be one sad individual.

how does it feel to be biggest scumbag on earth?

Sup Forums once again proving to be a shithole full of sleazy pieces of shit. Happy that I always kept a separate social circle policy with my gfs

Damn. You got more of her?

After 12 years my best friend's ex and I got together. He had already moved out west and started a family of his own. We are still friends.

>implying that fucking any non-virgin isn't sloppy seconds, thirds, etc.
>implying that you yourselves are getting pussy
Sour grapes. Kek. Good luck bitch bois.

ugly fat lesbian looking whale, grats OP you fucking a ham beast

Yes, several.
Yes, several.

It's not an issue if you're mature about it and place your friendship ahead of a piece of ass.

>It's not an issue if you're mature about it and place your friendship ahead of a piece of ass.
exactly, so dont be cunt and dick down your friend's ex with so many fish in the sea