Burn this thot

Burn this thot.
Animal neglecting vegan trash.

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nice trips, checked

As long as the fox is getting proper nutrients, there is no issue, the facebook outrage is absolutely hypocritical considering these people (including you) contribute to a disgusting amount of animal suffering through your meat & dairy demand. billions tortured, raped, gassed, sliced, all alive until they drop.

If you've done even a bit of research you'd figure out that your outrage is not justified.

Try posting the pictures and videos where the fennec appears healthy and active, instead of being a CNN clickbait article.

Get off my board you SJW outrage trashcan.

I'm vegan. Are you?

I'm vegan for the animals, not plant based dieting for my health. I'm an abolitionist, so you can call me an "extreme radical vegan", not a doormat lips closed vegan.

You sound annoying.

If you don't like what I say, of course I sound annoying.

Everything that a vegan says to a carnist about veganism is annoying.

If I'm labeled a terrorist for trying to free the animals of their eternal holocaust, so be it, guess I'm annoying.

You know what's annoying? living every day on this propaganda covered planet, constant ads luring zombies into buying terrible products, parents and family brainwashing their kids into carnism, people telling me that you can't live healthy eating plants, condescending fuck boys from every direction,

people like OP posting absolute nonsense to make vegans look crazy so they can still eat their corpses

You're a fake moralist with an ego problem, fuck you and your unwarranted sense of self importance.

Even though I'm vegan, I feed my cats meat based cat food. I feed my bearded dragon crickets and superworms with her veggies because she requires it.
Know why?
Cats aren't human. Cats require meat and cannot be vegetarian and especially not vegan. Foxes are omnivores that rely on about 90% meat. They should not be vegan.
This chick makes vegans look hypocritical. She's letting her animal get sick in front of her with a diet unnatural to it that it cannot consent to. Just because "muh vegan agenduh"

If you achieved all those goals would you move on to the animal kingdom? Appeal to the lions to leave zebras alone?

I've stood outside the gas chambers I know what they go through, I've been in a few struggles with slaughterhouse workers (they are definitely unlucky to be working there). I've done plenty of 1 on 1 activism and I haven't connected anything I've done with my name, only my mother knows I'm vegan, but even she doesn't know I do this.

If I had an ego problem I'd be on a youtube channel with my face all over it, but instead I'm talking to you on an anonymous imageboard. I actually went vegan because I care LESS about myself and MORE about others, you moron. Plant based dieters care about themselves, that's why I clarified from the start. I don't care if I die a nobody, as long as the animals are freed.

What's annoying about not being complacent in animal torture/murder? Are you just a fucking dumbass?

Humans have a moral compass, we can comprehend that our actions hurt others, and change accordingly (assuming we're not mentally handicapped or impaired). Animals do things on instinct and cannot comprehend or understand their actions on a moral level. Even if they could, they are obligate carnivores and obligate omnivores, in nature they do what they must.

We do not have to eat animal products, we're not in a survival situation anymore, we're free to move forward with technology.

Oh, a YouTube channel like the chick this thread is about who you're trying to defend?
The point of this thread isn't you and your moral input to shame everyone else. People hate vegans for that. It doesn't work on most people. Even if it's anonymous you're still bragging about how ~modest~ you are in your valiant efforts to stop others from eating meat.

Get over yourself.

>As long as the fox is getting proper nutrients, there is no issue
that's the issue: he's not
he's malnourished, weak and going blind
fennecs need meat, not whatever shit this whore feeds him

All of this is true.

Animals cannot control what their dietary requirements are or instincts tell them to do.

Foxes eat meat.

Learn what an ego is, dumbfuck.

People who talk everyday about eating meat and gloat about shooting defenseless animals are the ones with egos and small cocks. Fuck off.

I'm king of the food chain. All other life exists for my pleasure.

Why bother writing all that out for these know-nothings? Seems like an enormous waste of time.

Humans aren't on the food chain, dipshit.

>Oh, a YouTube channel like the chick this thread is about who you're trying to defend?

I'm trying to defend her actions, specifically the actions in which she feeds her fox a vegan diet supplemented with the proper nutrients that they require to live healthily. I'm not going to defend that she might have an ego problem, which I'm not assuming anyone with their face on the front of a youtube channel does.

>The point of this thread isn't you and your moral input to shame everyone else.
Oh yeah, that's right, the point of this thread is to shame the vegan girl and make her look crazy, instead of looking at the objective truth.

>right off the bat assumes I eat meat or use animal products in any way
>calls it disgusting
>calls me a SJW outrage trashcan
>wonders why I called them annoying


No, he's right. You sound annoying, and full of yourself.

The objective truth is that her fox is visibly malnourished.

>Green text

Wow you threw a bunch of shit in that I didn't say to confirm you have no arguement. Nice.

Go swim around in the ocan for a few minutes or hang out in the rain forest and see how long you last at the "top of the food chain."

>Even if it's anonymous you're still bragging about how ~modest~ you are in your valiant efforts to stop others from eating meat.

>valiant efforts to stop others from eating meat

HAHAHAHA, good one, whether or not you stop eating meat isn't what I'm trying to do here, meat isn't even the worst problem of the animal product industries. I'm just here to defend someones actions, and lead the thread towards a more objective look at the situation, instead of putting someones feet to the flames in a knee-jerk reaction to once again, make someone look crazy so their associated philosophy looks crazy as well.

Sorry, you sound the same as the other person with their head up their ass.

>No, he's right. You sound annoying, and full of yourself.
waahh hes saying things i dont like, he must be full of himself wahh

>The objective truth is that her fox is visibly malnourished.
the objective truth is muh opinion

what if she produced test results on the health of the fox, the fox would still be "objectively visibly malnourished" I bet.

And I'm the guy with the ego problem, you almost force me to roll my eyes by just posting that stupid shit.

Well after all this drama why hasn't she taken him to a vet just to see?

Well whoever it was who said "SJW outrage trashcan" threw "objective look on the situation" out the window lol

the issues with vegans is that they try to force their bullshit onto anything they see, human or not

also, their whole scheme is stupid, don't bother people who eat meat, try to bother the food industry that pushes for more profit at the cost of animal comfort


>vegans try to force their bullshit onto anything they see, human or not

vegans speak up about the ongoing animal holocaust that is being hidden away from our eyes, nobody is getting forced but the animals. (forced slavery, rape, gas, torture, imprisonment, murder, etc.)

>try to bother the food industry that pushes for more profit at the cost of animal comfort

I'm not trying to get animals in the camps better "comfort" I'm trying to free them, with the current demand there is no way they will not suffer in the horrible ways that they do.

labeled a terrorist, no change, maybe go to prison for trying to obstruct financial gain

>try to change what people pay for, supply and demand

labeled annoying, change happens via less demand

he has had a skin allergy before and after his change of diet, this is not mentioned in the OP.

here's another set of pictures, because being objective matters. stop hiding details you fucker

> steals jewelry
>labelled a thief

> constantly antagonistic
> labelled annoying


this is hyper-autistic, did you struggle in reading comprehension? must be the cholesterol clogging your brain arteries.

Yes, the worst picture of him is plant based.
What's the timeline on the progression of his decline? Those pictures probably aren't in chronological order.

Do I need to make it simpler for you? Does green text upset your dyslexia?

>What's the timeline on the progression of his decline?

there is no timeline on the progression of his decline, because hes not declining, you're just trying to perceive that.

You remind me of the people on the videos where people are fed samples and enjoy it until they are told it's dog meat, then they say it tasted nasty.

I can tell she likes to get slapped on the face by big meaty cocks

I’m vegan & this bitch is dumb & doesn’t represent us. I still feed my snakes rats & rabbits because that’s how nature & science work. I however have the choice to go for eco-friendly cruelty-free options.

Those lips though

death is the ultimate fate for all lifeforms. why does it matter if the animal is killed and consumed by humans instead of being left to live for a decade?

>I'm vegan
you're either a plant based dieter for health reasons, or you're a new vegan with little knowledge of the pet grey area.

>this bitch is dumb & doesn’t represent us.
she absolutely does represent us, and she's not dumb either

>I still feed my snakes rats & rabbits
I don't wanna be the guy to tell you this, but snakes and foxes are WAY different animals, the way that snakes eat and digest their food is far different from the way foxes eat and digest their food. The flexibility and supplementation of diet is not the same for all animals. I have a friend who is a snake expert, trust me.

> cruelty-free options.
I assume you get your animal corpses from the wilderness, since that's the vegan thing to do.

Stop talking you retarded fag

>let's free the animals even trough their chances of survival in the wild are of 0%
you're a dumb cunt, americans waste a ton of fresh product so they don't need nearly as much as they buy. Fight that, then try to pass laws against cruelty, that's all you should do

this is assuming that pigs, cows, and chickens are not tortured, raped, kidnapped, gassed, shredded alive, violated, and even beaten in rare cases.

but instead they are raped and eventually shot in the head

If a mass serial killer brought that statement to court as an attempted justification for killing your family members, what would you say about that?

>death is the ultimate fate for all lifeforms. why does it matter if samantha is raped and shot in the head by me instead of being left to live out many more decades?

that's just an edgelord thing to say, and it wouldn't hold for even a moment in the human context.

its now about snakes or foxes. where is this extremism going. are we going to feed vegan substitutes to carnivorous pets? these animals have consumed flesh for millions of years and now we want them to live on vegetables?

I think that doggo has autism OP

I beat my son and cut off his fingers but i feed him so there's no issue here

She's vegan? Those DSL say otherwise

Would you rather live imprisoned in a concentration camp where you are raped, fed trash, stepping and living in feces, beaten (rarely), gassed, shot in the head, or have your throat slit to end your life (none of which under painkillers).

or would you rather take your chances in a dangerous jungle where you could potentially live longer in a much less disgusting situation and hey, atleast you're free.

I would not wish that ANYONE is put in the situations that these animals have to go through, that's worse than the hell christians and catholics talk about.

>Humans have a moral compass, we can comprehend that our actions hurt others, and change accordingly (assuming we're not mentally handicapped or impaired). Animals do things on instinct
1 humans are animals
2 didnt know humans had no instinct whatsoever

yes we are, you're retarded

Non-human animals do not have a moral compass, human animals do.

I did not say humans were void of instinct, that's an attempted straw-man.

good argument assuming that a human life is equal to the life of another animal. that is clearly not the case.

Creatures of higher intelligence exploit those with lesser intelligence, the greater the intelligence gap the greater is the exploitation.
So its okay to kill animals but not humans, since we are humans as well. We also exploit our own kind in socially acceptable ways like slavery, and wage slavery.

if a mothership arrives over earth and starts harvesting humans for organs assuming they have dire need for it, now would that be wrong? not really because HIGH INT> LOW INT

are you implying that's not the live of most americans?

do you have eyes?

Nigga go get ass raped and probed by aliens then. Do unto animals as you would have aliens do unto you

Has anyone ever tried grilled cow heart?

We don't care
Ruining people is fun regardless

to all vegans:
if you released every animal in the meat industry the ecosystem would collapse

Hah, our ancestors were doing that for thousands of years so that we now can change the earth into whatever we desire it to be. Soon we will conquer the stars and create alternate matrix realities, all the white AI and robots are doing all the work for us. What do you care about living in a fucking rain forest?

all the while*

>assuming that a human life is equal to the life of another animal.

straw-man, a human life is worth more than the life of an animal, I simply state that the psychopathic justification you attempt to use would not stand for a second in the human context, just to show you that you're making an error.


I have higher intelligence than some people I know, does this justify me having complete domination over them? Obviously not.

And we do not have a dire need for any animal products, so that analogy fails. What we do to animals is wrong because it's unnecessary and evil on a double standard basis.

Hahah yeah 1 animal in danger and all these omni scum start crying. Then they eat meat 3x daily. Kek

You sound like you know who you are. Sounds hot as hell.

>are you implying that's not the live of most americans?

the latter? I guess you could say we're free in a dangerous asphalt jungle where any moment could be our last, still better than a concentration camp.

>instantly vegan world
why do carnists think this is what vegans are thinking about, it's not even practically possible.

That's why the demand for animal products slowly decrease, less animals are bred, until the number is small enough to move to a sanctuary.

That thing is fucked
>in the arms of an angel

why does the vegan faggot keep saying the pigs n shit are fucked before being killed?
pretty sure cum inside the body would fuck up the meat/organs and make it unusable
also im pretty sure every slaughterhouse worker isnt into beastiality

>comparing meat eaters to hitler by falsely saying we gas animals

>animals are put into forced labour
no they aren't

Yes. It's fucking phenomenal.
Cow tongue is great in soup. I make homemade bone broth as the base and add cabbage, sriracha, whatever veggies are in the kitchen and mein fun rice noodles.

>beast men

>the "b-but eating animals is wrong!!!!"
thats implying meat consumption is inherently wrong
its not or else every carni/omni vore on earth wouldnt do it naturally

Holy shit meat eaters are getting rekt'd in this thread. Good back fire OP.

Brainwashed soy boy vegan cucks

Hitler was a vegeterian though. Still about 200IQ points higher than any pseudo-intellectual dumb slut on earth right now. They are just half of the problem though, if not for these orbiting them soys they would stop doing dumb shit because it wouldn't give them attention and validation. No matter what I do = 1000000 00000 man children follow

domination does not mean you rape, kill and then consume the organism. it means when you have to wake up at 7 for a 12hr shift, and then make barely enough to pay your bills. That is HIGH INT> LOW INT in human societies. Certainly the large majority of any human population is exploited by a small %. This is what happens in reality, what you would do in a position of higher intelligence does not matter.

So you're telling me farmers and slaughterhouse employees rape and molest the animals? Also you're no better, you genocide innocent plants that make oxygen and use up large swathes of land for farmland as well as polluting the shit out of the environment with insecticides

Our ancestors murdered and used the whole body of an animal for consumption. Why is the meat industry evil for using the whole animal? Conditions? Really, we have to give our food human living conditions according to veganfags? Don't vegans burn their lil greenies in the fridge because plastic/BPA is bad for them? Boo fucking hoo... Cry me a blood river

trips, checked

meat consumption is not inherently wrong

we do not simply eat meat, we exploit animals, and put them in camps. It's not just for meat, that's where vegetarianfags fail, it's for dairy and other luxury meals like foie gras.


we absolutely do gas animals

I'm Keto bitch

the greater the intelligence gap the harsher the domination gets. lizards and insects are instantly stomped on, its slightly more difficult to kill a rodent, but most people wont mind that. killing a cat or a dog.. hmmmmmmmmmm etc...

as animals get bigger and the size of the brain increases we subconsciously assign a higher vaule to them and see them more as our equal.


Look how happy that lil piece of shit is OP. Eyes working yet?

Well, I'm definitely masturbating to this chick later on. Thanks OP.

>farmers and slaughterhouse employees rape and molest the animals?

in order to impregnate the female animals, workers have to violate them sexually, without consent, that's rape. molestation is debatable in some cases

>you genocide innocent plants
plants do not have a nervous system or subjective reality generator, is a rock innocent?
living ≠ sentient

>that make oxygen and use up large swathes of land for farmland as well as polluting the shit out of the environment with insecticides
we feed most of our crops to the animals meat-eaters and vegetarians (dairy) consume. If you care about plants, you'll try to eat a plant based diet, as cows eat FAR more plants than humans do.

>polluting the shit out of the environment with insecticides
also a result of farming massive amounts of plants that are fed to animals in animal agriculture.

animal agriculture is responsible for ocean deadzones and species extinction on numbers that are rapidly climbing every year, vegans win the environmental argument every time.



Give that vegan pussy some meat

>If you don't like what I say, of course I sound annoying.

No, it's because what you say is fucking stupid.

vegans perplex me on one hand they claim to love animals and then on the other they get a pet the know damn well eats meat refuse to feed it meat then wonder why it dies or nearly starves to death

OP was wanting the vegan shithead to feed her fox meat.


>the opposite of a plant based whole foods diet

the keto diet makes you smell bad and clogs your arteries, you might look okay from the outside but your body is struggling on the inside. Did you know that deodorant isn't required on a vegan diet?

constipation, erectile dysfunction, alzheimers, heart disease, stroke, all things you shouldn't be looking forward to in your later years, but you do you want to?

You think what I say is "fucking stupid", therefore I can conclude that you DO NOT LIKE WHAT I HAVE TO SAY.

But of course, you deny this.

oh yea i remember seeing this last night. look, be vegan, dont, i dont care, but dont kill your animal because you're to stubborn to admit you're wrong and things need meat.

No, OP was just trying to ruin this cunt.

Fuckfag leg stain.

Cite a source for the deodorant thing.

After the carb flu for the first bit of keto the BO goes away and you're left with lower body fat, less diabetes (why I'm Keto) and actually healthier brain function.
Stop reading biased vegan articles.

>the keto diet makes you smell bad and clogs your arteries

that'd be the atkins diet, not a ketogenic diet.

>Did you know that deodorant isn't required on a vegan diet?

I can assure you that is a load or horseshit.

>constipation, erectile dysfunction, alzheimers, heart disease, stroke, all things you shouldn't be looking forward to in your later years, but you do you want to?

literally not an issue if you keep a good exercise regimen and don't eat an unhealthy diet. additionally it's easier to get your daily macros from a diet with meat in it.

>plants do not have a nervous system or subjective reality generator, is a rock innocent? Living=/= sentient
Oh, so it's okay to boil lobsters, and crawfish alive simply because they don't have a nervous system, because I thought you vegans were against that?