Stuck in this storm. Let's have a cozy thread

Stuck in this storm. Let's have a cozy thread



What state you in, OP? I'm in Boston. We bout to get a foot of snow but I got my snacks and movies so I'm loving it.

I'm in joisey, user but I'm right there with you. I bought 3 boxes of wine and a carton of cigarettes

Americans are cute

You're right. OP is the spokesman for all American people.

stop bullying me

:( I got a Uni essay to work on, I just want to be like you guys and pic related



27ºC in my room now, and about 24 in my house ^^

go on user your little sister needs cuddling.

C'mere sis

Masshole here. Just did first rounds of shoveling. I’m an adult so I have work in the morning, bright and early


Growing up is going to hit you like a freight train

I don't know how you've been spending it, but my cousin and I have been keeping each other warm and entertained

>What is shitposting and trolling

Jeez lighten up.

>herp derp I dish it out I don’t take it

Get outta here

That sounds very gay

I mean I guess it would if we were both dudes, but fortunately, it turns out she's a chick

What the fuck is your problem?