So let's say I happened to be a femanon, and I posted some nudes with proof including Sharpie in pooper, would one of you Sup Forumsros be willing to buy GTA V for ps4 and send me the game code on kik or whatever?
So let's say I happened to be a femanon, and I posted some nudes with proof including Sharpie in pooper...
Ryder Smith
Noah Taylor
Show tits and vagina and well see
Carson Robinson
Or just send the funds for it
Nicholas Baker
Bumpin. I'll do proof pics if I get enough interest
Liam Jones
I'd really want to buy you a game, but my dick is soft because I don't really know if you're real, there's no interest. Do a timestamp, dear.
Oliver James
The absolute state of women in 2018.
Daniel Flores
Get a job?
Connor Diaz
Post tits and vagina you poor whore
Adam White
Hell, send me nudes on demand and I'll buy you games when you want them
Tyler Ramirez
thats not how it works nigga
tits and timestamp then maybe someone will buy your game