Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

I hate her so much. She singlehandedly destroyed American decent culture

She’s my little nieces idol because all the girls at school says Kim is cool and Some kids showed my little niece kims sextape at school and my niece just got caught sucking some black kids at school on her cell phone. When my aunt and uncle and the principal asked why she said because Kims her idol and she wants to be like her. She’s in elementary school.

I hate American culture I hate Kim Kardashian I hate American degeneracy fuck it all

>Kim Kardashian


>American decent culture
Don't contradict yourself in your own sentence fag.

plenty of resources out there to help you, OP
> pic related

>American degeneracy
Humanity have been sucking dick around the world since the dawn of time. Just because your niece chose the black kid and not you doesn’t mean anything.

Damn, dude - those black kids sound pretty cool. They're gonna be heroes to everyone in that school


>says a faggot who just absorbs and swallows all american culture his shithole country tries to copy.

Yeah, I bet you fucking enjoy rap music too little faggot.





I hate Kim Kuntdashian, too.



Not single-handedly, but her family is societal cancer and a blight on human civilization.


this is a bad pasta and its so fake holy fk dude

pwnt dubs checked

>elementary school
This never happened.


>decent culture
your culture is the cancer of western world, you must be happy you won , so all western culture and values will die together, I really wonder you will profit of that.
Kim kardashians is just a stupid tool, one mor useful idiot, you dumbass


You guys all know how impressionable women are in general let alone little girls. I’m not trolling or being edgy. Fuck Kim kardashian so many little girls have stds and are single mothers with babies from ghetto pieces of shit because of her this is real life . My niece is going to have to move states and probably change her name because of social media shit like this never goes away. Her reputation is ruined . I hate degenerate America instead of filling little girls brains with good values and ideals they film it with shit and filth fuck it all

>American decent culture



Paris hiltons servent.


And the black mans human toilet.





Her only redeeming attribute is a fuckable ass.
Thats it. Shes useless.


As opposed to what, you? How many redeeming attributes do you have?


I contribute to society. I actually help save people in the medical field. I know my worth, she doesnt do jack shit.

Who cares? like black guys are alpha anyway. We should all be sucking black dick


Even if that were true, by posting on b all your contributions to society are annulled.

She's a whore. correct
what famous person isn't?
What decrepid user on Sup Forums isn't a whore
on liberal or democrat side?
What user from either camp doesn't enjoy the flesh
catholic or satanic?
sex is a part of life
wth are you bitching about?

Aint that a fact. lmao But i dont give a shit.
We're all pieces of shit in here.


Generally if any girl obsesses over the Kardashians (or any random celebrities), or cares about X having a baby with X, that's a red flag and she gets thrown into the "do not date" bin. I suggest you all do the same.


I'm not a big fan of her as a person, but my lord does she get my dick excited.

I generally know girls who like the Kardashians to either be trash themselves or just be low in intellect... or both


Sure blame the this bitch for destroying american culture...
what culture did america have exactly?



Well, I'm sure he means promiscuity is up. Studies show the more partners a woman has, the more unhappy and unsuccessful their marriage is. It's all one big butterfly effect, you fuck up family structure and everything goes to hell. Divorce is far more socially acceptable so you have kids growing up without both their role models, so girls end up dumb sluts worshiping Kim K. and the boys end up drug using trannies.

not even Sup Forums tbh

not to mention they lack personality, zero hobbies. Unless you count "makeup" as a hobby.

Am I the only one that thinks any sex involving a black guy looks like a rape?


Can't tell if this is bait, copy pasta, or both.


Lmao if she's a 9 yo sucking dick it's too late mate the ship has sailed she's always going to be a little sex slave serving niggers even if she doesn't realize they're just using her


What I wouldn't give to throw a fuck into this bitch.

Merica is 400 years old

What culture was there to ruin?