Guns for a good, upright, law-abiding citizen is bad

>Guns for a good, upright, law-abiding citizen is bad
>Abortion (murder) is okay

The mind of a liberal is a dark and frightening place.

They'll argue it's not a person yet, it can't think yet yada yada yada so it can be killed no problem, but guns are what are evil in our society.

Literally killing a cow is closer to murder than aborting a fetus lol.

Agreed every time a woman miscarries should be sent to jail immediately.

That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week

Abortion is fucked, but something needs to be done about these shootings and i don't have the fucking slightest clue as to how banning guns is gonna solve anything. Once you ban guns, people will just use knives, like what the hell are we supposed to do then ban knives?

>>Sup Forums

All of you should have been aborted.

While the occasional individual may be capable of mass killings with knives, the average school shooting type really isn't going to be capable of killing the same way with them.

We're not banning 30 million guns or however many it is. We CAN ban assault guns or at least restrict them though. It won't solve the problem but it's a first step.

I'm not even liberal and I think that's retarded

Make sure and go downvote googles new liberal propaganda "advertisement"

Only care about life before birth but fuck em after that. Conservative mind

The problem is society. Not guns. We've had guns for over 200 years and they're just now a problem? People quit raising kids. They let tv do it or the government. If you teach kids right they don't do this shit. Paddles and switches are far better than body bags. You dipshits don't know better than your parents. Quit thinking you do.

We haven't had the kind of guns we have now for 200 years lol

Are you retarded?

That's the thing though, banning guns doesn't solve the problem it just makes it less of a problem. We need to look at the situation as a whole than just looking at the weapon used to perform the act else stabbings just become the norm like shootings are now.

Thinks hitting your kids is good

this. i'd expect argumentation like this from left wings like vegans, not the Sup Forumstards

Funny how politicians and other knuckle draggers always seem to blames the means and disregard the motives isn't it

well if fetuses could buy guns it'd be a lot harder to abort them

Agreed. Liberals are the scum of the earth and should be eradicated as such.

Agreed user, parents and teachers are more scared of kids than ever. They seem to be extra saucy towards police, which is somewhat new in the states.
>Cop good
>Cop say stop
>0 fatalities.

I mean in all honesty watch episodes of cops from the first couple of seasons, almost every criminal caught by law enforcement knows they're fucked, and shows respect to being caught.

Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Wish you'd just contain your autism inside Sunday morning church services.

Bow down to authority but then think you need 2nd amendment to fight authority. You don't need gun just cooperate

>it's okay to shoot someone unarmed in the back just for making a step on your territory
>REEEEE stop killing!

It makes it more of a problem you faggot, if criminals and psychos followed the law then we'd be fine, because murder is illegal.

Making the problem less bad is still a good thing lol. You don't refuse to ban drugs because some people still do it.

We were literally able to own military full auto machine guns in the 70s-80s

are you having fun playing with your straw men?

Hmm this is why I can't choose a side, EVER. The left is anti gun to the point it's ridiculous, and the religious right is archaic and regressing us the fuck back.

If Republicans can stop being so religious and allow shit like stem cell and CRISPR to exist, I'd be republican. But banning ALL stemcell research because SOME of the cells come from fetuses, is fucking retarded. Ban the fetus stemcells you fucking dying old culture fucks. Also, stop allowing corporations to destroy our air, water, and fucking planet for money you cancerous cucks.

Liberals are fucking pussies, if you want people to join your side, learn fucking history. Guns protect us from you #1 love, government. We know you fucking love big government because ideally it's awesome. But this is reality. Those are people running that government, people are fucked. Come back to reality, and bring back Classical liberalism you fucking SJW transgendered fucking pieces of shit.

murdering a pregnant lady = double homicide

This, I can't find my place because I think both sides are fucking garbage. Maybe we should move to a new country. I think this one is dying.

what creates criminals and psycho's though? Guns don't, they are just tools they use. If someone cracks that doesn't mean the gun is the fault, it's usually a trauma that someone had experienced in their life that caused it. If we cannot find out a solution to help stop these traumas and only think that banning guns is the only course of action we aren't fixing the problem, we are just putting a band-aid over it and seeing if it works.

Take your tin foil off schindler.

The war on drugs is just as much of a joke as banning guns. Neither helps, and will in most cases only add to the problem

Keep all the guns just make people pass a course and mental evaluation to obtain a license to then purchase a firearm. Retake that shit every year.


The 70s and 80s weren't 200 years ago my dude.

Doesn't it depend on how far along they are?
>inb4 alive at conception
Fuck he killed a cluster of cells, what a monster

Dude you don't think people in other developed countries don't have fucking traumas and crazy people? They do have gun control though

I think that aborting retards and blacks is fine.

What's the difference?

Oth super strong and huge cocks so you are right

>We are destroying the earth less than we were 100 years ago due to investment into better technology that more efficiently burns fuel, so we require less fuel to be burned in the first place which is something the market demanded
fixed that for you

>Yfw you realize the average black dick is only .4" longer than white's.

get the niggers and mudslims to stop raping and we won't need abortions. hell, if we just bury them in a huge pit somewhere we wouldn't even need guns.

Guns are good. Abortion is good. Also, abortion is not a murder.

Yes, because they intentionally miscarry, fucking braindead libcuck.

i assume when you say assault guns you mean handguns seeing as they are the weapon of choice for most school shootings etc

That's actually pretty fucking cool, never seen that thing before

Than they will learn to build a bomb on the internet or hijack a car like mudslime in europoor.


Not to mention we're utilizing that giant ball of fusion 8 light minutes away a lot better. Soon it will be our only power source, or until we make our own fusion source.

But to say monopolies don't corrupt our gov and cause harm to our environment for profit is a blatant lie. Not that you did say that tho.

They most certainly do have people like that, and it is obvious that many of those people are thankfully incapable of getting the tools to do mass harm. But they are still disturbed people who commit crimes and can murder people if they wish. All i am saying is that gun control will work but it won't ever solve the real problem that creates criminals, and we constantly refuse to fix this truth and decide to point fingers at many other things than the true cause of violence.

My favorite liberal hypocrisy is when they are vegans and they support abortion

If you are going to claim that animals have a natural right to moral and ethical existence without human interferrence in any negative ways. THEN HOW THE FUCK can you also subscribe to killing a human embryo.
I think both killing animals (for food) and killing fetuses is okay but i’m not a fag hypocrite.
Alsos are def alright with me too.
We’ll need em to overthrow the lib fags soon.

Not abortion for all, OP.

just abortion for your mom.

Whole bunch of retarded in here.

Why the hell a citizen can buy an AR-15 then? I mean, whats the point? Im not an americunt but i can understand to get a small gun like a regular pistol or revolver to deffend yourself, but man, why the hell an AR-15!!! Thats just nigger and school shooter material. Thats were the law should act. Just ban weapons that can kill large amounts of people and that are just pointless for a regular citizen.

Do you really think that the average angry white boy is willing to put that much effort in?

Lol bomb. Go look up the mass bombing deaths. Outside of timmy mac nobody does it well. Shit the boston marthon killed like three ppl and gave a bunch morw disability 4life

>Favorite hypocrisies
My favorite hypocrisy is when people put entire populations of other people into 1 or 2 groups because they are incapable of comprehending more than a right or left ideology. Let alone actual individuality.

Then again, that would take some sophistication humans may not have actually acquired yet. Hopefully, our post accessors like AI have better cognitive abilities.

ITT: ignorant, insufficient middle schoolers baby talk about politics, not knowing that the whole world has moved nothing but right and corporate for the last 40 years.

Probably bc there's 7 billion fucking idiots shitting up the earth already, and we don't need more, you fucking dipshit, and nearly all the abortions are performed on niggers. Are you saying you love niggers so much you need every last one to turn into a fucking Jamal?

Use your fucking head, ass.

you can always take Japan
>no guns allowed for citizens. period
>pretty much no shootings

Well, capitalism does eventually evolve into corporatocracy.

A pistol would be far easier to conceal in the event of a school shooting and could be brought out at any time. It could do just as much damage *easily* and it would be lighter weight.
Their is no advantage to an AR-15 in a school shooting whatsofuckingever unless the kid has a scope on it and is shooting other children from atop to roof of the school at a long range.

It’s hard to have a valid view points on guns when you litteraly don’t fucking know anything about them isn’t user?

>forgets the domestic abuse rates in japan

replace liberal with Sup Forumstard and swap animal with embryo and you'll see that the other side is no different

Reread my message user.
I support abortion faggot

>moving the goalposts in the first reply

Apparently the real difference is in flaccid size. Whites come from colder climates where large surface area = heat loss. Niggers come from either deserts or jungles, hence big hanging floppy dorks.

Of course, you have to do something when the argument is already over lol

>>no guns allowed for citizens. period
That's not correct. Citizens can have guns in Japan.

t. Japanese citizen

Domestic abuse is not even remotely on the same scale as a mass shooting.
But since you brought it up, domestic abuse is the basically the only statistic that predicts mass shootings so really we just shouldn't let anyone with domestic abuse cases have guns.

Sorry but I see through your bullshit buddy
You want all sorts of different people living together so you can take over politics by instituing social marxism.
It’s what your doing today and have aparrently been doing for decades.
To bad it usually ends in the purge of whoever started the communist bullshit. But sometimes not after you’ve managed to starve millions of people to death
Fuck off


>overthrow the libs

overthrow them from what? you idiots have absolute power. executive, legislative, judicial, the courts, the church, the #1 news network, the #1 radio network, the biggest local news network in the world. And it's still not enough is it? Not knowing how anything works, when your stupid hit turns out piss poor results as expected, all you can do is blame someone else. ...liberals, who have no fucking power whatsoever.

You forget japanese culture and american culture is very different in terms of their beliefs. A murder makes national news as it is seen as a massive taboo in their country but in america it is just a norm on the local news. Just remember what works for one country won't work for them all.

I want to hit it repeatedly with a big hammer.

We will. It won’t be long

When california revolts we’ll attack

>”insert ad hominem here”
Liberal response without a single shred of actual contribution to the topic.
If you can’t debate properly then go cry somewhere else
The men are talking

let's hear about the domestic abuse in 'murica then
this is the very first thin in your weapons law: "No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords"

This. Japan actually respects people. They're Buddhists (essentially atheists) and don't want to harm anyone, or anything. Then you look at America, filled with Christians, all shooting each other for fun.

Hmm.... Make ya think.

Odd how you ignore Australia and Britain where violent crime rates have risen in the wake of firearm bans. I think You're also underselling the effect Japanese culture has on its crime rate in general

Attack who lol

and with what lololololol

Guns designed for killing people are good but abortion of a pre-term fetus is bad - uh okay, oh and capital punishment - aka state murder that is a good thing too.

Some great conservative logic fagot OP has there.

No I meant AR-15s mostly.

It's all just feel good legislation though. Handguns are the bigger threat. That doesn't mean nothing should be done so ban the sale of AR-15s to anyone under 21 or not ex-military.

My valid view point is that citizens dont need high caliber guns with 30 clips and fastfire on it. I mean, i just dont give a shit, im from Switzerland and this is the paradise, its just curiosity about inferior countries.

Doesn't matter the right is still the victim. Until it's culture is inevitably killed by their greatest fear, change, they will always play the victim.

You forget to mention the rest of your google search:
>The weapons law of Japan begins by stating "No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords", and very few exceptions are allowed. Citizens are permitted to possess firearms for hunting and sport shooting, but only after submitting to a lengthy licensing procedure.
>Citizens are permitted to possess firearms for hunting and sport shooting, but only after submitting to a lengthy licensing procedure.

Debate what? An AR can fire faster and hold more rounds than a fucking handgun. So again are you fucking retarded?

>Australia and Britain
literally same shit as 'murica

The news needs to be handled in this country and so does caifornia

I’m glad you realize tou have no power though.
The first step is acceptance

Kek I think the same shit all the time dude. They threatened to suceed last election and I was pissing myself laughing hoping they’d do it.
All we need is an excuse and they are the perfect one

No it doesn't. That's the great thing about being American. I don't have to think about anything.

Also i was not that guy btw


maybe but
>but only after submitting to a lengthy licensing procedure
this is enough to scare away 99.(lots of nines here)% of people

California needs to be handled lel
They are the 5th biggest economy in the world. They could tell the rest of the US to get fucked.

God damn, you set yourself up to look retarded again.
A pistol and AR can hold the same amount of bullets. You liberals made extended mags *illegal* remember?

Both are semi auto. They both fire as fast as you pull the trigger you fucking faggot. NIETHER is fully automatic.
Thanks for proving my point you fucking numbnuts