If Hitler had been captured alive, what is the most hideous way for him to die that you can think of

If Hitler had been captured alive, what is the most hideous way for him to die that you can think of

Living to see how Germany is today.

fucked to death by the Bear Jew

Having to listen to the JDL shriek about their nine gorillions.


Being strangled by the mightiest man of all

no one has ever claimed that all 6 million died in death camps.

i've always thought if i were a dictator and i caught some terrorist fuck, i'd recruit the 10 biggest black guys in america to rape them non stop


Make him the banker in Monopoly.

Yeah about 6 million died, either shot in the street, starved or diseased in ghettoes, worked to death in labour camps, or even just liquidated.
A process that was accelerated, not slowed, as the war started to be lost. The numbers on forearms correspond to punch cards used in Hollerith business machines that were sold, maintained and supported by IBM right to the end.
All of this is true and has nothing at all to do with why Nazism is fucken dumb.


You mean the most powerful country in Europe with a per-capita GDP twice that of Russia?

They were 9 gorillion. Nein! Nein! Nein! And they all died in the death camps because bullets were too expensive.

Tie him up naked in the busiest place in Germany, and give every Jewish person free travel fairs to come and spit on him and mock him before subjecting him to every cruel torture he ever subjected to the Jewish people and then, tell him he's free to go, and offer him $5, clean clothes and a shower. BUT PSYCHE! It's a gas chamber.

pls don't compare Germany to that white africa.
Anyone looks good standing next to that hobo zombie of a country.

I know Russia is a shithole. Just making a point.


He'd be working in the White House with his great-grandson, Stephen Miller-Smeagol.

>World Jewish Encyclopedia
Sounds legit

I'm so confused. I get the pension thing. Pretty easy to pull fraud like that, but I don't get the last part..

Lock him in a room and make him listen to Candy Man.

Being forced to toss Donald Trump’s salad

Death by drowning with Jew cum


Fucking /thread

drown in jewish cum, of course

great minds think alike

Show him a video of what Germany has become in 2018

I can't read shit

When the first post is the best post.

>If Hitler had been captured alive, what is the most hideous way for him to die that you can think of

Let him watch his country being taken over by niggers, sandniggers and Muslim cunts while white Germans just let it happen.

Pretty much this.

Sew his orifices and eyelids shut after filling them with bot fly larva

Show him some modern day nazis: skinhead gang members and toothless hicks. Then sit back and watch hilter neck himself.

alone with no friends :(

Luckily for him he committed suicide. Fucking coward.

Knock him against the ground, but not too hard, so he lives a little longer. Then, tear open his shirt and make knife marks by the ends of his limbs. Proceeding onward, make cuts along the edges of his limbs, and apply lemon or lime juice along the open wounds. Going on, Hitler would have his hair scalped, and his mustache cut off by the skin of his mouth, with all of the hair and mustache, along with the skin, forcefully stuffed into his mouth. Finally, I would saw up a hole in Hitler's stomach, and stuff his book Mein Kampf inside, and stick the barrel of his pistol up his ass, firing inside.

Give him a colony in south America and tell the Russians he shot himself

Human Centipede.

The 12 long version with staples and duct tape.
