When will people realize that this this the best Pink Floyd album?(pic related) and the Wall is overrated garbage btw

When will people realize that this this the best Pink Floyd album?(pic related) and the Wall is overrated garbage btw

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Animals is overlooked heavily I agree, I think my favorite would be Obscured By Clouds personally

Another of their underrated gems

Echoes is the best material they put out though

who the fuck says the wall is the best pink floyd album, its objectively shit.

that is a song on Meddle, we are talking about full records

The Wall is not overrated garbage, by a damn sight.

Animals, however, your opinion is pretty much spot-on.

I especially love how Roger updated the intent behind "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" on his most recent tour, giving us an actual example of the sort of swine he was talking about in a contemporary context.

Too many people man. That's the album where Waters just took over and it became a one man show, treating the rest of the band like just session members.

Devision Bell is best album

Fuck pink floyd and fuck you too. Syd Barret lost his mind to give you this.