Has there ever been a greater, more selfless hero?

Has there ever been a greater, more selfless hero?

Can't corner the Dorner

Dorner Lives

Did anyone save the game?

I live in Big Bear, went to the fucks house when it was burnt down and all over the news. The only thing left was the brick chimney

thank you user, you made my day

Who’s this

Yea but Jon Jones beat the shit outta him twice... sauce or not.

Was there a tunnel.

I like LL Cool J

Guy who went around murdering cops, freaked them out and the cops panic-shot a few innocent people. They finally tracked him to a cabin and burned it down with him inside.

>Has there ever been a greater, more selfless hero?
Only one.

Aw Yeah CSI: New Vegas is my favourite Lcool Jjam and Paul Walken just do such a great job together.

Who's that guy? looks like a good painter

I could have been a better hero. Damn bone spurs.

I heard the real story was that he was trying to uncover a bunch of horrible shit the cops were doing but no outlets would help him and he had nowhere to turn to

and he had great taste in films.

He painted the streets with the blood of Trayvon Martin

OK, so who the fuck is Treyvon Martin?

I mean, I get that he's a street portrait painter, but why is he using someone's blood? That doesn't make any sense

If I was a burger, I'd be proud with that brown hero!

Chocolate Rambo

Wearing a watch that is specifically designed to go on the left arm.. on his right arm.

What movie is that from

you are some kind of special autist, aint ya

Dude probably never existed and cops killed all those people

everything in media is lie & ppl get scapegoated for tragedies

Fucking global cabal

And this is how tinfoil hat communities start^

"tinfoil"/making fun of skeptics is a meme pushed by the ruling class to make others look down upon critical thinkers

No it’s really not, I’m just poking fun at your autistic claims backed with no evidence, the media would love to employ people like you...you stir up fear just like them, how ironic

yer fuckin' both autistic or samefag autistic