Listen to OK Computer

>Listen to OK Computer

it's boring

>Listen to Kid A

it's boring

>Listen to The Bends

it's REALLY boring

>Listen to In Rainbows

it's boring

What am I missing here?

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>JK, I felt the same way the first time

They've grown on me overtime.
Only one I've grown to love though and not just "like" is OKC


Maybe you just don't like Radiohead, but regardless you should probably try Hail to the Thief and Amnesiac. Those are probably their most "dynamic" albums.

Nothing really, that's about it.

t. uses "fun" to describe things

Just finished my third listen on those 4 albums. Desperately trying to find what people like about it but it's hard when you have to fight off sleep

rather "interesting"

you're not missing anything, they had their time and in that time it was good, but now it is boring. it's kind of like how when you watch 90s comedy now it isn't funny anymore, but in the context of the time it was relevant and good.

Drink a gallon of soy milk