Rip brand new


>rip Brand New
They are already ending next year.

What the hell is it with idiots who have no legitimate proof of him ever "sexually abusing" someone getting huge "justice" and "praise" for something like this? I find it insipid that so many misinformed people spread this information now instead of when the alleged action took place. Gossip should be exalted from humanity.

What do you consider "legitimate proof"?

>tfw will never be front man of popular alt rock band that allows you to get 15 year old girl nudes
Feels bad man, good on Jesse. We all know that girl was creaming her 15 year old self over Jesse Lacey and is just making it into a big deal for fame/money

what a piece of shit

>thinking statutory rape is a good thing

Lacey's semen personally provided from the accuser's mouth, duh.

fucking hate these rock musicians who pretend to be depressed but are actually just chads, not sure why Sup Forums always falls for it

rape the world and get it over with


Well, first off, how about we gain Jesse's perspective on this issue? Innocent until proven guilty, right? Jesse might have been the victim of this slander instead of the girl who accused him of such an act. Second, if this were true, they should have reported this years before, where it would have been taken care of much faster and earlier, instead of hiding it into the darkness for so long it might as well be considered a false accusation (especially in this societal climate, where feminism has gone utterly rogue). And also, how about actually reporting this to the police first instead of displaying it on a place mired in ambiguity (the Internet)?
And finally, what about his band mates, who also know him personally? What if they knew the girl as well and think her "rumor" is merely a false accusation? Jesse should not remain powerless in this issue; this is just horrible coming from the leader of one of the best bands of the 2000s.

haha hey guys. he raped me too :(

>one of the best bands of the 2000s

sry you lost all credibility there bud.

And do you understand the process of filing a report? It takes literally months for the police to even begin listening to you.

Skype didn’t exist when he was 24, unless this happened later in an ongoing thing

>A woman claims Lacey solicited nudes from her when she was 15
The fucking pedo!!!111 Cut his fucking balls off111!!!11!!!

Well, then let it take months, idiot. It's much better than posting it on the Internet, where anyone can just say Idiotic things people will believe. This is the equivalent of the Salem Witch Trials over again, where these accusers have no more credibility than moronic Christians.

Sorry due process is inconvenient

Im not surprised even a little. Their only fans are sad man-children and 15 year old girls. Who do you think theyre gonna fuck?

You're part of the problem, inbred.

We want to believe.

not jst being real

He raped my ears.


You're as gullible as a mouse seeing a sponge. You'd so much as eat it as you would believe such a disgusting rumor. KYS.

Why the fuck is everyone popular a sex offender all of a sudden?


I can't wait until we have all men in chastity belts. You pigs deserve it. Fucking rapist pigs.

for the "solicited nudes" part, I'm sure there's a chat log or phone messaging logs or emails that would be able to prove the girl sent him nudes or that he asked for nudes

for the "masturbate on skype" part there would be call logs somewhere, I'm sure microsoft keeps call logs going back forever to sell to advertisers

no u


Truth is finally out, people are woke af

Forced chastity is one of my fetishes though

Why can't this thread just 404?


Hasn't he always been an asshole?
This isn't really surprising.

>Innocent until proven guilty, right
you are not in a fucking court so it has nothing to do with this

jesse should sue them tbqh

Not if we have anything to say about this. I suggest we learn genetics, so that way we can spontaneously birth our own offspring. Doing so will render all females obsolete, as their only purpose is to sustain the human race for as long as possible. What say you, comrade? Shall we initiate this?

i would really like to see how he proves that all of them are lying

>Doing so will render all females obsolete, as their only purpose is to sustain the human race for as long as possible. What say you, comrade? Shall we initiate this?
sounds boring. i like women just not batshit ones who have mental issues and attract evil ppl like jesse.

>all of a sudden
they always were

me too. which is why he should sue and prove his innocence

I guess this is how they got their band name?

Not funny.

Because Sup Forums is failed chad land in 2017.

Quick right now name one person who has gotten fame/money from accusing a celebrity of sexual misconduct. Even if they do get money from some court settlement, what reason would they have for accusing someone who they once admired of taking advantage. Why would they just wake up one day and be like "hm what's a quick and easy way to make money? oh I know I'll accuse the singer of this emo band with a cult following of statutory rape. maybe the 5000 or so dollars I get will be worth the slew of death threats I get from his fans"

Being a fan aside, until she offers up some proof, I don't believe shit. She literally says in the quote that she has proof. If she's not comfortable looking herself, she can submit that computer to the police and let them search it.

If yoy look into the Conor Oberst accusations the girl retracted them cause she turned out to be crazy and/or obsessed with him, shit like this happens. I love brand new, but im not sure about this one, honestly if she wanted more people to beleive her why not post screenshots of the chat? I don't know, seems like part of a with hunt a little, a facebook post is enough to utterly destory someoned career. Its not like when xxxtentacion beat the fuck out of his girl, there was court testimony and evidence. Facebook post might not hold up in a court of law

Yeah but disbelief shouldn't be the first reaction in every one of these cases. Just because there isn't a lot of proof doesn't mean the trauma that they felt wasn't real. I know quite a few girls who were sexually abused and they have no substantial proof but it still happened. Women speak out to show the prevalence of sexual abuse and to encourage others to do so. I just think it's kind of dumb to be so vehement about all these cases when there's really no reason that women would make this kind of thing up

its not just one person
its like 10 or more didderent people

If this is your first ride on the my-hero-might-be-a-piece-of-shit train known as Rock n Roll fandom, welcome aboard. There's plenty of room alongside the Beatles, Bowie, Zep, Velvet Underground and Beefheart fans. Make yourself comfortable.

>Yeah but disbelief shouldn't be the first reaction in every one of these cases

What should be?

Until both sides have given their statements and the evidence is on the table none of it fucking matters, so assuming one way or the other does nothing to help the situation.

actually it's really funny

"It would be irrational to do x, therefore no one would ever do x" is literally the dumbest fucking argument.


Eh I mean could be. Sometimes there isn't evidence and it did happen. But no one really knows we weren't there. Also some people are shit and lie, it happens sometimes, this might not be the case but I'm not ruling it out.

People like you need civics lessons

and i thought hollywood was the only industry tumbling down.

You’re right. Witch hunts it is!!!! /s.

You’re retarded

*tips tophat and offers some mountain dew to you*
Thanks for your advice, my kind friend!

because that's what gets girls. Go on craigslist or tinder right now and write that you are depressed and see the responses you get

I would really like to see how they prove they aren't


It's always 15, yet no one wants to address the real issue here

There is going to be a global sea change regarding age of consent laws after this, mark my words. The disparity between biological sexual maturation and the bizarre societal hangups and hysteria must be addressed. Within the next quarter century it will be legal to fuck anyone over the age of 12, cap this post

I'm a guy who was molested as a child by an older woman, hell my earliest memories are of being abused, it continued until I was 11 and "too old" for her. I was later raped by a girlfriend who I'd confided all of that in and she used it to shame me into sex I never wanted and way before I actually felt ready, and eventually even drugged me too. I never brought any of it up for another decade after that because it's such a deep, painful, identity wrecking thing and if they had been celebrities or beloved public figures it probably would have fucked me up even worse.

That said I don't believe or disbelieve any allegation, not Cosby, or Louis CK, Lacey, Weinstein, et al. I think for me personally I don't disbelieve it's all (probably) true, but I don't believe wholesale without proof. That's because it is easy to ruin someone's life. with false allegations. Take Brian Banks for example, I've followed his story since it came out he was innocent and even donated to his documentary kickstarter back in the day. I think it's important to approach a scenario in real life with people you know personally with support and belief, but a public case not so much. I've had a female friend who was raped by her boyfriend and I believed her completely because I knew her for years and knew what kind of person she is, and that she was not the type to lie. For personal lives, belief is important. I couldn't speak up about my own experiences because I was never believed by so many for so long.

But with public figures, there's no personal connection to either party and I don't take a side. I wouldn't be surprised given the power dynamics and lifestyle being a celebrity opens up, but it's wrong to jump to conclusions either way. There are too many unknowns. I think the sheer number of allegations lends strong credence because of safety in numbers but I refuse to believe fully one side or the other until a conviction or acquittal. I hope every real sex abuser goes down though.

>Quick right now name one person who has gotten fame/money from accusing a celebrity of sexual misconduct
Probably technically speaking (and only in the short term), Larkin Grimm, and even if that were the case it's obviously just with niche music circlejerks across the internet more than anything else


lmao how out of touch can one man be

>he doesn't use craigslist to score chix

they wont have to
libel is really hard to prove

Soooo if they wont have to prove anything why does he?

you wont get young girls on craigslist but you'll get milfs. True strory

The thing is, there is a natural attraction, in males at least, to people who are considered underage. I mean, I'm not attracted to underage girls anymore, at this point I'm not even attracted to girls much younger than me who are over 18, but I get the appeal because girls are physically mature and therefore attractive before age 18. You can argue that they're not mature mentally but I'd say most 18 year olds are. Hell, I know a lot of immature people who are in their late 20's. There are mature and immature people of all ages, mental maturity is completely case-by-case and usually doesn't even reach the ideal level by age 18 anyway. Point is, I think the age of consent should either be lowered to the point of physical maturity, or raised to the point of mental maturity. What should perhaps be done instead is an honest sexual education about the emotional ramifications of sexual and romantic relationships, because the cause of much sexual delinquency (for lack of a better word), I'm guessing, is early-life sexual activity.

>I'd say most 18 year olds are
Meant to say aren't (mentally mature)

The age of consent is literally a social construct, and it varies around the world. It used to be if you were old enough to bear children you were an adult.

honestly wouldn't surprise me. he's a huge beta whose made a career out of writing songs about how much women have wronged him. not that they aren't good songs, it's just he's clearly always had issues with women. sherri dupree turned down his marriage proposal and he went totally apeshit.

found the retarded ancap

found the assumption spewing retard

Not one part of that was false or had any bearing on the political views of the person saying it

>Girl fights her way into his trailer
>"how old are you?"
>"I'm 18 I just look young"
>have sex
>3 years later
>"yeah, I was just high on MDMA and he took advantage of me."

t. Manchild

Monicq Lewinski

Part of me is davastated by this accusation because I love Brand New. But it wouldn't surprise me if she was being truthful, because his lyrics kind of paint him as a creep. Up until now I thought it was just a storytelling tool but now I'm thinking it's an accurate representation of him as a person.

I just wonder what he'll say in response.

Holy shit I can't believe this shit works on people.
ahahahahaha pull your head out you goober.

What do you expect from namefags

anyone who gets represented by Gloria Allred/Lisa Galore

dumb thot is lying just wants $$$

>not having him filtered
He shits up every one if these threads for weeks now, I've never seen him discussing music, just drama shit

Sure. Meanwhile you are posting in this thread too.

>immediately dismissing accusations
You're as stupid as people who believe her unquestioningly

has anyone seen the supposed screenshots of him jerking it on ichat? I cannot find

>He knew what he was doing was sh*tty so he wouldn’t touch me until I was 19.

What a piece of shit, he waited until she was well and truly legal before fucking her, get the pitchforks boys!

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Where, exactly, do you think all the self-loathing in his lyrics came from? Big fan here too, I ain't surprised.

Their ass. I keep seeing people making the claim of "dozens" of victims yet nobody seems to have any basis to their claims.

found the cuck

fuck off to reddit kid

we live in the age of twitter, people lie and post shit they don't actually believe all the time on social media to get followers/likes/retweets and get their precious blue checkmark

The Isaac Brock and Conor Oberst accusers admitted to lying. While Larkin Grimm never confessed to doing the same it was pretty fucking obvious she was purposefully remembering her time with Gira to make him seem like a rapist. Makes the claim right before a new Swans album drops (at a time when such claims weren't trendy to make like they are now), then immediately releases her own "woman empowerment" song followed by a new album not too long after. Total publicity stunt, and everyone who didn't work for a music publication saw through it.


I guess he shoulda died young and saved himself.

It's hard to be the better man.
When you forget you're trying.
It's hard to be the better man.
When you're still lying.

oh shit