So Sup Forums there is this new video Google posted about "equality". You can't comment on it, but there is one thing you can do. You can dislike it. So I'm calling for you to mass dislike this garbage. >inb4 not your personal army fuck this gender agenda, they try to destroy our true identity with that crap. they only encourage homo sexuality and gender equality because it boosts their reputation and sales.
I’m in gonna start making fake accounts. If other anons are helping bump the thread If the thread gets deleted havw this thread saved and copied ao you can repost it. Fuck the mods, fuck the liberals and fuck google If you’re a mod and ou are reading this message right now you can gargle my balls faggot.
Benjamin Myers
Yes!! this is the kind of people we need for our society to better. REVOLUTION!!
Evan Sullivan
this sir has spoken teh truth gentlemen, take action!
Carter Phillips
Weak ass motherfuckers need a 'cultural identity. Form your own, you dependent fuckbags.
Jacob Torres
On it chief
Connor Butler
omg whats going on with the world. why so much brainwash? fuck gender. nobody cares except psycopath government