Real cuck with a big cock. Can we have a real bread about this. Have pics

Real cuck with a big cock. Can we have a real bread about this. Have pics

Muh wife

Show off your balls.

Muh balls

Really trying to have a good discussion about why you guys like/don't like swinging/cucking and share some pics of my wife

Awh, someone's a good boy~ You can lick my ass while I finish in your wife.


No can do actua-faggot. I don't get into the action. My wife does though when we have threesomes with other chicks

unless we see a pic of that dick being hard, we can't tell if it's really big


Here ya go

boi that's a lamer, who u fooling kiddo

very average size dude, big is something else

Not triggered. Guaranteed bigger than your cock . Also get way more pussy and always will.

if that makes you feel any better about having that embarrassment, sure you do kid you can have more sex than any other human on earth, thumbs up for you


I know seven is not huge, but it's bigger than the average 5.5 the national studies indicate. Either way it's all in how you use it and your confidence levels.

she's a fat cunt

That's either a trap penis or should be. Either way congrats Sup Forumsro

Thanks virgin


Say what you will faggotees