I dont't understand feminism

I dont't understand feminism.
Whats the point of that?
Its not like woman are a minority. If i had to guess i would say in average 50% of all human are female. So there is no reason for a woman quota or something. Crying for equality means by that that you think woman cant achieve equality themselfe and ask the male half of human to help them. there would be no reason to make loud womanmarches or some shit like that cause if 50% of the ppl try to achieve a goal... it is allready achieved. by trying to convince ppl to feminism you indeed show, that woman aren capable of dealing with all parts of live themselves and if woman cant and we all now that all parts of live are still running as normal we all have to admit thats its the man who keeps the world running and woman dont beeing held away but arent ready for it yet.

in conclusion we could say that feminism itself is antifeministic for the will to depend on mens actions bringing equality...get over it woman and work for achieving gols not wait till man solved it... on this way you will never be equal.

By saying that i am no one who thinks inquality is good, but i am the only one i have met so far who is a real feminist by saying: do it yourself and stop bothering me with that you are as capebla as man so do it alone!

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i dont understand troll threads why post all those words if nobody with a brain gives a shit

negroid mudslime spotted in first sentence

lol proud greman to be honest but a got to admit i fail at orthographie and grammar

this wasnt meant to be a troll thread but i have never met someone with my opinion irl so ithough maybe i am totally wrong and Sup Forums is never shy to hit ppl with truth. or i might me right than there would be someone who admit. but i forgot that there are so many ppl around dont care for actual thoughts and just here calling others threads trolls. but beeing mature means accepting aven the most retarded opinions as they are as long as they dont harm you. and you really cant harm anyone :)

>nobody with a brain

>with a brain


>with a brain


>a brain

OP, you sound seriously autistic and lost from /r9k/ or an incel community. Good luck finding your way home.

i have never been to different board mate. its just something that keeps stuck in my mind for days now. and no. surly i am pro equality but i dont like the way its tried to be achieved. i know that we need more equality in much different sections of life and maybe my post was a litte polemic but it got true parts. lets start at political parties: why not form an own political partie with wants equality first and now there is the important point: VOTE IT (need more than 2 parties so i am sorry amerifags) its starts with you all the time. and there wont change a shit if you dont change it.
just to defense myself: i got an as high opinion on woman than i have on man at this subjekts and i respect woman so i have never done shit like you might think. just tried starting a discussion but its might be impossible with ppl like you lurking around.

>proud greman

There is no point. They don't know what they want actually. They want to be treated like princesses, but want to be taken seriously. They want to be aggressive like man, but then pull the, "You never hit a woman" crap when someone punches them for crossing the line.
They want equality, but want more than what a man is entitled to.

yeah becuase germany is the same like 1933-1945. all the same... so that means if you are proud beeing a 25y/o german cause germany has developed from the most hated country and beeing the enemy of most the world to one of the 6 most importand countreys in just ~70 years you are basicly a nazi. this is why noone gives a shit about your opinion. no argumentativ skills.

Found the feminist!

Don't go all blitzkrieg on me.

Settle down.

no offend ;) nazis are always funny and in fact i rarely take part on discussions here so maybe i am a little bit nervous... its like walking over the ostfront.


>proud greman

Eine Schande bist du. Töte dich!

let me break it down for you , OP:

Anti-feminists generally believe that society is fair, and that both genders have an equally likely opportunity to succeed. They generally believe that NO changes or amendments should be made to society because they think it's fair enough already.

Feminists generally believe that society favors men, and that women DO NOT have the same opportunities to succeed as men.They believe that changes and amendments MUST be made to society to level the playing field for women.

Privilege Theory holds that privilege is invisible to you if you have it. This is why many men will agree more with anti feminists and belive the first statement is correct.

She would rather have sex with a horse than with a disrespectful and suppressing man.

Me too, she ain't special

Like there aren't a thousand women that look exactly like that.

Great point, except for all of the facts you leave out such as there is no wage gap and things like that.

men make more money than women, whites make more money than hispanics, hispanics make more money than blacks. Black women make less than anyone.

And don't tell me that it's because certain groups work harder than others.

Everyone thinks they work hard. some just aren't rewarded financially for it.
I know it's a bitter pill to swallow, but society is largely racist and sexist. Let's start there.

>but muh privilage

No, women just tend to take other paths than men with it comes down to it. It's just the difference in genders. Feminism is just a fucked up way to forcefully get power.

Feminism is just a silly excuse for women to being a fully open whores.

Lol, there is a wage gap, you're supposed to talk about how the gap is because of the choices women make in their employment, not just deny it. come on, i'm as onboard with putting women back in their place as you are, but you gotta stick to real arguments.

>men make more money than women,

Men are more likely to work OT while women will turn it down because they have to get their children from day-care.
Men don't leave the work-force for years on end when they have children, thus reducing their skills and ability to move up the ladder.
Few women choose to work in the same, dangerous fields as men do, including construction, first responders, etc.

>And don't tell me that it's because certain groups work harder than others.

And yet that is the truth. Hard to expect a black woman who has 5 children, the first which she had when she was 15, to be able to work much.

>Not everyone works hard, and the ones who don't expect to be paid like the ones who actually do.


Nobody is bothering you snowflake.


There is no wage gap. It doesn't exist when comparing apples to apples, therefore there is no wage gap.

Sad that women are charting a path to dominance by outsmarting the masses? Just fight back with strength, remind them we can rape them, nicely, everytime they are alone with a man, because we can literally force them.

>And don't tell me that it's because certain groups work harder than others.

But its true. Just go outside and watch the world, you'll notice how big of a difference there is between ethnic groups.

>society is largely racist and sexist.

Not really. Give me some examples of how it is.

And see how much mote convincing it sounds when you say:

the only reason there's a wage gap is that women choose jobs that don't have hazard pay.

there is innate sexism in how we pay the genders. There is. Garbage men(mostly male) get paid more per hour than daycare workers (mostly female). Female labor just isn't valued.

Unironically thinks this but doesn't see where feminists are coming from...

Christ I hate this pic. I hope those whores were raped and then killed brutally by nogs

If you think there's differences in how ethnic groups work, then society should be racist.

What the fuck? A path to dominate? They are qouted into fields based on their genders, sure there are alot of smart women, but a fuckton is given positions only based on their gender.

>we can rape them

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

if you are blind to your own privlidge i could see how it might look that way.

Sanitation jobs are open to men and women, same as daycare jobs. Are you saying there's a difference in which of those two jobs men and women freely choose to do?

I always forget to dumb it down for people like you. Sorry.

men have babies too.

No, i get it. just like us women want dominance. I'm just not going to be talked into handing it over. you guys can fight for it just like men did.

>nice quads

It's not racists, it's just facts. Go outside and see for yourself.

How many of those women work with sewage when it is 100 degrees outside? How many are outside for 8+ hours every day when it there is sleet coming down?


To put it another way, in Russia, being a medical professional is considered women's work and is less valued than teaching, a man's profession. The work that women choose ends up being devalued regardless of what it is. Another example would be when coding was a woman dominated field it wasn't respected work or work that payed well.

you have to dumb it down for women if you want to convince them the wage gap exists only because they choose easy jobs

And those men who stay at home find that they miss out on opportunities at work as well.

Therefore, there is no wage gap.

facts can be racist, your idiocy is think racism is bad


Great arguments.

Tell me, in what way does it hinder a women to get into STEM? In what way does it hinder a women to become a politician?

If you're threatened by woman asking for equality you're a loser.

Or, I can let them go ape shit and then slam them for their stupidity.


The feminist movement will eventually die out and gender roles will resume their natural order. And both women and men will welcome it. How long from now? I have no clue but no creatures in their own lifetime can permanently escape the limitations of their own chemistry, biology and instinct.

if 90% of sanitation workers were female the wages for that job would probably go down.

Don't believe me?

teaching used to be a mostly male profession, and adjusted for inflation it paid around 60k a year. Once it became known as a female job, wages stagnated. Most teachers these days are female and make under 30k a year.

I maintain, female labor is not valued.

>facts can be racists

That's what your going with? The truth is racist? Good god that is the stupidest thing I've ever read.



or that Russian ideals are not our own.

coding was only dominated by women when the hard work of physical engineering was done by men, who then automated that field and moved on to optimizing software from the primitive bullshit women had been doing it at.

No. Facts are just facts. What you do with the facts can be racist. But facts are only facts.

You also got anti-feminism wrong. I don't think society is completely fair yet, but I think new laws are probably overkill and that feminism is cancerous. Feminism is literally the worst thing to happen to women since rape

They have equality. Feminists want more.


>if 90% of sanitation workers were female the wages for that job would probably go down
because production would go down


no they don't. they rely on the free labor of women so they can work.

I maintain, female labor is not valued.

The natural order is to always adapt. The stronger societies in the world have a strong woman presence. Weak societies cling to the past.

Verbal smackdowns are stupid. and you are an idiot if you think they even make women feel bad. get with the program to fix shit and put women back in their place, masturbate to your awesome verbal smackdowns later

>I maintain, female labor is not valued.

Then why isn't 95% of the work force female? If a company can save money by hiring only women because they can pay them less, then they'll hire only women.

You don't realize how much you've failed here.

No. It's because demand. When we had a MUCH larger workforce going into teaching (care-giving fields in general) is equal to the amount of resources that is available a company. That will always lower prices (paychecks).

Just look at math-teachers here in Sweden, we're in a BIG need of more and paychecks are going through the roof.

idiocy. teaching used to be a rarified skill many didn't work at. so wages were high. now any retard who doesn't want to work during the summer grabs a teaching cert, so of course it pays shit

>my. first time... when see a glitch

You can throw in the pill with that. Instead of a woman being careful and not allowing a man to use her for sex, she can now be "carefree" to have sex with whoever she wants - and deal with the STD's, unplanned pregnancies, being a single mom, making less money, etc.

More accurately you're a little bitch that would be on the chipping block if women gain any more power.

You maintain wrong. It isn't "free" labor when the man still has to feed the woman, buy her clothes, provide her a home.

Seriously. Stop while you are behind.

free labor? they get half his paycheck at least.

Excuse me. You dropped your balls back there.

Then anti-feminists aren't anti-feminist enough.

Real men fuck women. Pussies cry about them.

>watch this comeback, guys!

Not really.

Hello, oy vay?

Women are not adapting, they are fighting their own biology. If we weren't so fucking overpopulated I'd say the existence of this feminism bullshit is a threat to reproduction and thus a threat to humanity too. That's not the case right now, but it may be in the future. If the shit ever hit the fan men will enslave women as necessary. The only thing women presently have on their side is civilization, law and order for protection. Without civilization they'd all be disposable fuckpuppets, as nature intended. Never forget that civilization will not last forever.

fact: black people have more melanin in their skin that white people. Also racist as it portrays all black people as a monolithic group without individual variation accounted for.

Not really a mystery.

Feminism is a great example of something that started as a tool for equality and was eventually perverted into a tool for oppression.

There are many such examples throughout history.

Already converted an egg into a sperm and fertilized another egg. we will go on without men in general.


First sentence is correct. After that the rest is all on you.

Civilization is strength, your cave man utopia is weakness.

With what female army? With what female government? With what female power structure? With what female ... anything? Besides a bunch of whining? The cultural backlash is a decade away, the generational pendulum is always swinging. (You) may be a lost cause but your daughters will know their place and give their daddy's some sugar.

Because feminism has move beyond it's piratical nature that it once embodied, now that social media has been infused with it everyone perceived slight and setback that life throws at all of these it taken as a personal offense and is viewed as some larger over arching system controlled by some Illuminati-esque boys club to keep women down. It's move from facts to feelings, and it's not long a movement but a popularity contest mixed with a victim Olympics.

More females than males actually, user.

In either case most western women have the rights their ancestors fought for, voting, owning land, etc.

The problem is now with the rise of media and ease of accessing "good infornation", publishers let any stupid cunt write for them and as such, toxic feminism is installed.

It's essentially the "female" version of Men Gone Their Own Way.

Basically neither can function in a society where (class issues aside), you can for the most part, get at least a middle class (say upwards of 50k a year) lifestyle in a city with some education and hard work.

Now yes, night college might be a thing. You might be tiling away for a few years but hey it's possible.

Or, just or, as a woman we can bitch "teh men" and as men we can bitch "teh women" and call it a day

>and give their daddy's some sugar
I think I just became a feminist

> hmm, what happens if suddenly 50% of our population can enter the workforce?
> hmm, what happens to the price if suddenly theres a much larger supply of willing labour?
> hmm, what happens to wages when people compete for jobs, and some are prepared to work for less?

Should have taken economics instead of lesbian dance therapy.

Everyone has their problems, but it's all about women. The notion of equal stems from the tenancy to fathom oneself as good. It's women being selfish, but selfish is an ugly sword, so they use the euphemism of equal.

What feminism is is female nature in action. Selfish. When the desire is for male approval, women aren't in a position to make unfair demands. Male scarcity caused by war is the main reason women compete for male approval. But when males don't die off, women have more options, and men start competing for female approval. This includes succumbing to womens' selfish demands.

>what happens to wages when people compete for jobs, and some are prepared to work for less?

That is what gets me about blacks supporting dems. The dems LOVE illegals - the ones who are willing to work for so little that blacks are out of a job.
Of course, to keep the blacks voting for them the dems just give them more 'assistance', which means less incentive to try to work more and get ahead.

>Downvotes Googles Propaganda
>Frees Kekistan

Video link: youtu.be/lkfpqGWzHCE

Feminism is an idea of being the victim. With that you take away personal responsibility for your life. This can be done in all aspects from your salary (because you chose a less paying profession) to false rape charges (because i regret it) to male feminists using the movement to excuse their own shitty behavior instead of acknowledging themselves for who they are. And to be honest it is a very tempting ideology just like any other extreme ideology. The only issue is with a good ideology standing behind the modern feminism they can defend themselves much better and gain much more support.

This is actually true, women can fight all they want, this shit is so deep and ingrained in our brains you'll always just be 3 holes and tits before we see anything else and that's just the way it is, it won't change. Fight all you want, you're still going home and getting throat fucked by your boyfriend.

>Feminism is an idea of being the victim. With that you take away personal responsibility for your life.

Isn't that pretty much true for all movements on the left? BLM protests against police for killing black thugs. OWS wants to shut down Wall St, but also demands free college and good jobs when they graduate.