Research flat earth

Research flat earth


Fucking queers

plebs, the lot of you.

Nothing is complex for me. I figured out flat earth when everyone on the planet was either bought into the lie or supporting it. I am a borderline genius as tested at 10 years old I am sure the number would be much higher now since I have increased my intelligence over the years. I am right you are wrong, it really is as simple as that. The DEVIL is in the details. When the answer is simple GOD is answering. If there are complex things other than biological life systems such as financial systems they have been made purposely so as it really is simple money in money out. All the financial wizards are merely obfuscating the truth with "complex" systems which are really just stealing layered with complexity. There is no reason for the 70 page document on a home mortgage as it should read you owe 250,000 in 30 years with 250,000 divided by 30, but no since you are being stolen from in "interest" and other bank before buyer practices, it must be filled with legalese to explain in very complex terms that you are getting fucked. This is in every facet of our society. Shit is everywhere, it may take centuries to have heaven on earth but I will do everything in my power to clean the shit out of this place. You have presented 0 facts. Sure. Satellites do not exist or we would have millions of earth "selfies" by now. Moon missions have been thoroughly debunked with EXTREMELY weird antics from ALL astronauts in the Astronaut documentary which included a physical assault from Buzz. No one in their right mind physically attacks someone who is wrong they only do it if the person is right and the person deceiving is found out. The deletion of all moon missions from NASA. Flight paths are always curved and do not match the sphere but do match flat earth map. The pear shaped-ness of earth refers not to photo evidence but to indicate that there is much more land below the equator. 75,000 mile circumference. There is no gravity between objects only a downward pull to earth.

yo8u guys are all retarded
your trying to negate the idea of 3d world
by being abunch of fucking rtetards and a lot of other ideas which is why we know we are A) not a fuckign dream like all of 2d is and REAL and b) your just fucking retarded man

Argue against timecube. you cant make one logical point against it, so how can you amke up the whole fuckign world is 2d and not 3d.

thats how real timecube is. go back to your quantum bullshit sinc eyou think your so much smarter.. then explain how you dont even understand it, but still spew it. do yo8u also think that all of science isnt real? that hasnt been something that has ever been denied so go on.

go kys

explain cell phones

Yea, right. Okay....

>earth is round

"yeah right i don't buy it no way all of the proof is bullshit even though it's been documented for centuries"

>earth is flat

"oooh an edgy subversive viewpoint it must be right i need nothing else but a few memes to sway me"

God I wish that was me

Pasta primavera



kek halo

just what i thought. no logical arguments against flat earth theory. fucking win again. i swear you fags lose time after time.


i didn't see any logical arguments FOR flat earth theory. try again

The map can be debunked with a compass and looking at the suns direction, the map doesnt line up with what you are seeing

they dont want to argue they want something, stupid, to argue against, that way so they can win. or claim so.

they wont debate any logical shit againmst why the wworld is a 3d fucking place and so the earth and sun are also fucking 3 dimenional
and to even fathom a flat earth, the world would need to be in 2 dimensions. not flat earth

how stupid is flat earth? theyre real gist is attempting to clainm the world is in 2 dimensions

thats fuckign it man, thats all. its a stupid arguement against everything yo8u see

its like they dont even see their monitor in fron tof them. they have no reason to be on this baord. its like saying guys orange is really green because it contains green. so there is no orangeand by watching the stars

Have you ever looked at a map ? Of course the world is in 2D !

To claim there is a 3D dimension would mean there is some kind of relief, somewhere. Now, look at the EEG of any flat-earth supporter. Flat.

I do not think that's a coincidence...

I did, it only got more round.


3rd dimension debunks your shit
flat earth or 2d world as your attempting to subvert science and physics is real you stupid fuck