Donald wants European Immigrants but he forgets that they live better then we do In America and they have there own...

Donald wants European Immigrants but he forgets that they live better then we do In America and they have there own issues with immigrants .Only fat smelly beaners want to come Here because there country is worse.

Face it. America will never be great like it once was.

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common sense

Pretty much everyone here thinks you suck

k no. and a lot of the countries beating us are quickly going to be losing to us because of the high amount of Arabs entering their countries.

>Americans will never let me in
Why do you hate me american anons?

Why can't stupid mexicans just improve their country rather than ruin ours?

88 IQ on average.

That implies that you won`t go down much quicker. At least we still have more than 50% whites in the age group 0-5 years.


not to mention that we have the world's strongest economy. If we get someone competent in charge like Trump for instance we can become great again.

If that lets you sleep well at night. Dosn`t really make a difference when

Sure, the rich are doing great in the US. Dosn`t mean that it makes much of a difference for anyone else.

Most Mexicans are Catholic so are untermensch who won't try to overthrow our government. Arabs on the other hand want to burn Germany to the ground and turn it into a Muslim country. Islam means submission. Never forget it.

If we deport all the illegals and stop shipping off all our jobs overseas workers will be able to negotiate higher wages.

Source for europe having higher Standard of living?

Common sense pretty much.

I Enjoy superb University education and pretty much get paid for it.
Free healthcare til i get 25 or 27 (23 atm), after that 80€ for Students or paid by my employer. (for flaming Germans: verbeamtung)

Feels bretty gud

you can't just reply to the first comment and ignore the rest of the conversation.

That implies that the muslim population in germany will grow much more. Recent political trends don`t support that notion, while the trends in the US are already pretty much set in stone.

And what exactly makes you think that? The 15 $ minimum wage lead to exactly one think, more automation.

>they live better then we do In America

Where did Don say he wanted European immigrants?

He just did

Which agency? Want to go the finance authority

I'm sure they do. Enjoy your caliphate!

We immigrate europeans on a constant basis in fact we immigrate everyone on a constant basis stop being such a pussy yourself hating autistic fucking retard

Again, you shouldn`t talk when less than 50% of americans 0-5 years old are white.

You think the globalists are just going to stop trying to get cheap Arab workers into your country? Arabs commit way more crime than Mexicans are they're even dumber. And automation only applies to simple jobs. Factory workers have increased their output significantly over the last 30 years but their wages have gone down. That's because of globalisation.

call the police bro

Source for Don saying he wants white european immigrants?

I'll believe it when I see it. Get rid of all your current politicians, then maybe this could be true. I'm not seeing it happen though.

You know, the job situation in germany is different from the one in the US. There isn`t much demand in the low wage sector here. That move was driven by politics, not economy.

>I`ll believe it when I see it
And why should I give a single fuck about what you believe? I for one would be more worried about your own election than about mine. Because if either Hillary or Sanders is elected, you will be more fucked than we could ever be, and right now the odds are 50/50.

it's about putting downward pressure on wages so that corporations will be able to pay their workers next to nothing. It's not to "get people to work jobs that no one wants to do". That's a bold faced lie.

Sad, but true.

I wonder if he would let whites from shitholes like South Africa or small towns here in Brazil to migrate and start at absolute ZERO working at shit jobs or some simple trades to build up from that or he's only talking about brainwashed uni faggots that want Harvard degrees.

I think he wants to make America white again. We can't know that for sure but I'm hoping that he's pro white.