Waifu thread

waifu thread

eat my baguette




OK! -eats bread-
What?! Me no do any teasing

ah nothing much almost done with my NG++ of ds3
that it is friendo so I will be drinking before you
That dose sound pretty interesting tbh any big crashes

the thread of the niggroes

The post of the nagger.

Fagguettes please

the niggro of the threads



Or drink FOR ME and i shall be drinkIng with you in spirit
Cocky lil fella eh?

Oh. That's understandable I suppose. If someone likes an album solely because it's Japanese you could always just ask someone else. If I were you though I'd just listen to [x album] and not pay attention to any reviews or whatever, but that's just me.
Why not?


Lolmao guys look at how gay I am with my female waifu and my trip is literally the name of my old female waifu lolmao

Claiming best girl.


What weapon?

i really really like this post


I don't listen to reviews, I just look at people charts on Sup Forums and listen to the albums at the top of other peoples charts who seem to have similar taste to me, usually when a person has Japanese albums on their chart there is a lot of them so I feel like the person is just trying to fit into some Japanese aesthetic and I immediately disregard people's taste in music if I think they are being dishonest.
Anime just doesn't interest me


Thanks Lori

i like your trips

I will drink enough for both of us
I have a few
chaos zweihander
dark claymore
chaos dagger
demon scar

ti loup


i really like when people shittalk people i can't shittalk because im scared




that's a good one

I like her hair.

Yunyun-chan needs some love after all the bullying.
I will protect her smile.

was going to go with ti awoo but i changed my mind

And i too, i like to drink till I essentially pass out
A cute
Yep perfect length and just the right mount of frizzle


wouldn't have sounded as good
a you.
Still not gonna watch.


Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

Birb back, had to go do a couple of things. Playing Osu rn

there was also ti chien but that's insulting


evening everyone



Hey ana =u=
Wb from the erp

Yeah. Sounds weird in public.

>double dubs wtf


hi birb

don't normally go that far just like to get merry

Cute smile.

Had to pick up paycheck and stuff in town.
How are you?

Yunyun is still inferior though.
Not much. At work, on to bagel making.

cities are a crazy place

double double-dubs

You went to Montreal?

Eh guess your not drinking for the both of us then lol jk
Sounds “fun” lol

a couple of times, strange crowd


Other than calling you a twat when you started acting the way you are, literally all I said was to shit talk to their face. If you're talking about something else then I don't know what you're referring to.

I think I've seen a few charts where the majority of it is Jap shit and that seems a little tryhard I guess. I don't think that means you should disregard the entire chart or whatever though.
You didn't even like Mai?

Strange for sure.
I don't miss it.

What kind of chemicals? Also, day has been alright, just have been trying to get 100% on Hall and Oates - Out of Touch
Ritsu is a cute one!

It's alriiight, I didn't do much today. Just studying and video games.
I'd ask you how your day went, but you already said so in your post. Just got done with vidya, so I'm not sure what to do next yet.

i was referencing karen, but sure

i liked it better than Quebec

I'm fine. Bit sleepy, but fine.
Your working conditions sound hazardous, does your job pay good?

hahaha you obviously don't realise how much alcohol I need to get there


It's nicer to visit for sure.
I eat

aladdin is my waifu

glass cleaner/all purpose cleaner and degreaser. i think i am allergic to the degreaser but i am not sure. let me guess you play osu?

you could catch-up on anime.

the chemicals them self's are not hazardous but the place is filthy as all get it out ( this is burger king mind you) . i wish it paid well....

bon appétit

Daggers with the frog leap are nice.

I like some anime but when I try to watch it now I just feel like I could be doing something better with my time, it's the same when I try to play video games but just can't.
It's not like I WILL do anything better with my time though.

Yeah, still trying to get better, I love to play Uso No Hibana on it though

Im a heavy weight too only took me 2 nights to get thru me last bottle o rum

Slightly annoyed cute.

Oh... Don't worry, weekend is coming!
Whatcha doing tonight?

I can usually down quite the bit of whiskey if I am feeling myself that night.

Forgot to put my trip back on after posting as my alter-ego

>not having the one and true waifu

Oh. Well boy is my face red.
my b


Oh well yeah, I guess you're just getting bored of that. I felt the same way last summer when I was basically a neet.

I'll probably watch an episode or two in a bit then


*Pats head*

understandable have a good day

Im in great pain
Yea some nights are more “upbeat” than others for me just depends how i feel that night
Sister love

yeh and there was a glitch found a little bit ago that chaos daggers do extra riposte and back stab damage like I have done 1400 in one hit
ah we have the same rather expensive problem then

i have been trying to get better has well but its kinda hard to. when you play osu on a laptop

true. i might just call in sick tomorrow. if i do i don't have to deal with corporate/ the high ups and it gives time for this shit on my lips to heal up.

i might just catch up on anime or something i haven't decided yet. what about you?

whatcha going to watch ?

Probably Louise's anime, the second season
you know, the pink girl
Hehe, what a warm welcome



I always have a war welcome for you

I started a few years back on trackpad, playing on mouse now.
I have to catch myself sometimes. Anyways,you are just a cute as ever!

Can you just do that? Take a day off?
I'm just watching some tv. Now it's a show about prison escapes.


Well when you only have a few bills its not so “expensive”
A wild cute appears

Thanks, was good.

Back and still alive


what's you get
had enough time to get myself a nergi gem

Zero no Tsukaima?

i need get my self a mouse.... and a computer.

if its a sick day. i usually get sick on the weekend so my boss just tells me to show back up monday around the normal time. if i need more time for some reason i can just give him a doctors note.

i kinda stopped watching t.v. to many ads and to much waiting just for your show to come on

vol-au-vent :o
what's that?


hi sayaya
