Considering joining a married couple for an MMF threesome. What are the downsides, user? AMA
Considering joining a married couple for an MMF threesome. What are the downsides, user? AMA
Parker Davis
Jose Gonzalez
Might be a trap to kill you
Xavier Bell
so, problem is: such couples often think they are fucking sex genious.
truth ist, very often they are not.
they may well end up doing their usual sex manouvers and being a little bit too ignorant about you.
want a good mmf threesome? have a buddy you trust and share a prostetute.
but stay away from married couples.
Jordan Carter
>my greatest fear
Matthew Flores
*) genius, pardon me
Luke Young
>What are the downsides, user?
Nicholas Cooper
Yeah, everybody want to see the dick of a ''budy they trust''.
Jose Rogers
Be careful user
Eli Howard
I've met up with plenty of couples never had an issue just a dude begged to blow me and I wasn't letting it happen
Julian Sullivan
but still true