Philippine president-elect urges public to kill drug dealers

Do you agree, Sup Forums?


Duarte harry is amazing.
Everytime a liberal tells you that iron fist methods don't work, show them crime statistics under his rule.

hey you gotta get your fix somehow

Even the flips have to get one right eventually.

totally, based

Drug money enables far greater crimes. It's not unreasonable to kill a crime spreading element that will only stop if killed.


Authoritarian Catholics...NOT. EVEN. ONCE.

I love this gook.

There's gonna be a shitstorm once some tourist gets killed because they were unknowingly used as a mule.

tfw manlet Philippines are more based than you

With vigilantism? No.

If you do, you have shit for brains.

I love this jungle asian. He called the pope a son of a bitch.

I once had a transexual trainwreck in his (it had a cock) late 20s lecture me that total drug freedom would create a total utopia.

Now he's in his mid 30s, still pre-op, still no job, no life, sits on the internet all day 'educating' people and saying he just needs a few thousand pounds to get his amazing business off the ground. But every red cent he gets goes to his drug habit which he's totally on top of because he 'understands drugs unlike all the sheep'.

>literally just saying fuck it and murdering all the criminals in the country


Good thought..

you have shit for brains.

Pretty neat desu. America could use the occasional ghetto purge

Vigilantes are red pilled. If the police are too useless to get shit done, why listen to their authority?

It's people who have to live with parasites and the crime their poison breeds. Just fucking kill them and be done with it.

If they didn't want to get killed, they shouldn't have fucking sold drugs.

It's that simple.

The world is going to shit. All this racism and hate. Why. We're all one family. Why can't we get along. Rape and murder is never the answer. We have to rehabilitate.

No, if you're going to be a vigilante, kill actual criminals.

Bretty based tbqf familia

I want to vote for Trump more than ever now.

Fucking love this guy.

>tfw you'll never live in The Philippines under based dictator Duterte

I envy the Filipinos right now desu.

Drugs devastate the Philippines.


Drug dealers just get people what they'll eventually find anyway.

But it's nice to know there a place where you can literally be The Punisher.

Youre fucking first in line on the day of the rope bitch


yes, hunt and kill them all

We need some like him here desu. One way or another we have to clean the streets.

Violence is never the answer. We must love. Love is the key to our problems.

>Neighbor mows his lawn too early in the morning
>buy drugs
>kill neighbor and plant drugs in his house
>police come


Exactly. It's like us with China when we said opium destroys empires.

It just devastates everything. Creates misery, poverty and apathy.

Do they even have crime statistics yet? He hasn't been president for very long.

Legalization works better than giving up your freedom because you're afraid someone somewhere is getting high.

It sounds like paradise desu.

Are you retarded? The world is going to shit because of this whiny weakling attitude. All we need, is that government think of it's people first and foremost. Drug dealers are cancer. Get rid of them all. With blunt and brutality.

those stats are questionable at best

because only is the legitimate owner of authority?
because people are not allowed to protect themselves from crime?
because you live in a perfect world where the state is never corrupt?
because insulting people who disagree with you makes you somehow better?
stay in your basement.

Or we can simply allow the law to enforce it like its doing since that applies to literally all crimes that dont directory have a victim.

He was mayor of davao city for years beforehand.

Drug dealers are just people who grew up in unlucky circumstances. We must show them compassion. Hate does not cure hate. We must kill our enemies with kindness.

100% this.


>we need an crazy authoritarian that encourages murder
Por favor montate en una yola y coje pa Haiti.


these faggots frame it as us losing rights and not them attempting to gain more against the established order.

if you are in the position to get drugs without getting killed by your neighbor, it doesn't matter anymore if you can
>buy drugs
>kill neighbor and plant drugs in his house
or not because you already won

But not in your back yard, of course.
There ought to be a law.
For the children.

I would make good use of that law.

So no vigilante death squads?


Lo que tu digas Loizano Fupista.

Thats what I want to happen here

He sounds like a human tapeworm

Maybe not kill them, but definetly call them out and not tolerate them.

>Legalization works better than giving up your freedom

The Philippines is for the most part quite lawless. People are poor, incredibly vulnerable to the weather and have wretched life prospects. There is no freedom in the Philippines for most people, they are scrambling for food.

If you are a crook who can profit from that misery by selling dope, you are effectively a vampire. You take money away from hard working people and their families who are just scraping by as it is. Nobody cares about the morality of intoxication legal or otherwise, it is not relevant in this case.

You will never get rid of drugs in any country. Its impossible.

I can literally get high right now off of several things made from various legal items in my house.

We do that in Northern Ireland. Not so much as we used to. Back in the 70s, the IRA killing drug dealers stopped heroin from taking hold of the country the way it did in other countries. There's no drugdealers within a few miles of my house thanks to them too. Shit works.

>kill the other drug leaders
heres hoping that this president makes the phillipines into a bigger 3rd world shit than it already is

reddit philippines hate this guy

No. If my child were raped I would be upset, but I would try to understand why the person did it and not just kill them. My wife was raped and had her rapists child. It was a rough time in our lives, but we forgave the man who did it. Many years later we now have a great son and his dad is a law abiding citizen.

You've been drinking the jew for far too long.
This is a period for correction.

Stop copying us la

shut the fuck up you pot head faggot

Now the IRA is running drugs. Crazy world, man.

>Who cares about morality, freedom, or justice?
>murder is the better alternative!

>drop the batista bomb on drug dealers
>no more problems
surprising how well it works

Anti-semetism is wrong. The jews have gone through a lot. Please don't make fun of them or their children.

So, totally unrelated topic, isn't it retarded how governments control guns? Like criminals care about those laws, right? They clearly don't work.

No, killing is the only way to send a violent enough message. When did western humanity forget this? When we gave up our empires?

>We do that in Northern Ireland.

No, you don't. You have drug rackets with anti-drug units. Anti-drug as in anti the drugs that other people are selling, PS make sure to buy ours.

I really hope you are trolling. This talk about compassion and being good, is not how you govern a country at all. It's just a way to governors to relate to the powerless masses. Imagine being the emperor of Rome with this faggot talk.

Hunt them all, kill them all. Using the optics of the high moral ground don't get shit done.

Gun control is important. Guns kill people. Our cities are full of innocent deaths due to guns.


Not as much as the huns would have you believe. Certainly not in my area or the areas immediately around it. It's about 45 minutes walk to the nearest drugdealer these days. The UVF are the drug runners. They've teamed up with the Russian mafia to do it. IRA still regularly kneecap drug dealers.

How based is this guy? Why can't we have a leader like him? I salute you, führer Duterte!

>Canadian calling anyone else a pothead
i can tell you're a flip

I'm sorry that your heart is so full of hate. I have nothing but sympathy for you.

>be me philip pine born
>have neighbour enemy
>kill him
>plant drugs on corpse
>i get a medal not jailtime
Ok. Here is how this could have worked out in a non retarded way.
>know a person's a drug dealer
>snitch them out to the popo who arrest him
>after a fair trial he gets judged guilty based on the evidence that he has drug remnants all over his place
>get a medal
>get to be the one to pull the lever of the electric chair on him
>my country maintained its civil appearance

>I don't know what I'm talking about but I heard someone once say that the IRA sell drugs and I need any excuse to insult taigs because NO SURRENDURRRRRRRRRR



It's only you to blame if you choose to be a faggot. Don't push your submissive way to others.

That is my ex colony
Doing good stuff

Eat shit. There's nothing I'd like more than to publicly torture and decapitate criminals.

Organized crime? What a fucking joke. Any suspected crime bosses should be coughing up names through rows of broken teeth.

Mine, too! A little sad we gave them independence but they're doing me proud with Duterte.


Who the fuck cares

This has to be bait. It has to be. If it isn't, you don't need to understand rapists. Rapists aren't complicated. They want sex. They take it by force.

Why does he needs people to do the dirty work corrupt politicians screwed up? Drugs are a problem 99% because the country isn't trying to solve it.

That is how your drug rackets work. The terrorist and organised crime spheres are one and the same in the North and the Republic.

>unknowingly used as a mule
poor mules, they always dindu nuffin

It is not submissive. I was faced with a moment in life where I could have been angry, but I wasn't. I turned the other cheek. I even helped get my sons biological father parole.

>be me philip pine born
>have neighbour enemy
>plant drugs all over his place
>snitch them out to the popo who arrest him
>after a fair trial he gets judged guilty based on the evidence that he has drug remnants all over his place
>get a medal
>get to be the one to pull the lever of the electric chair on him
>my country maintained its civil appearance

On April 17, 2016, Duterte was the subject of controversy after he made remarks about a rape incident during a campaign event about a hostage-taking incident in Davao City which occurred years ago in 1989.[96] A group of 17 Australian missionaries where held captive by inmates in a jail where they were preaching.[97] The incident ended in fatalities with 16 inmates and 5 missionaries dead, including Jaqueline Hamill, 36, who was also raped.[98] Upon seeing Hamill's corpse, Duterte remarked:

"Was I mad because she was raped? Yes, that's one of the reasons. But she really was beautiful. The mayor should have been first."

>snitch them out to the popo who arrest him
You realize the police are one of the first to get a cut from drug profits, right?

Yeah man, wip up a batch of jenkum.

Forgot to put you in my filter

Yes. Crime like this exists because the public at large tolerates it, like a lot of things. Police forces are secondary. Nothing will change until public opinion and action does.