How can you tell if someone is faking back pain?
How can you tell if someone is faking back pain?
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They say they have back pain like a beta bitch.
I just dropped $400 for an MRI. I'm going to be a bit perturbed if she is faking it. She does say it all the time. Normally insurance would cover it, but the doctor said only if they've gone through physical therapy first. I'm 90% sure the doctor will say it's nothing, I'll lose my shit when he does.
Is that food from Brazil?
Nah, just an after workout feast.
use a camera, leave money on the floor, watch how they pick it up
Good plan.
Usually people that complaint about that shit have a poor core. Deadlifts, squats, bench and hang from a pull up Bar like a chimp to decompress. Even if you're female. Get /fit
Scare the fuck out of her, if she instantly clutches her back it's real. If I get spooked it fucking kills from the muscles tensing
So why pay 400 for an MRI if you are just going to ignore the results and answers from a trained professional you utter dingbat.