Hey guys! In honor of International Women's Day, let's all talk about the most inspirational female in our lives!

Hey guys! In honor of International Women's Day, let's all talk about the most inspirational female in our lives!

This is my mommy, her name is Shawn. I like to call her Big Shawn. Get it? Because of the rapper Big Sean _^ hehe

I love her a whole bunch because she does so much for me. One of which was spend thousands of dollars and countless womanhours to successfully remove photos of my pussy from the internet.

Literally a life saver! So tell me Sup Forumsoys, which female inspires you the most?
Can wait for your replies! Toodles.

Margaret Thatcher

my mom is a dentist, I hope one day she inspires both of you to clean you teeth.

My mother is a fucking angel. And you don't deserve yours you degenerate slut.


Good one. I like Melanie Trump

Would your mom approve you of calling another female a slut? Have some class.

Tits of everyones moms or gtfo

I fuck my mom

My mommy and nana! A family tree of beauty and class.