Hey /b what is your relationship status and whats the reason for that status ?

hey /b what is your relationship status and whats the reason for that status ?

Other urls found in this thread:


engaged to be married because the gf just wouldnt quit

Married. Because I wanted to get married.

Single because I moved to a new city for a job.

Single, because haven't found a girl I girl who I'd like to get into a relationship with. Many friends with benefits too right now, which is nice meanwhile.

Single because I'm a douchebag that nobody wants to be with.

Common law. Because I'm stupid and she's lazy.

oh please..... just admit ur ugly af


>sexually abused as child

limits the pool of people I feel I can trust and not really healed enough to start expanding that pool

Nah I'm on the better side of average. I'm just older and bitter.