Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

For the next few hours I'll be telling fortunes, just ask for one and you will receive.

If my assistant joins us, we'll have two kinds of fortunes - Nordic runes and Celtic Ogham. They're very similar styles, it's just a case of preference. Please ask for the type of reading you want, as overlapping readings tend to be a bad idea.

Finally, please try to avoid asking yes or no questions if at all possible. You're much more likely to get an accurate reading if you ask how something will go than if you ask "will this work?"

We'll also be around for a general chat and advice if you'd like it.

i'll have a reading.

and i guess ill stay for a chat.

so how does this reading thing work? do i ask a question and you tell me my fortune or is it just ambiguous

You can ask for a general fortune, or for a specific question to be answered.

As for the chat part, how's your day going?

Someone didn't bribe the mods with tendies today.

ill go with a question, if you would:
will i get a job in the next 2 months?

my day is going alright.
helped a few people today, just not really feeling up to it.
wby? how have you been?

What's all this?! I want Alice.

I'd like a general fortune too please :D

Luis, a feda indicating protection, safety, that you're shielded from harm. In this context, it would mean that you're going to find a stable job in the future, that you'll have some kind of security in your attempts to look for employment.

The fuck is Alice?

I'll ask a question of the fortune-telling foxgirl too.

General fortune would be nice too.

"How will my piloting in the next year go? Will I stay safe?"

Oh, I forgot to answer! I've been pretty good, pretty good. Been running these threads half the time that I haven't been busy these past couple of days.

Beth reversed, signifying stagnation and needing to let go of the past. You'll need to be careful not to get caught up in things in the future, and try to leave your past behind you so that you can get the most out of life.

The foxgirl is this one where I am the wolf. The fox gives nordic fortunes, I give celtic ones. I don't know which you meant, so make your choice.